miss bliss
♡ black barbie ♡
- Joined
- Apr 1, 2022
- Location
- drifting away

welcome to my little slice of paradise.
you can call me bliss.

lemme tell you a little bit about myself
i'm twenty-five years old.
my pronouns are she/her and i'm a certified pansexual disaster. ♥
prospective law student & temporary JHS/ES teacher ╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭)
speaking of which, i live in japan for now, so keep in mind the time zone if you're the kinda person to worry about that!
i've been roleplaying for almost 10 years now, which is kinda wild.
my favorite genres to write are fantasy and slice of life.
lastly, i'm a total nerd. anime/manga, gaming, harry potter. all my jams. i love to talk nerd shit, so feel free to chat me up if you're similarly inclined. ♥
basics of play
i'm a multi-para kinda girl; but i tailor my range to match my partner's for the most part.
speaking of range: my replies range anywhere from 300-2000+ words. so i'd prefer a partner who's at least comfortable in the lower end of that range!
we both have lives, so I'd appreciate it if you gave me a week before you sent me a reminder!
i'm a dom-leaning switch. playing brats is my passion~.
i'm comfortable playing as and against characters of all genders and presentations.
i prefer to roleplay in pms, but i'll consider threads! discord's a no go for me because of the character limit.
if you choose to hit me up, i'd generally prefer you come ready to talk about what you're lookin' for! your first message doesn't have to be novel...
however it absolutely does have to be more engaging than ' wanna rp?' if you expect an enthusiastic response.
i tend to prefer drawn/animated references if we use them at all! the idea of snagging random people's images and using them has always been a little off putting to me.
you can find my f-list here, but as a rule i'm pretty fluid with my kinks. none of them have to be included for me to enjoy a roleplay.
my partner's comfort comes first and i'd prefer to roleplay with people who share that philosophy. ♥
if there's something you're super craving to play, i'm always open to double up--meaning we have two roleplays, each tailored to our cravings. it's a win-win for everyone involved that way. ♥
hint: that's often how fandom x oc plays go with me!
keep in mind that for fandom roleplays, any characters under 18 will be aged up and portrayed as 18, at the bare minimum.
lemme tell you a little bit about myself
i'm twenty-five years old.
my pronouns are she/her and i'm a certified pansexual disaster. ♥
prospective law student & temporary JHS/ES teacher ╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭)
speaking of which, i live in japan for now, so keep in mind the time zone if you're the kinda person to worry about that!
i've been roleplaying for almost 10 years now, which is kinda wild.
my favorite genres to write are fantasy and slice of life.
lastly, i'm a total nerd. anime/manga, gaming, harry potter. all my jams. i love to talk nerd shit, so feel free to chat me up if you're similarly inclined. ♥
basics of play
i'm a multi-para kinda girl; but i tailor my range to match my partner's for the most part.
speaking of range: my replies range anywhere from 300-2000+ words. so i'd prefer a partner who's at least comfortable in the lower end of that range!
we both have lives, so I'd appreciate it if you gave me a week before you sent me a reminder!
i'm a dom-leaning switch. playing brats is my passion~.
i'm comfortable playing as and against characters of all genders and presentations.
i prefer to roleplay in pms, but i'll consider threads! discord's a no go for me because of the character limit.
if you choose to hit me up, i'd generally prefer you come ready to talk about what you're lookin' for! your first message doesn't have to be novel...
however it absolutely does have to be more engaging than ' wanna rp?' if you expect an enthusiastic response.
i tend to prefer drawn/animated references if we use them at all! the idea of snagging random people's images and using them has always been a little off putting to me.
you can find my f-list here, but as a rule i'm pretty fluid with my kinks. none of them have to be included for me to enjoy a roleplay.
my partner's comfort comes first and i'd prefer to roleplay with people who share that philosophy. ♥
if there's something you're super craving to play, i'm always open to double up--meaning we have two roleplays, each tailored to our cravings. it's a win-win for everyone involved that way. ♥
hint: that's often how fandom x oc plays go with me!
keep in mind that for fandom roleplays, any characters under 18 will be aged up and portrayed as 18, at the bare minimum.
