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Kingdom Keys: Fandom Offerings (Books of the Raksura, Pokemon, Armello)

Dec 17, 2019
Cryptid Coast
Welcome to my fandom thread! Here's where we get real weird.

I’m a roleplayer with close to fourteen years of experience. I had a period of time in the workforce where I didn’t get to stretch my creativity much, but after a badness that ended in surgery and a long recovery, I’ve been blessed with an opportunity. During this period of recovery, I’ve had a chance to re-water my creative pursuits and remember what’s important. One of those things is nurturing my creativity, and my favorite way to do that has always been through roleplay and writing (although I have also started playing Dungeons and Dragons again as well). Please go here for the main request thread.

I enjoy getting to know my partners and making friends via ooc. For the purposes of this thread and getting to know prospective partners: this thread was originally written with myself only playing feminine roles, but please know I am just as happy and competent in playing masculine ones. My usual is MXF pairings, but I've been known to enjoy others.

I’m used to character writing and when it comes to any mains and side characters, I’m very comfortable creating a range of personalities and experiences. Everything from shy virgins to infernal empresses who dominate as easily as they breathe. Most characters will be somewhere along this spectrum. For what it’s worth, I get a huge kick out of creating fascinating villains and antagonists for our heroes (or anti-heroes) to tangle with. As for the number of characters per story, I can “main” up to three and juggle a variety of NPCS to fill the world (although I expect my partner to share that task).

In terms of the whole quantity/quality question, I am firmly of the opinion that quantity depends on the type of scene. Fight scenes, dialogue and sex scenes will often have shorter, but no less colorful posts, than a exposition scene. That being said, I will never leave a partner with a post that gives them nothing to go on.

I know what I am asking for here might sound like a lot. However, I’m capable of giving that same effort! I will only ever take a few partners on at a time in order to properly distribute that energy.

I roleplay exclusively here on threads, PMs, or email. I love the convenience of instant messages, but I’ve had one too many unpleasant experiences with people trying to erode my boundaries, especially early in the relationship. Maybe over time, once we get to know each other, I will consider Discord as a platform.

I've decided to make a thread for fandom interests! Right now I'm craving Martha Well's Books of the Raksura, and have plenty ideas for that setting, but I have some other, less specific interests as well!

***Books of the Raksura***

With an expanding empire of groundlings setting their sights on the Reaches, it’s a bad time for the courts of the southern border to be at war. Magma Wake and Cerulean Dream have been locked in an extended feud, while Obsidian Glass observes an expansionist groundling empire with growing consternation. Character A (a sister queen of Obsidian Glass) has a hard enough time projecting external enemies and managing these complex alliances already. Things get worse when a dying queen from Cerulean Dream collapses at Character A’s feet, begging her to take in Character B--the dying queen’s consort brother, and keep him safe…from their birth court. Character B has a secret, that could turn the balance of power in the Southern Reaches entirely on its head, and if he wants to survive he’ll need to be very careful about who and how to trust, before it all goes up in flames.

- This story’s big opening themes are political, budding trust, slow burn, power dynamics, and anything else you’d want to bring to the table. The idea I initially had is Character B was either born with or bred for an ability that can affect queens, much in the way that they can normally affect other Raksura, but it can be almost anything transgressive or scary to Raksura.

  1. A culture clash is coming to the Western Reaches. One of the prestigious courts of the South has come to the East in order to establish a formal series of trade alliances. The South has always been a bit distanced from the reaches, separated by the unpredictable violence of a volcanic rift, and that separation has led to the air of mystery and cultural oddness. For the offerings that Court A (southern court) bring to Court B (Western Court) aren’t exotic trade goods. They brought a consort, and with him a most unprecedented art form: dance!

-The main idea here is a little cozier than the first concept. It has more to do with culture clash and strains inside of the court (with maybe some external issues for flavor). I was fascinated by the fact that while there are lots of allusions to Rakusran music, visual arts and crafts, dancing is not mentioned once! Given the fact that dance is a form of artistic expression but can also be used in social rituals, it could be an interesting exploration of the role of art in the politics of the court. This story would probably best be served by a consort, a sister queen, a reigning queen and an arbora in the main cast.

- (Spoilers for the last 3 books of the series) This story would take place a few generations after the events of the final book. The half-Fell seed colony has had to grow and rise under Opal Night’s stewardship. Despite their hardships, they have solidified into something much like a Raksuran colony, enough so that they’re feeling confident about making independent alliances and cultural ties with other courts. A medium sized court has taken the plunge and agreed to such an alliance--hoping to rise in Opal Night’s favor by accepting a Fell-bred consort in exchange for their support.

However, Character A (reigning or sister queen) or this court is taking a huge and unpopular risk by doing this, and Character B (the consort) is risking not just his life, but the reputation and honor of the half-Fell court by going. And both will meet a lot of resistance internally and from Raksuran courts hell-bent on preventing the flourish of these new bloodlines.

Other fandoms I'm open to:


Flight Rising

Pokemon (Legends Arceus)

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me! I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for taking the time!
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