A Debt Owed | BunnyB0y/BlueAmbient


Mar 28, 2022
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One day, a world was born.

In it, animals were not the same creatures you'd imagine. Magic was very much real and quite common place. Technology and electricity were a thing of science fiction.

It's inhabitants named the world Vetus.

In Vetus, not too far from the Dark Forest and a few hours away from a neighboring city known as Edomore, was a small, run down farm barely funtional as it stood. It was known as Whitlock Farm but most passerbyers called it The Ditch. Mainly due to it's reputation as being completely animal run and being on the verge of shutting down for good.

A man named Adam Whitlock used to own the farm and did so for a long time. When he died, much to the shock of a lot of people, he left his farm to his cat. An unheard of move up until then.

Cats, much like all the animals in Vetus, were not the same as the four legged creatures you'd imagine. They were humanoid. Most animals in this world were humanoid. Though, they were still treated as second class citizens to be owned and traded like products.

Hyo, Adam's cat, was fairly supprised as well when the deed to the farm landed in his lap. He, along with all the other animals on the farm didn't know the first thing about running one. They all had their own individual parts to play but when push came to shove, without a leader they were lost.

It wasn't long after then that the farm dwindled into what it was today. Barren and with only four of it's animals remaining.


Name: Hyo
Age: 25
Species: Leopard/Cat Hybrid
Purpous: Cat like hybrids like himself are usually kept around to either guard fields and homes or simply as pretty pets.
Skills: Hardworker, Responsible, Independent, Mature
Likes: Sleeping, Relaxing, Climbing, Fishing
Dislikes: Heights, Jumpscares, Goblins, Loud Noises
About: Hyo was sold as a kitten to the farm owner as a guard cat. He used to mainly lounge around and keep the other farm animals on track but when his owner passed, he was forced to become the main care taker. Cooking, cleaning, growing the crops, selling them in the markets. Going from being a lazy house cat to the hardest worker on the farm wasn't easy but he had to do what he had to do to keep the farm from going under.

Name: Buru
Age: 37
Species: Bull Hybrid
Purpose: Bulls are bought for one of three reason. Some buy them to breed with other cow hybrids. Some buy them to simply keep cow hybrids producing quality milk. But, the most frequent reason is to "Milk" them and sell their sperm either for artificial insemination of cow hybrids or for use in potions and other such products.
Skills: Strength, Strong-Willed, Polite, Comforting
Likes: Drinking, Lounging, Wittling, Whistling
Dislikes: Being woken up, Ageing, Not drinking, Bugs
About: Buru was bought at a young age to keep the cows happy. He was basically eye candy and a comforter for the young woman at the farm. When the farm begun failing after the owner died, all the cows left to go onto more succesful farms. Leaving him alone feeling old and washed up. They tried to sell his "Milk" but due to the stress and awkwardness of never doing that kind of thing on his own without the owner, he couldn't produce and so now spends most his time drunk and asleep wasting away in the barn.

Name: Ramu
Age: 23
Species: Sheep/Ram Hybrid
Purpose: Sheeps are bought, of course, for their luxurious wool.
Skills: Cooking, Knitting, Sewing
Likes: Reading, Knitting, Cooking, Sewing, Complaining
Dislikes: Everything. They're a tsundere.
About: Ramu was a prized ram auctioned off at multiple different shows until finally landing in the lap of the previous farm owner. They were one of many sheep on the farm but much like most of the farms previous animals, they all ended up leaving except him. Mainly due to the fact the last of the farm animals were practically his family, though he'd never admit that.

Name: Tori
Age: 21
Species: Harpy
Purpose: Male harpy's are actualy fairly rare so when bought, they're often made to either be pets or to scavenge forestries for bugs and naturally occuring magic supplies.
Skills: Flying, Cutting and Grabbing with razor sharp tallons, Long ranged vision.
Likes: Flying, Fun, Games, Anything shiney, Tackle hugs
Dislikes: Mean people, Thorn bushes, Snakes
About: Tori arrived on the farm not long after the owner died. He just showed up one day and never left. No one could be bothered to get rid of the bird brain so he stayed and became apart of the very small family fairly quickly.


