- Joined
- May 27, 2020

Then the teenager had come along and he'd needed to redo the space again and give it a name.
Fluke stood out in the space around Dantooine, primarily in comparison to the many Jedi craft that filled the skies and the landing platforms, there weren't as many Jedi who were as big of fans of the red and black color palette as Ajak was. For the peacekeeper the colors were a primarily practical choice, allowing him to blend into the night sky when he preferred to operate in the Outer Rim. Getting the drop on drunk or sleeping criminals was much preferred to exchanging blaster fire with alert and angry ones. Sure, it wasn't the most honorable approach, but honor wasn't necessarily his highest priority when it came to gun fights. In fact, one might observe that it was his lowest priority.
Dantooine was a regular stomping ground for the wandering Jedi, home to one of the few Jedi academies in the Outer Rim, Tarr would often visit the terrestial planet for pick-ups, resupplies, deliveries and just to rest. On this particular visit he was only planning to stop long enough to pick up his Padawn and then continue on to his next destination. There was never any rest for the wicked on the Galactic Frontier
Fluke toughed down on the landing pad adjacent to the classrooms at the Jedi Enclave, where Tarr was sure Jedi Master Chata Qell was keeping his Padawan in one of her many lengthy and strenous lessons. Qell was one of the three Councillors administering the temple on Dantooine, on the surface Tarr had all respect for the Selkath Master. She was one of the wisest women in the Outer Rim without a doubt, but on the inside that voice that no other Jedi could hear urged him to put a blaster bolt through her bill. Powering down Fluke Tarr kneed shut one of the hidden compartments in his cockpit, hiding a clear container of death sticks. On paper a potential bribe for any corrupt forces Tarr encountered outside of his jurisdiction. In reality a bad habit he had picked up on his last visit to the Core Worlds where they were all the rage.
The Correlian Echani always drew attention when he stepped onto the campus of the Academy, his white hair and white eyes marking him as obviously non-human, but also exotic even in an institution as diverse as the Jedi Order. He wore his hair long, passed his shoulders, and it often contrasted with the red cloak and mask that he often wore to mark him as a Peacekeeper. He wasn't wearing that cloak though today, instead favoring a long duster jacket made of gundark leather. Thick enough to stop a blaster bolt or two it had made the difference between life and death in many fights. Hanging from his belt were two lightsabers, one on each hip, and attached to a holster on his thigh was a double-barreled blaster carbine. Great for capturing criminals at point blank range. Or at least that was his excuse whenever asked. The RSKF-44 heavy blaster pistol in a shoulder holster under his left arm didn't have the same excuse.
With the attention that his landing had drawn, he didn't expect he'd be waiting long for his Padawan to find him in the courtyard, probably with her bags packed and ready to go. He knew it was tough on the kid to be left behind for months at a time, but Hutt Space was no place to take a Padawan if he was a responsible Jedi Knight, which was something he pretended to be when in the company of those who expected it of him. Which was to say the act dropped a little bit the moment they were off-world. This trip was going to be much safer than Hutt Space though, finally dipping out of the Outer Rim for the first time in almost a year. There was a group of Trandoshan poachers that were causing trouble in Wookie space that needed to be dealt with.
Ajak Tarr liked hunting Trandoshans. Their limbs could grow back.
Leaning against one of the trees in the courtyard he closed his eyes and crossed his arms, getting comfortable as he waited for his Padawan, reaching out into the Force to touch her mind and see where she was so he could know how long he was going to be waiting.