Mx Female OC Mass Effect RP


Jan 1, 2021
Hello! I am really craving a Mass Effect RP with original characters.
It can be parallel to the main trilogy's story. It can be within the universe but completely separate. It doesn't matter too much to me.

I tend to write 3-5 paragraphs, sometimes less on dialogue heavy scenes, sometimes more if its warranted. I'm not going to hold anyone to a word count and I'm not going to just write a bunch of filler to meet one.

I am open to playing multiple characters and taking on a sort of DM role. I don't mind if my partner does the same or wants to just stick to one.

I don't typically use face claims but I can be flexible on this if you really can't go without. I typically just like to describe them, but as I said I can be flexible on this.

I can play a dom or sub character but I do always prefer to play MxF because its just what does it for me. I've tried a few other things but I'm just not into it.

I do love to incorporate kinks when I can, especially when we share kinks, my f-list is in my signature. In essence its basically most things are fine, but no vore, bathroom, or unhygienic stuff.

You can either message me OOC and we can plan something or you can challenge my creativity and just send me a cold open! I think the latter would be a ton of fun, but I know some people don't like to do that so feel free either way.

Thank you for your time!
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