It was a cool early morning when Hyo got up to make his and the other animals breakfasts.

Any and all of the crops being grown on the farm was strickly for selling so any food eaten by the small group had to be caught or gathered from within the nearby dark forest.

Each animal had their own set of dietary requierments, too, which made meal time one of their biggest struggles.

"Ramuuuu~" Hyo called, making his way up the creaking steps of the main house. "Time to wake up, breakfast!"

Hyo reached the top floor and made his way over to the white haired, fluffy wooled young man's bedroom. He pushed the door with his shoulder, his arms occupide with a warm medium bowl of corn, wild oats, millet and cream with a glass of water to top it off.

"Mnng... Just leave it over there..." The thin yet athletic franed sheep murmered with an irritated tone as he lay face down on his matress. A matress which had been made from his very own wool. His voice was drowsy yet still audibly present was his light british accent which somehow made him sound even more pompus than he already was.

Hyo rolled his eyes. He'd been up for hours already and this sheep had the gal to act hard done by when given literal breakfast in bed.

Still, biting his tongue, Hyo did exactly as he was asked, leaving the breakfast on the nearby nightstand he had been refering to.

"Make sure to actually bring the bowl back down... And, you know, if you could wash it, that would be nice too..." Hyo mumbled the last bit, almost as if he didn't want to start an argument but knew if he pushed it, one would anyway.

Ramu frowned, his one eye opening as he looked scrutinisingly up at the man about to leave.

"I am a prized ram, you know? I shouldn't be getting my hands dirty with such-"

"Yeah, Yeah. A prized ram who won't do a thing to lift a finger around the place and wont even let us sell his excess wool for the money we so desperately need."

Ramu, slightly more awake now, sat up in bed.

"I'm not the one who took out a loan on the farm, am I? Must I fix all of your faults?"

Hyo hissed but once again, bit his tongue.

"Whatever..." Hyo sighed. Leaving the room, letting the door shut firmly behind him.

Ramu had stopped selling his wool after Adam passed. Unable to trust anyone else to do the job and shave him correctly.

Hyo couldn't convince Ramu to change his mind so ended up not bothering to try.

Next, Hyo made his way outside to the harshly made Harpy pen which was really a large wooden box on some stilts filled with hay and other assorted vegitation. This time, he carried a bowl of chopped up grubs, wild oats, beetle seeds and honey. That, and another glass of water.

"Tori! Get out here! Breakfa-"

Frowning, Hyo stepped closer to the hatch. Staring into it's entrance to find... Nothing. Tori wasn't there.

He place the bowl and water down just within the entrance area only to have something suddenly swipe in from the side!

Tackling him to the ground, Hyo let out a horrified yelp only to look up and see Tori wrapped around his side. Hugging him tightly with the harpy's large wings.

"Hyoooo!" Tori yelled back. The petite young man bouncing up and down excitedly before finally flying up and landing in a standing position over Hyo.

"Y-You bird brain!" Hyo huffed. His face red and teeth clenched as he grabbed at his chest.


"You scared the hell out of me! How many times have I told you not to do that!?"

Tori pouted making Hyo feel a little bad for yelling like that as he too stumbled to his feet.

"I'm sorry... I forgot..."

Hyo sighed. He knew it wasn't Tori's fault he got so excited.

"It's... It's fine. I'm sorry for yelling... Anyway, I brought you breakfast."

"HoooOO!? Breakfast!?"

Tori's spirits instantly lifted and it was like he had completely forgotten what happened moments ago.

In a flash, he flew into his coup and snatched up his bowl of food with the tallons on his feet.

He had begun to dig in when Hyo looked on with curiosity.

"Hey, Tori? Why were you up so early?"

"Huuu? Oh." Tori spoke, his cheeks stuffed with seeds and honey. "Big shiney in the sky woke me up."

"Big... Big what?" Tori's ears twitched. "You mean the sun?"

