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Fx M or F —coax's: Search Thread


Mar 31, 2022

My name is Coax, I'm 20+ years old and I have been roleplaying for a long time.
I know what I like and what I want. Down below you will find all my writing preferences.
Please read them before sending me a message. I don't mind roleplaying against someone
who has a completely different set of rules, different writing style and different views.
However, the more things we have in common, the more we are going to enjoy writing with each other.

my writing/roleplaying preferences:

Don't contact me if you're under 18 years old. I have nothing against younger roleplayers,
but I enjoy including darker and more mature themes in my roleplays. I don't want to limit myself
because then instead of writing and enjoying the process of letting my thoughts form into sentences
then turning into paragraphs, which eventually become a fully fleshed-out reply, I will have to restrict
myself and overthink everything to make sure I'm not including and mentioning any inappropriate things.

Do you have any triggers? Are there themes, settings, genres, scenes etc., that you don't want to
include in the roleplay? Tell me! Be upfront about it, otherwise, I'm not responsible for your triggers,
especially if you didn't say anything in the first place and I didn't know that we should have left some things aside.

I don't have one specific character, which I use in all my roleplays.
I love to create new characters for each new plot. As for my partner (a.k.a you) I don't.
care who you play as. It can be a celebrity, a character from a book or an original character.
It's all up to you!

Brainstorming is a big part of roleplaying for me. If neither of us has a plot or an idea for the roleplay,
we should work together to come up with one
. If I have to be the only one who tries to generate ideas,
by the time we will begin our roleplay, I probably will be tired, bored of it and will have zero motivation to write.
Also, even if we have an established plot and a clear storyline to follow, I don't mind if either of us decides that it
would be better and more interesting to change, add or remove something along the way.

Communication is important. We don't need to be good friends. We don't need to
check-in daily or talk constantly. But if something is bothering you, if you don't like the plot,
if you want to change it, end the roleplay — tell me. I will do the same.

We all have lives and I assume that for most of us, roleplaying is a hobby, which is why
I don't expect you to always be online and be quick with your replies. If I have one roleplay with you,
I will try to write at least one reply every two days
. Of course, if I have more free time, you can expect
me to reply even faster and more frequently. If I'm busy, it will take longer... Have I not replied and
a significant amount of time has passed? Don't hesitate to send me a message and ask what's up.
In most cases, I probably just forgot and I will appreciate the reminder.

No one-liners. Roleplays where each person only writes a few sentences are simply not my style.
I love when people describe EVERYTHING: the scene, the atmosphere, how a character looks,
reacts, feels and what they say. I love knowing even the tiniest details, which to other people might not
seem worth mentioning. Despite that, I also understand that depending on the scene and what's happening
in the roleplay, the replies can be shorter... For all those reasons, I exclusively roleplay in multi-para and/or novella style.

I write in 3rd person only.
I prefer to write in threads.
My native language isn't English, but I try to make sure that my grammar and spelling are at least somewhat correct.
I expect you to proofread your replies as well.
My prefered erotica to story ratio: 30/70. Writing smut is always fun and I enjoy it quite a bit. However, if our story
mainly focuses on sex, the plot quickly becomes boring and repetitive.

a bit about my likes and dislikes:

Most of the time, I prefer to write slice-of-life stories, which include some drama, romance, and maybe a sprinkle of a forbidden relationship.
I like a slow burn and tension, making my characters work for everything they want to have. I'm not very familiar with other genres, however,
I wouldn't mind giving them a shot. I think trying out something new could be fun. Although, you would have to be patient with me since
I probably won't know what I'm doing at first and I will need a bit of time to get into the groove.

When it comes to pairings, I'm a sucker for forbidden relationships, when characters have to hide the fact that they fancy each other.
I like making them sneak around, and watching the tension build up. Also, the moment where people start finding out and the secret starts to crumble,
unravelling the lies down, oh god, that's so fun to me.

As for the kinks. I would say that I like the basic stuff: light choking, hair pulling, spanking, and maybe even some bondage. Most of my characters have
a praise kink too. I like when characters tease each other and release that tension once the bedroom door closes. I very much enjoy making my characters
have intercourse in public, where they know that nobody is watching but there's a possibility of getting caught any second. I love that adrenaline rush, which
comes when you know that you're doing something wrong, but there is nothing you can do to stop yourself.
Also, foreplay probably is more fun to me than the sex itself.

There are only a few complete No-no's: I don't like anal, any feet fetish, bathroom play, big age gaps and incest.


If my thread caught your attention and you think we could be good writing partners, don't hesitate to reach out and send me a message! :)
But please if you do, don't just send a simple hey. Honestly, it's a big turndown. Your message doesn't have to be long or over the top,
but at least consider telling me your writing preferences (or give me a link to your thread, if you have one), what are your likes and dislikes,
triggers and if you have any ideas, from which we could possibly begin brainstorming.

Thank you for reading!

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