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Fx Any Seeking Partner for specific craving: Humiliation, forced nudity,prostution, body control


May 27, 2021
Hello World!

In case you were wondering, its based on an amusing covid conspiracy theory I've heard.

My character would an up and coming science student(18+, although maybe not by much). She's young, smart and good looking, but an introvert nerd, always wearing ugly sweaters, glasses she doesn't need and long, baggy trousers instead of skirts, all to hide her beauty and hide from attention. She was doing fine, accomplishing her bachelor of science within only 3 terms, undisturbed by the usual distractions " friends", "party" or "social life" that other students suffered. She had a small circle of likeminded "friends", strangers really, with whom she met once a month for a pen and paper weekend, and she was happy like that. Then Corona came, and her university enforced compulsory vaccination.

She comes home from the jab and immediately to sleep with a high fever. On the second night, she suddenly has a dream about standing up, stripping and looking at herself in the mirror, smiling diabolically, then going to sleep once again. The next morning she awakes naked, but otherwise fine. Except finding a message written with her only lipstick across the mirror.

Its formulated as a quest, like those of her beloved roleplaying sessions: To go shopping for more attractive, more womanly clothes and drop her old stuff into the dump.
Reward for clearing: monetary compensation of the expanses and 10"vacation points", although she has no idea what that means.
Punishment for failure:

And thats where the story starts. Later, she'll discover that she has been injected with nanobots, most likely through the vaccine, and will set out to try and discover who is controlling her, all while being forced into more and more ridiculous "quests" with even more outrageous punishments for failure. Bonus points if the quests revolve around becoming the "goddess" of her pen and paper circle or building a similar private club with her at the center, yet at the same time a plaything of all male members, while in the clubroom, while the punishments revolve around her being controlled into stripping, fucking, or prostituting herself to strangers

Tell me if you are interested! Most details are up for discussion, except for the central aspect of body control (and no mind control!)
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