"Noooo, not the sun. There was a shiney... Uh, shiney thing. Over the forest. I don't know what it was. It was big though! And, I wanted to look at it but it disapeared..."

"Huh... That's... Weird... I'll keep an eye out. Thank's for letting me know..."

Continueing with his chores, Hyo made his way out to the barn. This time with a wheelburrow filled with millet grass, panicgrass, digitaria, goose grass and mana grass. Hyo didn't need to bring a glass of water because there was a water pump in the barn.

"Buruuuu~ Come on, big guy. Breakfast." Hyo parked the wheelburrow by the sleeping bull. He didn't even flinch.

With anyone else, Hyo would have woken them up. But, Buru was much bigger than everyone else. And besides, the stench of booze filled the barn and it was obvious he had been drinking all night. If he woke the muscular bull up now, he'd probably have to help take care of a terrible hangover as well.

Leaving the barn, Hyo looked over at the dark forest. Now, it was time for his breakfast and he wanted nothing more than to fry up a freshly cooked fish.

Grabbing his gear, he started making his way towards the woods when what Tori had said crossed his mind.

"Big shiney thing? In the sky? Pfftt... That bird brain was probably seeing stuff..."

Hyo hesitated.


And with that continued to make his way into the forest.



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Name: Ryker Tomlin
Age: 23
Species: Human
Likes: Sleeping, physical touch, bright colors (except wearing them)
Dislikes: Being alone, the dark, silence
About: A normal college student, Ryker was in the wrong place at the wrong time and got sucked into another world. Now, Ryker has to find his way home, or make a new home for himself.

What had started as a normal day for Ryker, quickly took a turn for the worse, and bizarre. On his way to college, three months into the first semester, he had left home early to take the long path through the woods. The aim was to refocus himself by indulging in a bit of nature, rather than take the busy city sidewalks. But a faint purple glow had him stepping off the path.

Ryker left his pack on the path, following the purple glow. Dressed in a black hoodie with a teal inner liner, and white tee, dark blue jeans, and grey sneakers, he's not exactly wearing good bush clothing. So his hoodie gets stuck on thorn bushes a couple times. At one point he trips, phone falling from his pocket, but curiosity about the glow keeps Ryker from noticing.

When he finds the source, it looks like what can only be described as a portal from a fantasy novel. Swirling pale purple, and a top-down view of some dense forest, a view that doesn't match the woods behind the portal.More than a little freaked out, and concerned he's hallucinating, Ryker turns to leave.

In a moment of terrible misfortune and bad timing, a rabbit darts out of a bush and under Ryker's feet. He stumbles, then falls backward - through the portal.

A tingling covers Ryker's skin, head to toe, as sudden wind rushes past him from behind. He has a sensation of falling, and his vision flashes purple. Then his field of view widens to blue sky, and the glittering purple portal, this time showing the woods he had just left behind. Seconds later, he crashes backward through dense trees, several branches slowing his fall before he lands flat on his back, the breath knocked from his lungs. Miraculously, he hadn't suffered any broken bones, but he would be covered in bruises by the next day. Pain and panic both set in, but the fall was too much, and the last thing Ryker sees as his vision fades to black is the portal in the sky closing.
"Tsk- Berries. Berries. Me want meat!"

"Shh! Scare meat away if talk too loud."

"Meat not here. Only berries. Blegh. Blegh, blegh, blegh."

A small group of little green, ugly goblins had been making their way through the forest, trying to scavenge food for their tribe when they found it.

When they found him.

"Eh? What? What, what, whaaaaat?"

One of the little men had been peering through a bush when he noticed a limb poking through the brush.

"Huuh!? Hahaha! Whooooo! Bini! Yeri! Come! Meat!"

The goblin threw himself through the leaves until he tumbled to the other side. His confused friends following suite not long after. On the other side, there lied a human. He was in less than great shape and completely passed out.

"Oh! You right! It meat.... Huhuhu~ Human meat."

Meanwhile, Hyo was making his way to the nearby river that ran through the dark forest. He was simply minding his own buisness when the sounds of mischievious chatter caught his attention. His ears flicked and by instinct, the cat froze and ducked behind the closest tree, dropping the shoulder pouch he had been carying with his rod and fishing supplies.

