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Fx Any Mai's Kink Laboratory


Rude, Crude and decidedly Lewd.
Oct 27, 2021
~ Intro ~
Good day~! This time i have a rather tentative request for you all.
I would like to beseech the arguably degenerate among you, in all of your sadistic eccentricities.
To put it simply, i would like to test my boundaries and stretch my comfort zone, to dip my toes into putrid waters.
Sadly, i will be unable to provide any inspiration either in the form of my usual flowery writing or any images, as the following is rather outside of my experiance.
With that i shall cut straight to the heart of the matter and hope that i can spark the flames of creativity or passion, or both!

~ Disclaimer ~
Before i begin in earnest i would like to specifiy that this is not a casual thing from my perspective, i do expect that the themes and kinks i am about to run through be put into the form of a proper RP as i have long since outgrown "Cyber" and derive absolutely no pleasure from it. I would like to explore these the following topics in full and while the plot can be relatively simplistic and be almost entirely background dressing for the vast majority of said plot, i request that there be at least be something to whatever is created besides raw, brutal hedonism. Thank you! n_n

~ The Status Quo ~
So, i suppose i should give a breif list of my typical interests, so that one can come to understand where the aformentioned limits lie. To begin, i am a strongly lesbian leaning Switch, as such i enjoy being dominated by both sexes as well as dominating other women. An expection to this female bias are femboys, of which i have a passion. I enjoy heavy bondage, sexually charged torture, slave/master(pet/owner) scenarios, public use, humiliation and i am not averse to a little bit of blood. Note that anything i inflict on others, i am willing to have inflicted upon myself in turn. I am also a mostly non-con submissive, that is to say that no matter how much i enjoy a given scenario/plot, my characters will almost always require catching, subduing and breaking, especially if the end result is for them to accept thier new lot in life, as i strongly enjoy the struggle! As for my remaining hard limits, they are rather simple and painfully typical in this particular scenario. Under no circumstances will i be tollerating any form of toilet play, nor shall i accept any extreme and gratuitous violence, such as missing appendages, eyes, teeth, ect, and i shan't be doing any hard vore, mind control or grisly death scenes. Although my usual dislike of Mind Control is up for debate depending on the scenario.

~ Pushing Limits ~
As stated prior, i would like to expand my sexual horizons, as such i invite one to pick from the following list, mixing and matching however you please, or even suggesting your own!
Below is shall list the things that i am looking to explore, cautiously, i might add, thus i shall also be colour coding them to indicate just how much care a topic is going to require.
I should also say that i am not quite as up-to-date with terms as i should be, so if i have misued one or there is one i should have used, please tell me and i shall correct myself!
Anyway! On to the list!

Asphyxiation - I have been wanting to dabble in Breath Play for a long while now, be it strangulation, drowning or something of a more sexual nature, i do not especially mind.
Breeding - This one is fairly self explanatory, but i should stress that i am not particularly interested in traditional pregnancy, rather things like egging, infestation or the like.
Bad End - In this particular case, death is not the explicit goal, but rather something that is possible or even probable to happen. As long as gore is kept to a relative minimum.

Extreme Insertion - For this it would be one of two themes, an insertion that stresses the bounds of biological limits, or one in which said insertion goes "all the way through".

Vore - Being enveloped or consumed by a creature for a purpose other than digestion, in this case, a highly sexual one. Perhaps tying into another entry or two on this list?
Ryona - This would be more along the lines of pure abuse in a more traditional sense. This abuse should be survivable without medical care, and is thus seperate from Bad End.

Sensory Deprivation - To have ones senses dulled or nullified, likely while having things do to the subject. Such as isolation tanks, noise canceling headphones, blindfolds ect.
Monsters - In this regard, i am mostly talking about the grotesque, the kind of thing that would turn stomachs or boggle minds. Although i am still open to "normal" monsters.

~ Closing ~
With that i have expressed my desires. I do hope that this has peeked ones interest, but if not, keep an eye out, as i will likely add to this list at some point in the near or far future, as pushing my own limits is something i am going to be doing far more often from this point forward. Regardless, feel free to PM me with ideas or suggestions. Thank you for your attention, and i hope my writing did not bore. Toodles! n_n
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