Mx Female Seeking Hardboiled Detective and Neo-noire plots

Miss Alexandra

Jan 8, 2017
The title pretty much says it all. I’m looking to play as a hardboiled detective, the type who wears a black fedora and matching trench coat, chain smokes, and drinks Scotch. He’s professional cynic but a sucker a pretty face.

Here’s a character face claim:


Your character will seek out mine for various reasons. Here are some possible plots:

YC is looking to clear either a sibling’s, friends or even lover’s name after they’re wrongly accused of a crime.

YC has witnessed a murder and turns to MC for protection.

YC is working for a local crime boss and is looking set MC up.

I am open to other suggestions.

For settings, I would prefer a large American city like New York, Chicago or LA.

As for kinks, I like bondage, footplay and others. With some exceptions, I’ll try just about anything once.

The Nos:

Under age, bathroom stuff, vomit, vore.

I can do either first or third person, and prefer PMs. I usually shoot for 100 words per response.
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