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WTF is an NFT?


“Ours is the Magic. Ours is the Power.”
Jun 1, 2019
Hell with Love
(Hopefully I’m not the only one with this question…..otherwise I’ll feel like a real idiot but….whatevs, bring it on! 🤣)

Can someone please explain this to me in…..”Get off my lawn!” speak. In other words…..simplest terms possible for an old lady to understand. Lmao I’m old and have no idea WTF an NFT is and I just acquired one, so I kinda need to know what the hell to do with it.

And so help me if any of ya’ll whipper snappers hand me a link to go read. I’ve been reading and I’m still scratching my head… if’n ya leave me a link, I’m gonna have to chase you down and beat you with my cane.

NFTs are a bitcoin farming scam and pyramid scheme. They literally exist only to enable people to boost the functionality of bitcoin which is speculative(undefined), unregulated money.

NFTs only work for those who buy into it and sell them first. All the way down the line until the very last person holding the bag is just holding a bag of useless shit. That they lost money on and nobody wants.
NFTs are a bitcoin farming scam and pyramid scheme. They literally exist only to enable people to boost the functionality of bitcoin which is speculative(undefined), unregulated money.

NFTs only work for those who buy into it and sell them first. All the way down the line until the very last person holding the bag is just holding a bag of useless shit. That they lost money on and nobody wants.
How sad is it that I also don’t even know what the fuck bitcoin is for or anything either. I am, in short, absolutely stupid when it comes to anything cryptocurrency related. As the saying goes…..I’m too old for this shit! Lmao

Also…..I didn’t buy this one. Sir Elton John gave it to me. Which I must say is…..🤗❤️ But I digress! Lol
Possibly nothing, it could have malicious code designed to steal whatever is in your crypto wallet.

Longer answer though could be found here:


Yes, I know a very long answer; but it needs to be to go into even a surface level critique.

For more I would recommend the podcast Scam Economy.

I would hope that Sir Elton’s NFT wouldn’t have malicious code but aside from that…..even if it does, it’s the only NFT I possess and probably ever will possess, quite frankly.
Possibly nothing, it could have malicious code designed to steal whatever is in your crypto wallet.

Longer answer though could be found here:


Yes, I know a very long answer; but it needs to be to go into even a surface level critique.

For more I would recommend the podcast Scam Economy.

+10 to this. That vid is awesome.

@PhoenixRising82 I wasn't specifically talking about you purchasing it but explaining in general. You know how a pyramid scheme works, yeah? That's NFTs. Only the people who buy early get anything valuable from it.

As far as what you have in your possession? It's something to look at on your computer screen. Just like any other image you could copy paste. So, it's nice for that.
That's good at least, I just know that if you watch the video I linked you'll find out that it is an issue.

So what an NFT is that someone thought it'd be a swell way to try and advertise blockchain by saying it can be more then an unregulated speculative commodity because you can ad a bit of code to the block chain that says person X owns this item. This item being just a line of code on the block chain that points to a different website which could be an image or an audio file.

It's like really expensive and environmentally destructive trading cards; but sometimes the trading cards will steal your money, stop working because the site the line of code points to goes offline, or end up being useless because it was all just a pump and dump scheme by the creator.
How sad is it that I also don’t even know what the fuck bitcoin is for or anything either. I am, in short, absolutely stupid when it comes to anything cryptocurrency related. As the saying goes…..I’m too old for this shit! Lmao

Also…..I didn’t buy this one. Sir Elton John gave it to me. Which I must say is…..🤗❤️ But I digress! Lol
It's not sad. I'd say most people have no idea what a bitcoin is or how it works.

And honestly? The more I learned about it, the more I am like "this is real? People actually do this? facepalm"
It's been a while since I've looked into it, so my info is a bit rusty. Here goes!

NFT is a non-fungible token. This roughly translates to "unchangable token or irreplaceable token". The idea is simple; if any part of the token is changed, it becomes invalid. Like a password, of sorts! If you miss even one letter in a password, you won't be able to log in. Similarly, if you miss even a single bit of data in an NFT, the whole of it becomes invalid.

