Mx Female Possibilities…


Apr 5, 2022
He walked away from hypocrite society to live in a rural area. The feminists teaching they’re stupidities made relationships next to impossible for a man.
One day a car drives up the long dirt driveway and the young lady that gets out was his step daughter from years before.
The two have 2 things in common, they feel alone in the world and unlovable from the abuses they lived through.

They’re journey???

2- A friend introduces a 30 year old woman to Chance 45 with salt/pepper hair. She has told Chance that the woman needs to be humiliated and treated/spoken to like a little girl.

They’re journey???

3- A bitch, always creating conflict, arguing, yet wants to be loved and to love, but the rape she lived through has her looking for what she needs.
She meets Brandon, he is knowledgeable having studied abuses for 12 years and human behaviour for 6 just to know himself.
“Live with me for one week, first day we talk, last day you decide if we continue.”
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