Pizza's Super Specific Request: FFXIV-Themed (Under Construction)


Apr 13, 2022
Whale, whale, whale. A fellow Warrior of Light are you? Or maybe a Warrior of Darkness? (you're probably a grey parser anyway, heh...)

Hello and welcome to my super specific Request Thread for a FFXIV-themed story. And when I mean super specific, I do mean so. Firstly, thank you for dropping by even if you're just browsing out of curiosity. If you're really interested in starting something off, then I can't wait to bounce ideas off of you.

But to start us off, let me set up expectations as I know some people... well, have expectations. As much as I'd love to include you in my role playing endeavors, if you absolutely feel uncomfortable at any point during our time together, I will not hold it against you to immediately stop role playing with me. In fact, please do. I do not want to make your time uncomfortable in any shape or form. Life's too short for us to do the stuff we hate, afterall.

With that out of the way, here's some things I should get across too:
  1. Obvious since you're here, but I am an IRL Male
  2. I'm completely fine speaking casually outside of role playing, but I won't give too much personally of myself. Major trust issues do that.
  3. I am not seeking a relationship.
  4. I am not interested in any form of sexual intimacy outside of the website
  5. I work a full time, 8-5 job during the week, and I also normally have a weekend night where I'm working a side job. Please be aware that if you are looking for fast, quick responses, I am a bad partner for that. But, when I am on, I will happily enjoy role playing with you.
Sorry if this sounds all formal and straight-laced, but at least you know what you're getting into. I will begin working on this thread, so please look forward to it!

Current Status of Thread & Request: Under Construction
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