♥ disclaimers ♥
i'm absolutely capable of writing with proper capitalization and do so in roleplay!the lowercase is an aesthetic thing that i do ooc, so no worries. ♥
as a black woman who writes characters of all races, raceplay sus. absolutely do not hit me up and expect me to write that with you, pretty please.
i'm entirely uninterested in playing with major age gaps. you'd be surprised (or maybe not, lol) by how many requests i get for this kinda thing. no shame in your game--in case my penchant for pretty boys didn't make it clear, i'm just really picky about my men. older men usually just don't do it for me.

this where i'll put anything that's particularly piquing my interest of late!
royalty. sometimes, a girl just wants to write a pretty princess~.
switches. i'm looking for that fun kind of flexibility!
androgyny has always been a particular interest of mine! femboys and tomboys are my biggest weaknesses. ♥
wlw content. gimme gimme. i can never have enough of that gay shit.
i'm always up for a good high-fantasy plot.
cyberpunk. just finished edgerunners and the setting caught my attention!
fluff is on the brain. let's put the blame on my existential dread.
pretty boys. how pretty, you ask? the prettier the better.
vil schoenheit is basically pique pretty to me, if you're curious. ♥
[serial killer x victim, punk, Halloween vibes, deprogramming ex-cultist]
Fire and brimstone. Cataclysmic destruction. A pure, unadulterated apocalypse. These are the consequences of a failed sacrifice. No one knows this better than the lamb. Their position as the sole child chosen by the higher power worshiped by the cult landed them the lofty title of executioner. Their parents had ensured them that their deeds were not just a necessity but sanctioned by those on high. They were a lamb. A sacrifice, whose body and soul suffered beneath the weight of their duty: and so remained pure, despite all the blood they shed.This was what [Muse A] had been raised to believe for their entire life. They had been sheltered from modernity. Technology literature written after a certain point, even interactions with those unaffiliated with their adoptive parent's dark brotherhood. All to ensure that they remained the perfect vessel for their task. Despite a frame hardened by long days of farm work, their agility was nigh superhuman. No normal person could contest them in brute strength either.
Though, the training they had endured since their youth was truly merciless, it was a small price to pay for their...no, the world's salvation. Their yearly journey to the city to dispose of a sinner's soul prevented the very seas from boiling off the earth. Sated the volatile solar deity for long enough to ensure she did not scorch all of humanity from this mortal plane. Yes, their suffering was a small price to pay.
The screams of their victims was proof of their guilt, their parents had taught them. Proof that they feared the retribution that was to come.
So....what were they to do when faced with one who didn't scream at the very sight of them?
[Muse B] had always been a person of...adventurous tastes. Living a proper punk/alt life opened your mind to all sorts of fun possibilities that most normies would turn up their nose at. Perhaps they mistook the hulking figure that bursts into their bedroom while they're drunk/totally toasted for a hook-up they'd planned a little roleplay with for their favorite holiday. Or maybe, with or without the aid of a little liquid courage, they're just freaky enough to jump the bones of a nice slab of meat--irreverent of the ominous machete clasped tightly in hand.
Unaccustomed to affection of any kind, much less of the salacious sort, [Muse A] melts into the sinful display of passion. Somewhere between the first round and the second, deciding that perhaps a taste of something other than pain is worth allowing the world to burn.
Yet, when they awaken the morning after their tryst, the world is still turning. Everything they had been taught since birth has been a lie. All those people they sacrificed, lives given in vain. As their world shatters around them, they're left with nothing to hold on to....except the body that kept them warm last night.
based on some art by an artist i like that i'll drop here~.
who doesn't like their smut with a side of existential crisis? I know i do!
luckily, for the sake of our SK, the victim they fail to kill is just slightly unhinged themselves. the idea is that Muse B will be very enthusiastic to help Muse A. so there'll be elements of helping the former serial killer learn what it means to live life like a normal person. the remnants of the cult that they were born into also adds some plot threads we can toy with if we'd like. or we can focus on the slice of life aspect! totally depends on my partner.