"Dammit. Who the hell-" Hyo glanced around until his eyes met with a small clearing. His diamond pupils widened when he saw the unconcious human and the evil little goblins now surrounding him.

""Meat! Meat!"" They chanted around him like a cult of hungry monsters.

Hyo sighed. Hesitant, he wasn't sure what to do.

If it were he in that situation and a human in his, the human would surely let him perish. At least, from his experience, that's how it would go.

"Mmmmha! I wanna taste!"

Hyo had to grit his teeth. He watched one of the goblins lift the mans hoodie and shirt until bare skin was exposed. The goblins mouth watering and fangs bare, dripping saliva down his lips.

"Auuugh... Hyo... Don't do it, don't do it..." The cat spoke to himself, knowing full well he should just leave and pretend he never saw any of this but...

The goblins grotesqu tongue extended and licked up the human's stomach.

There was just no way he could just stand by and let this happen.

Quickly reaching into his fishing gear, he pulled out the dull knife he usually used to carve and gut fish with.

"BACK OFF!" Hyo hissed loudly, jumping out, blade in hand.

He hated goblins but overall, they were only truly dangerous when in large groups. Lucky for both human and cat, there were only three of them.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"
One of the goblins cried, flinching and stumbling back from the unconcious body.

"Noooo! Beast! Beast!" Another muttered.

"RRRUNNN!" The last whined in a panic sweat.

Hyo was actually pretty relieved. He must have come across more intimidating than he realised but was greatful he did.

Once the goblins had scurried off, Hyo cautiously made his way over to the human. There was something off about him. For starters, why was a human alone out here in the first place? Human's, although the dominate creature in their land, were still more fragile than the average beast or supernatural creature. They usually ended avoiding the dark forestries because of that, unless they had knights within a swords reach. This man though, he was alone.

That wasn't all, either.

His clothes were completely strange. Unlike anything Hyo had ever seen before.

Hyo wore a long sleeved, loose white button up which had seen some better days with a string tie holding the neck gap together. His pants were a raggy brown pair made of what looked to be the cheapest material around. His boots were so worn, he might as well been wearing nothing and two straps of faux leather worked as suspenders just to keep his pants up.

This humans clothes were nothing like his own.

"Weird... Why is he-" Hyo shook his head. He'd have to ask later, for now. The man needed help.

Fishing would have to wait for another day.

Grabbing his gear and shoving it over his shoulder, he made his way back over to the man and bent down to take a closer look. It almost seemed as if the human had fallen. But, from where?

"He's... Pretty cute... Actually..." Hyo muttered to himself. The thought honestly caught him off guard and forced him to quickly slap his own cheeks, trying to rid the blush appearing across his cheeks as his tail swayed furiously behind him.

Calming himself down, he carefully moved his arms under the mans back and legs and with a bit of effort, Hyo managed to pick him up bridal style.

"Argh, damn cute human. You're lucky I hate goblins."

Hyo started to make his way back to the farm. He was sure the others would be just as shocked and curious as he was.
Ryker didn't stir as the goblins approached, despite their lack of sneakiness. He had taken a great fall and likely had suffered a concussion. Not even the movement of his clothing woke him. The yelling caused a reaction, but it was barely more than a crinkling of his forehead and a twitch of his fingers. However, the movement of his body elicited much more of a reaction.

Pain bloomed across his body as he was lifted off the ground, dragging a sharp gasp from his chest. This was followed by rapid breaths and painful groans. Ryker's hazel eyes fluttered, then opened halfway. However, they weren't focused, didn't appear to really be seeing anything, as they dart side to side. He wasn't really conscious, his body merely reacting to the pain of pressure on his bruises.

After a brief few moments, Ryker settled back into deep unconsciousness, his breathing evening out and body relaxing. His subconscious rapidly formed whatever it could from the sensations his brain was receiving. Created a nightmare from the motion of being carried and the pain of the bruises blossoming across his pale skin.
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