The reason how one can know that it's been changed without a centralized service is via something called 'blockchain technology'. The ideas, afaik, is that each block in the chain contains a 'hash' of the previous block. Wait wait, what's a hash? Well, ever heard the expression "A picture is worth a thousand words"? Well, a hash could be that translation of a picture into text; a picture now being worth a thousand bits! Or, well, hashes can be quite short. That's the charm! By just looking at a weird jumble of letters and then perform the 'hash operation' (math stuff) to recreate the hash, if the new hash is different from the one you used to have, the picture has in some way changed!

Now, we don't only hash pictures. We hash 'blocks'! What's a block? Well, it's basically just a box of things. You can put anything into this box, really. Well, besides water and bread and such. I've heard it ruins the hardware. :p

So, to bring it back around; we use the mathematical hash operation to create 'a hash' of a box of things. This hash ends up functioning as a receipt; because if anything changes in that box of things, and we then hash the box of things again, the new hash will look entirely different. Even with small changes!

So, in translation, a 'block' is a box of things. A 'hash' is a receipt. Each box contains the receipt of the previous box; and that's the trick! Because when we hash the new box, we also hash the old receipt. This way, we can see if the receipt has changed too! We create a chain of receipts, basically.

TL;DR or In conclusion:
I don't understand the concept too well to explain it as anything other than this: An NFT is a receipt of ownership of something!

Now, with the technical bits out of the way, it's time to go into the political side of things!

So, there's been a bit of controversy as far as I understand about NFTs. Namely, a lot of NFTs is a receipt of a link rather than a picture itself. NFTs also currently isn't implemented in law at all (AFAIK), so it has no real value as of yet (It's a receipt no one but NFT advocates acknowledge). NFT advocates want it to become a legitimate type of receipt, used to copyright content on the Internet. So, let's say you draw something. Perhaps you could make an NFT just to mark ownership, and then use that receipt to copyright strike others. Without law, that's currently impossible, but that is, I think, what the NFT advocates want.

Another big problem with NFTs is that... Well, receipts already exists. The idea is, that NFTs are going to be used as receipts for digital goods, but if we wanted such a system, there's no reason a centralized receipt system (a regular receipt) wouldn't be able to do the same. The big strength of stuff like NFTs, is that it's entirely decentralized; meaning there's no authority needed to trade it. But that is about it, really.

Another problem with NFTs is that they can get stolen similarly to bitcoin, AFAIK. Which I think is done by basically copying the receipt, making a new transaction and creating a new receipt and bam, NFT gone... AFAIK. A bit uncertain on this part.

Personally, I'm not sure how I feel about having more styles of copyright than there already is. I'm... Mixed. I fear that it could end up being just another tool to unify wealth (yeah, I'm a leftist, okay? :p) and that really concerns me. As nice as it sounds to have an easy receipt of your ownership, it's, eh, I'm not sure I like it.

... I hope I got the details right, hah. :)
@Jericho Z. Barrons It is pretty and shiny when it’s animating. Plus it gives me access, making me a member to the Rocket Club! ❤️ That’s worth plenty to me cuz I love me some Elton!

@Nihilistic_Impact Also have no idea what a blockchain is. 🤣 I am technologically stunted, for real for real! Also also… are they environmentally destructive? I am legit curious. I read this also in my general reading and I was scratching my head then too. *chuckles*

@Deante The way I understand it is……I’ve got my bank card, da fuck do I need bitcoin or cryptocurrency for for anything…..and especially when it seems someone can steal that if it’s worth stealing far far easier than getting the money from my bank card (cuz lemme tell ya! My bank is on the fucking ball with their protection).

@Laa Ima have to chase you….and good! 🤣 Even your TLDR is long! 🤣 I will sit and read it over later once I’m more awake and actually have my glasses on. Lmao
Haha, it looks long because of poor formatting on my part. The TL;DR is just a sentence.

And in case you're going to chase me, well... I have to point out that, right over there, there's-

The video I linked to talked about how the blockchain, which is really just a ledger were any information added to it can't be removed or edited only appended to, and how it is energy intensive because the way it works is that thousands of computers compete to see who can complete a math problem that gets progressively more difficult to solve with each new math problem.