normally, i'm down to play either role in the storylines i make....but this time i really have a preference for playing Muse B! this'll change eventually, and i'll update this when it happens, but humor me for now~.
based on some art by an artist i like that i'll drop here~.
who doesn't like their smut with a side of existential crisis? I know i do!
luckily, for the sake of our SK, the victim they fail to kill is just slightly unhinged themselves. the idea is that Muse B will be very enthusiastic to help Muse A. so there'll be elements of helping the former serial killer learn what it means to live life like a normal person. the remnants of the cult that they were born into also adds some plot threads we can toy with if we'd like. or we can focus on the slice of life aspect! totally depends on my partner.
normally, i'm down to play either role in the storylines i make....but this time i really have a preference for playing Muse B! this'll change eventually, and i'll update this when it happens, but humor me for now~.
[Rivals to Lovers, Soulmates, Prince(ss) x Pauper, Mecha, Action]
The Empire of Ilverna is famous amongst every nation for one thing: its complete and utter dominance in the magitek field. It alone holds both the knowledge, and the mana crystal store necessary to fuel the ancient artifacts dubbed the Deus Arma. The twin behemoths had long been studied by the best and brightest of the imperial researchers. Their designs were used to craft the standards issue mech suits that skilled military officers pilot. While no match for proper Deus Arma, the Arma prove helpful at preserving human life while quelling the monstrous scourge that has plagued the land sense time immemorial. Since their invention, the casualties of the war on monster-kind have been nearly halved!Yet, still more lives could be saved if only proper paladins could be selected by the Deus Arma. Legends speak of chosen ones, one soul split in twain divided amongst two vessels worthy of wielding divine power. Soulmates, equal and opposite. One of light and creation, the other of dark and destruction. Only they would be able to cleanse the continent of the beasts that had plagued their ancestors since time immemorial.
Not a single soul had ever stopped to think that, perhaps, getting these two soulmates to work in unison might be easier said than done.
[Muse A], the first born of Ilverna's reigning emperor was born gifted. They were not only of prestigious lineage, but likewise beautiful, and blessed with prodigal intellect. It was a surprise to no one when they awoke after coming of age to the crest of the Deus Arma glittering upon their chest--as if a god themselves had come down to lovingly paint its image upon their skin. Because who in this world could be more deserving of this privilege than they, who are most noble?
[Muse B]'s life was far less charmed. Though their mind was sharper than most, their growth was stinted by their circumstances. Since youth, they had worked tirelessly to help ensure that there was food enough to feed themselves and their family; to ensure a warm roof remained atop their heads. Such is the life of one born without the benefit of a silver spoon. Still, they were adored amongst those around them for their own good traits. An unshakeable determination to succeed. Shocking empathy and selflessness which led them to aid all those that they could without sinking themselves.
What a shock it was to awaken one morning with a sparkling seal inlaid upon their flesh. Perhaps they answered the summons to castle gleefully. That, or they were dragged kicking and screaming. The people had suffered long enough under the oppression of the monsters that made every day a trial.
The paladins of the Deus Arma would unite and fight off the scourge. Even if it was the last thing they did.
i've been in a mech mood recently! so here, we have story of two 'chosen ones' who will pilot a pair of inextricably linked mechs for the sake of humanity.
their difference in origin is sort of posed to put them at odds; hence the rivals to lovers. i feel like its only natural that they bump heads at first, especially with all the outside pressure on them to be the 'perfect team' immediately upon meeting. however, the end goal is of course for them to end up embodying that perfect bond. though whose to say they can't have a sportsmanly, frustration fueled romp in the hay on they way there? baby steps, people, baby steps.
[Arranged Marriage, Fantasy, Intrigue]
There comes a time in every noble's life when they are called to look beyond themselves and act for sake of country. Whether or not they heed the call of noblesse oblige, without fail it will find its way to their doorstep. Yet, for true nobles, it follows them at every turn.
The Hundred Year War has been one characterized by times of feast and famine. Initially sparked over border disputes, its intensity waxes and wanes in a fashion not unlike the phases of the moon. There might be five full years of peace before the sparks of a conflict in a small border town rages into an inferno once more. Three full generations have known nothing but war for their entire lives. The lands are drenched with decades worth of innocent blood. People on both sides tire of life spent on the alert, ever fearful that their town, their house, their family will be the next casualty of a war with no end in sight.
