Mx Female Looking for Partners!


Apr 24, 2022
Hello and welcome to my first request thread! You may call me Aduvren and I am looking for a couple of roleplay partners to indulge me in some fantasy themed 1x1 roleplays. Preferably we would roleplay over conversation, with each reply being two or more paragraphs long. Obviously I am looking to play a male character opposite a female. I don't really care what you are behind the computer screen however and so if you are willing to play a female character then that is fine with me!

I am open to suggestions when it comes to roleplaying but I do have a couple of ideas in mind that I would be more than happy to share. So without further adieu, here are some of those ideas:

Hero/Heroine - This is meant to be a more fluffy fantasy styled roleplay. It revolves around our Hero/Heroine losing their mentor and deciding to venture out on their own. Can additionally be a harem or reverse harem roleplay as well.

Mage x Mercenary - A roleplay where a member of the Mage's Guild hires a Mercenary to accompany them for all sorts of odd jobs and the two become close.

Demon x Priest(ess) - With no other options left available to them, a Priest(ess) unleashes a sealed demon and binds it to them in order to fight off assailants of some kind.

Mage x Classmate - After school, a student who fancies themselves a mage tries to cast a summon spell when a classmate of theirs barges in and messes it up, turning the classmate into a monster familiar.

If any of the above sounded good to you, feel free to drop in my PM's. Until then, I look forward to hearing from you!
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