Fx Male An Unexpected Reward


Aug 30, 2010
It seemed simple at first. A noble had hired her to steal a valuable item from his rival in the neighboring city. The old and overweight pervert was oogling her cleavage openly during most of their negotiations, but she did not mind that as long as the pay was good, and it was So she accepted.

The mission itself turned out more difficult than expected. As if her target had been waiting for her. But our heroine is far more capable and powerful that she appears, and so she prevailed and pulled off her mission successfully.

The real surprise, however, awaits her when she returns, eager for her reward. She was never expected to succeed. The two nobles are in fact good friends and kindred spirit perverts, and her slender busty self was intended as a lovely present from one of them to the other.

That plan has failed. But what happens now?


I do have a general request thread that describes in (hopefully) great breadth and detail my proclivities, but this is an idea that has been tickling my imagination particularly intense recently. Hence I would love to find a writing partner with matching interests to make this a reality.
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Older plot suggestions:

For many years the Triad has ruled the underworld of the city of Gorank, center of civilization and debauchery settled at the Vilajet Sea. The three nobles of the city, both cunning and careful, grew rich and influential, and never could their involvement in any of their illicitc activities be proven.

Then disaster struck. A single adventurer - a woman even! - managed to deal a devastating blow to their operations, crippling them for months, likely even years. They knew not how she pulled it off, and the only blessing in this mayhem was that she, too, could not find evidence on their involvement that would hold in the corrupt courts. They would not let this slide, though. They want their revenge. Not to see her dead, but to see her degraded and humiliated before them. To feast their eyes on her svelte form bared nude solely for their viewing pleasure, to have her body at their command whenever one of them felt the urge to sate his needs. Only how to achieve this? The woman's abilities were still a mystery to them. A direct assault could backfire badly as it might finally allow her to tie them personally to the illicit activities.

So instead they try a far more devious approach. One of them invites her to stay at his palace. Officially as a reward for the great deeds she had done for the good people of the city by uprooting the criminal elements. She knows who is inviting her, but she hopes that that close to him she might finally find the missing proof. So she accepts.

Once in their domain they begin their scheme to corrupt her, to try to make her aware and accepting of her own carnal needs. They surround her by male servants only. They arrange for wardrobe malfunctions and to barge in on her in the most inopportune moments 'by pure coincidence'. They provide many other subtle little nudges to get her to first accept their request to refrain from using any clothing while in one of their estates, and eventually to become their obedient sex toy.


I do have a general request thread that describes in (hopefully) great breadth and detail my proclivities, but this is a particular idea that has been tickling my imagination particularly intense recently. Hence I would love to find a writing partner with matching interests to make this a reality.

On an important note, I am not looking for some quick fix cop out like hypnotism, other forms of mind control or drugs. The plan should be to slowly corrupt our heroine by making her realize how much fun debauched activities can be. This can take a turn for the worse later on if it fits the plot, of course.
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