After Nation A gains a tide-turning victory at an important outpost, their leader does not urge them to journey forth. No, instead the general parlays with the losing side to deliver an offer from the ruler on high. Peace, everlasting, if their enemy agrees to end the war right there. A pact to be sealed in the only way that can never be reversed; by mixing blood. An arranged marriage between one royal child of each nation.
Perhaps the offering kingdom has ulterior motives, and plans to use Muse A as a disposable pawn to see it through. Or maybe some of Muse B's siblings would like to ruin the union that adds legitimacy to their claim to the throne. No matter what intrigue or trials lay in wait for the pair, one thing remains certain; both of them will do anything to see this through. Each has seen the war effect their people, their nation. If something so simple as a marriage and a child or two would be enough to forever halt their subjects suffering, each one would do it without question.
Yet, with some luck, there might be something in this union worth fighting for other than their people.
give me an arranged marriage with some unity goddamn it! i want all the frills and thrills of a nice royalty plot without all the prickly icky arguing in between.
there will almost certainly be some forces working against them, but the big point here is that both participants in the arrange marriage want it to work, more than anything. they are willing to work together in at least a professional capacity for the sake of public's perception of their relationship. their marriage is not just a pact, but a symbol. they are literally the only thing keeping each nation from the others throat. they both understand and accept that responsibility, which means they'll both work hard for the sake of their relationship.
totally wouldn't be opposed to them starting a family for long-term plays, that would be cute. <3 i trust no one would make that weird ala site rules, but for extra safety, don't make it weird. no kink stuff involving the birth or rearing of the kids, it's against site rules and even if it wasn't, it would be a hard limit for me anyway. keep it classy, and we'll be a-ok. ^^
give me an arranged marriage with some unity goddamn it! i want all the frills and thrills of a nice royalty plot without all the prickly icky arguing in between.
there will almost certainly be some forces working against them, but the big point here is that both participants in the arrange marriage want it to work, more than anything. they are willing to work together in at least a professional capacity for the sake of public's perception of their relationship. their marriage is not just a pact, but a symbol. they are literally the only thing keeping each nation from the others throat. they both understand and accept that responsibility, which means they'll both work hard for the sake of their relationship.
totally wouldn't be opposed to them starting a family for long-term plays, that would be cute. <3 i trust no one would make that weird ala site rules, but for extra safety, don't make it weird. no kink stuff involving the birth or rearing of the kids, it's against site rules and even if it wasn't, it would be a hard limit for me anyway. keep it classy, and we'll be a-ok. ^^
[Stalker x Victim, Obsession/Yandere, Cyberpunk]

first blood
[vampire x vampire hunter, cheesy, fantasy or modern ]
Eternal youth permits one plenty of time to amass enough wealth to live in unrivaled opulence. Ethereal beauty allowed one to spend all this time alongside history's most charming socialites. Once these boons are paired with the near faultless invulnerability--well, it made for a package that was far too enticing to pass up. Let it never be said that the gifts alotted to one by this 'curse' were anything other than that. Gifts of incomparable beneficence. What were life's small inconveniences in the face of this splendor? [Muse A] found that even the sporadic attempts that hunters made on their life eventually lost its zest. Unlike most others of their ilk, [Muse A] had enjoyed precious little interference from those self-important interlopers. As a Daywalker, a vampire descended from a long line of pureblooded legacies, they were able to flawlessly intermingle with humans. Even hunters who had dedicated their lives to the craft were likely to overlook them.
So, one could only imagine their surprise when a veritable whelp of a greenhorn managed to catch their scent.
[Muse B] is a monster hunter with...very few accolades to their name. Perhaps they're a scholar who's expertise lies in monster theory rather than hunting? Maybe the concerns surrounding their empathy for human-like monsters has caused them to be largely restricted from active hunting. Or maybe, just maybe, they've simply not had the chance prove their metal. However, they've finally happened upon a find that could cement their place in history.
