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Fx Any AU Age of Sail request


Mar 9, 2022

So this is a niche within a niche, and I understand that. That being said, I have a stronk craving for something specific in nature but vague in particular:

The Setting, being a Statement of Intent to the most Specific Nature therein:
The Age of Sail, specifically between about 1770 and 1825, in an alternate timeline - the key difference being the equality of sex and gender, if perhaps not fashion and nomenclature. More specifically, on board one of His Majesty's Ships, MC as nominal captain and yours as.. well, whatever you fancy! For obvious reasons we would also remove the 29th article of war, the one recommending the penalty of death for the 'unnatural act of sodomy', after all it might be difficult to have a two-sided RP after one character or both have been run up the yard arm.

The Nature of the Roleplay, being a Concise Description of its Character:
In short, I'd love a romance. Now whether that's between MC and a foreign dignitary aboard, a junior officer, a common seaman or an enemy officer on their parole, or anything else you care to name I do not mind! Perhaps a French royalist, a Haitian rebel, an American loyalist, or simply a surveyor brought along to aid in the siting of s battery. The world is the mollusc of your choice.

The Requirements and Contraindications, being an Account of that which shall be Most and Least Desirable:
Third person for preference, literate enough to read this RT without smelling burnt toast, and I shall offer likewise. I have preferred kinks of course but the setting is the key, so you have the advantage of me there. My only stipulations are my hard limits, non-con, core, gore, micro/macro, hyper etc. I would prefer to avoid snuff and gore in a sexual context too, though the setting rather demands it around our characters.

Orcward XXX
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