A Daywalker. Somehow, someway, they've managed to track down a vampire so rare and powerful that there exists only one story of a hunter being able to down one in millenia past. And [Muse B]? They're gonna kill one and become a legend. Someone whose name will go down in the history of hunter's society.
Only, killing [Muse A] is much harder than they'd dreamed. They try, they fail, and they're discovered. Yet, the blood-thirsty monster does not kill them for their hubris. No, [Muse A] finds the blundering attempt on their life...cute?! This greenhorn has managed to stir up some feelings in their heart that they long thought dead. So, [Muse A] conceives of a way to keep this this little hunter at their side. After all, unlike them, the whelp's bark is much worse than their bite.
very, very loosely based on first kill. this plot is basically an exceptionally powerful vampire being paired with an inept, inexperienced hunter! whether the vamp is drawn to the hunter based on physical attraction, the taste of their blood, or just finding their personality adorable, they decide that the hunter is both lovable and helpless enough to keep around. the vampire likely requests that the hunter play along with the romantic feelings they have towards them in exchange for you know...not killing them. And of course, keeping them around. What better way for our friend whose so desperate to prove themself to learn their foes weaknesses? Basically, it's keep your enemies close taken to the extreme.
this could be exceptionally cheesy, much more serious, or a mix of both! i'm not really interested in noncon here, but dubcon's an option. i'd be lying if i said i didn't have a bit of a preference for our vampire's charisma being the thing that wears or hunter down though~. at the end of the day, i'm lookin' for a love story. what can i say. i'm a sucker for happy endings!
i really love the idea of this kind of dynamic. sue me.
very, very loosely based on first kill. this plot is basically an exceptionally powerful vampire being paired with an inept, inexperienced hunter! whether the vamp is drawn to the hunter based on physical attraction, the taste of their blood, or just finding their personality adorable, they decide that the hunter is both lovable and helpless enough to keep around. the vampire likely requests that the hunter play along with the romantic feelings they have towards them in exchange for you know...not killing them. And of course, keeping them around. What better way for our friend whose so desperate to prove themself to learn their foes weaknesses? Basically, it's keep your enemies close taken to the extreme.
this could be exceptionally cheesy, much more serious, or a mix of both! i'm not really interested in noncon here, but dubcon's an option. i'd be lying if i said i didn't have a bit of a preference for our vampire's charisma being the thing that wears or hunter down though~. at the end of the day, i'm lookin' for a love story. what can i say. i'm a sucker for happy endings!
i really love the idea of this kind of dynamic. sue me.
first kill fanart credited to @beckyblah_art on twitter!

i wanna see some
[cam-person x fan, e-thot x discord mod, modern, slice of life]
[Muse A] has learned to appreciate the little things in life. They had to, if they wanted to experience anything resembling happiness in this dour planet we called earth. See, [Muse A] has always suffered from a certain measure of social anxiety. They had a penchant for over-thinking and underperforming when it came to interactions with their peers. They were always the 'brainiac'. Smart enough to be useful, just weird enough to keep at a distance. Between a collection of niche interests and a worrisome lack of social skills, the poor thing never did make any real friends.
Thankfully, all that alone time was perfect for developing their programming skills--which allowed them to land the cushy tech job that they now enjoy. To say it was lucrative would be an understatement; but the money wasn't even the best part. This gig never required them to step foot out of their house. Talk about peace of mind! Though, it did nullify any irl social interaction that they might have otherwise enjoyed...
But who needed the burdens of human contact? Not them! Especially not when [Muse B] was just a click away~.
After graduation, a certain ennui colored the charmed life of [Muse B]. They had spent their life at the tip top of the social hierarchy; but they never were the type to conjure concrete plans for things like 'how to be a productive member of society'. They careened in blissful ignorance along the tantalizing highs of life...only to be left blissfully ignorant of responsibilities that awaited them soon after.
Luckily, life never did let them down. The streaming thing had been a gag, initially. An inside joke between a few close friends, playing up the brain-dead trends that always seemed to sky-rocket viewer counts. [Muse B] never could have imagined that a single night's charade would prove such a profitable endeavor! Play the popular games, show a little bit of skin, feed into the fantasies of the desperate masses--and voila! Their fanbase exploded into something beyond their wildest dreams.
Expanding into sex work was a total no-brainer! If losers were this willing to shell out cash for a crumb of attention, well, [Muse B] just had to see what they'd do for some more exclusive access. There might have been a speedbump or two, but the whole camming thing progressed just as they'd hoped. But as their popularity skyrocketed, so did their desire for more.
Perhaps they meet [Muse A] at a meet & greet meant to keep the sweaties' interest maxed? Or maybe they decide to bite the bullet and host a 'fuck a fan' stream to fuel the flames of her fans obsession, and [Muse A] is the lucky winner? Whatever the case, our social outcast is in for quite the treat~!
you ever meet someone who was, so pathetic, it was actually kind of cute? yeah. that's concept is essentially what sparked this entire idea. there's just something about a complete dork with zero social skills that's kind of peak. this is why people tell you never to joke about having kinks, besties. they become real. *cue spooky background music* currently, i'm most interest in playing our e-thot dujour. i just wanna love on a loser. is that so much to ask? as always, i'm open to playing either role for the right partner, though!
this storyline could be either a cute, uplifting tale of love that crosses a social divide or something more dark. i could certainly see some obsessive/yandere themes leaking into this little plot from either half of this pairing. monster that they are, our lovable e-thot could find such twisted joy in their new lover's reliance on them, that they seek to further exacerbate the fears that initially led them to being such a social reject. 'no one in their right mind could put up with someone like you. lucky for you, i find even your worst traits adorable.' gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss shenanigans--all that good jazz.
on the opposite end, we've an utter misfit who's by some odd turn of fate, managed to land their dream partner. just want lengths would they go to in order to ensure that this new love doesn't slip right through their fingers?
you ever meet someone who was, so pathetic, it was actually kind of cute? yeah. that's concept is essentially what sparked this entire idea. there's just something about a complete dork with zero social skills that's kind of peak. this is why people tell you never to joke about having kinks, besties. they become real. *cue spooky background music* currently, i'm most interest in playing our e-thot dujour. i just wanna love on a loser. is that so much to ask? as always, i'm open to playing either role for the right partner, though!
this storyline could be either a cute, uplifting tale of love that crosses a social divide or something more dark. i could certainly see some obsessive/yandere themes leaking into this little plot from either half of this pairing. monster that they are, our lovable e-thot could find such twisted joy in their new lover's reliance on them, that they seek to further exacerbate the fears that initially led them to being such a social reject. 'no one in their right mind could put up with someone like you. lucky for you, i find even your worst traits adorable.' gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss shenanigans--all that good jazz.
on the opposite end, we've an utter misfit who's by some odd turn of fate, managed to land their dream partner. just want lengths would they go to in order to ensure that this new love doesn't slip right through their fingers?

love is blind
[gorgon x blind person, hurt/comfort, fantasy]
(maybe modern fantasy. sell me on it!)
Gorgons were always destined to live a life confined to solitude. Their mere existence as descendants of Medusa was slight to the Goddess Athena herself--the hereditary nature of the curse reminding them that they were, in no way, welcome on this plane. They still existed, centuries after the enraged Goddess first conjured forth the wicked malediction, through the willful rebellion of their predecessors. Through some mix of trickery, sorcery, and carefully practiced precaution the gorgon line carried on in sparse fashion; their numbers dwindling lower and lower as the sands of time swept forth. (maybe modern fantasy. sell me on it!)
Until the truth surrounding their origin was lost to time...and [Muse A] was all that remained. A stunning vision of beauty with serpentine locks: even a cursory glance at which, would turn any person to stone. The people of a superstitious town nearby worshipped them out of fear: the presence of the gorgon pair that lived in ominous palace carved into the nearby mountain face putting the fear of the gods into humans who'd forgotten of them. When [Muse A]'s sole parent yet lived, the offerings the people left that the mountains foot permitted them to live in comfort without issue. The people took the vanishing gifts as a sign that their gorgon overlords were pleased enough to let them live in peace.
Yet, in the past months those offerings piled in front of the door to that ominous manner. Left unclaimed, they sat to rot. They couldn't know that within [Muse A] mourned the loss of the one person who could ever offer them companionship. That they feared the rest of their existence doomed to the solitude that they knew would come as they watched their beloved caretaker wither with each passing day.
Ignorant of this, the townspeople turned to more drastic measures. Perhaps, as they feared, the time had finally come where mortal comforts would not serve to satiate the scaled beasties appetite. So, they offered up something a bit more...substantial. Is [Muse B] a knight recently blinded in a territorial skirmish against a neighboring territory, who's outlived their usefulness? Or, perhaps they were born this way--and despite their good nature, the town counts them as the most expendable amongst their inhabitants? No matter their origins, neither they nor [Muse A] were expecting for their lives to intertwine in the way they soon would...
a little plot bunny of my own making based on the medusa x blind lady ship that i've seen some fanart for occasionally~! just seemed cute as fuck, so i wanted to see if i could get a story going based around it. in case it wasn't obvious, the draw is that being blind would make Muse B immune to the curse that causes anyone to look at a gorgon to turn to stone. who better to fall in love with than the one person you've ever met who you won't immediately kill, amiright?
we can talk specifics about things like which muse we'd prefer to push things in a more intimate direction, and how we want them to adapt to their new life together, all that good jazz! both characters are coming from less than optimal circumstances, but the idea is that they'll find much of the comfort they've lost in each other. i don't do hurt/comfort much, but when i do, i like to do it right, hehe~.
a little plot bunny of my own making based on the medusa x blind lady ship that i've seen some fanart for occasionally~! just seemed cute as fuck, so i wanted to see if i could get a story going based around it. in case it wasn't obvious, the draw is that being blind would make Muse B immune to the curse that causes anyone to look at a gorgon to turn to stone. who better to fall in love with than the one person you've ever met who you won't immediately kill, amiright?
we can talk specifics about things like which muse we'd prefer to push things in a more intimate direction, and how we want them to adapt to their new life together, all that good jazz! both characters are coming from less than optimal circumstances, but the idea is that they'll find much of the comfort they've lost in each other. i don't do hurt/comfort much, but when i do, i like to do it right, hehe~.
more plots are currently a work in progress!
please ignore the magical girl behind the screen.
♥ she's working hard! ♥
have some pairings to hold you over for now!please ignore the magical girl behind the screen.
♥ she's working hard! ♥

they can serve as starting points for us to flesh out in dms. ♥
of course, you can always feel free to hit me up with ideas of your own!
camgirl/guy x fan
summoner x familiar
royalty x knight
tank x healer
villain/ess x hero/ine
glucose guardian x sugar baby
elf x dark elf
vampire x werewolf
monster girl/boy x caretaker
summoner x familiar
royalty x knight
tank x healer
villain/ess x hero/ine
glucose guardian x sugar baby
elf x dark elf
vampire x werewolf
monster girl/boy x caretaker

jujutsu kaisen
chainsaw man
one piece
obey me
teen titans
young justice
persona 3/4/5
fire force
komi can't communicate
panty & stocking
my dress up darling
stardew valley
attack on titan
boku no hero academia
loz: breath of the wild
dragon ball z/gt/super
ouran high school host club
kimetsu no yaiba/demon slayer
fire emblem: fates/awakening/three houses
infinitely more that i'm definitely forgetting. feel free to ask!!
chainsaw man
one piece
obey me
teen titans
young justice
persona 3/4/5
fire force
komi can't communicate
panty & stocking
my dress up darling
stardew valley
attack on titan
boku no hero academia
loz: breath of the wild
dragon ball z/gt/super
ouran high school host club
kimetsu no yaiba/demon slayer
fire emblem: fates/awakening/three houses
infinitely more that i'm definitely forgetting. feel free to ask!!
and that's all i got for ya! feel free to send me a message if anything here caught your interest.
make sure to tell me how cute my thread is or something.
(this isn't an attention check, i'm just fishing for praise ♥)
catch ya later, nerds. c;

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