If it makes no sense to you, don't worry. It shouldn't. Machine go brrr, some people say it's money and spend a lot of money to say that brrr is money; but it's not.
The video I linked to talked about how the blockchain, which is really just a ledger were any information added to it can't be removed or edited only appended to, and how it is energy intensive because the way it works is that thousands of computers compete to see who can complete a math problem that gets progressively more difficult to solve with each new math problem.

If it makes no sense to you, don't worry. It shouldn't. Machine go brrr, some people say it's money and spend a lot of money to say that brrr is money; but it's not.
🤣🤣🤣 I will absolutely say that you lost me at the word math! Lmfao I suck at math so rest assured……I shan’t be doing any such thing as that.

I think I do understand part of it though. Like if I were to sell my NFT and it became popular, it would progressively garner more “money”. I think I’m my reading it said somewhere that if I sold it, there is a setting that gives the original owner a percentage of every sale or something along those lines. That shit alludes to math too so I kinda zone out. 🤣
Haha, it looks long because of poor formatting on my part. The TL;DR is just a sentence.

And in case you're going to chase me, well... I have to point out that, right over there, there's-

I don’t distract so easily……unless it’s RDJ! 🤣
I don't know if your particular NFT does that; but it is a feature touted as a feature of NFTs. Though this is not a natural state of NFTs and is something that needs to be programmed into them, and any money garnered would be in the form of whatever cryptocurrency it is tied to, not actual currency issued by any government.
@Nihilistic_Impact *facepalms* I did actually get that part of it, it just didn’t make it into my post. Lol I figured it wasn’t real money but yeah, the cryptocurrency, which I think is the silliest thing…..for reasons as stated above.

But for real, that video Nihil posted is pretty long, but goes way in depth on what NFTs are.
And since I don't think anyone has answered your question about the environment. Any crypto transaction requires a ton of energy. Like a stupid amount. So crypto miners/minters/etc put an enormous amount of strain on the electrical grid, forcing more to be generated to keep up with demand. I believe it's touched on in the video, which I will also echo is very good, but the demand to perform all the calculations required to do anything with crypto is higher than the electrical demand of some countries
This made me laugh.

I find NFT's to be more of a scam than anything, because you're not owning the actual product. However, as humans, we assign value to whatever we want. We elect to value gold and diamonds, but they're just rock and coal. We value brands because we choose to. We value art simply because we like the way it looks. There are people who value code and faux ownership. I prefer funge, not non-funge.
Blockchain is a distributed cryptographically secured ledger.

  • Distributed: no one person or entity controls it (in theory)
  • Cryptographically secure: once something is written to the ledger it's permanent, you can't go back and make changes
  • Ledger: a record of transactions. So and so sent something to so and so.
The primary use of blockchain is cryptocurrency, in which case the ledger is a record of currency transfers. "So and so sent five bitcoin to so and so."

We'll use an imaginary cryptocurrency called bluebux. The ledger in question is just a record of transactions.
  • PhoenixRising82 receives 8 bluebux.
  • PhoenixRising82 sends 2 bluebux to Our Father
  • Our Father sends 1 bluebux to ...
  • ...
And so on. The key thing here is that the blubux are fungible, in that one is as good as another.

NFTs are non-fungible, in that they are distinguishable. So now the transaction log is:
  • PhoenixRising82 receives bluebux numbers 23, 24, and 25
  • PhoenixRising82 sends bluebux 24 to Our Father
  • Our Father sends bluebux 24 to ...
  • ...
So now we can track not just who owns how many bluebux, but who owns particular bluebux.

Something else we can do is embed some information in the transaction log. Not a lot, because storing information takes a lot of space; we aren't going to like embed a movie or anything. Maybe just like 256 or 512 characters of text, but that's enough text to specify a url, and maybe that URL at the moment links to some image on the internet. Say the image is of a forum avatar.

In that case, we have a transaction log that looks like:
  • PhoenixRising82 receives bluebux numbers 23 (links to happy face :) ), 24 (links to sad face :( ), and 25 (links to rofl face :ROFLMAO: ).
  • PhoenixRising82 sends bluebux 24 (links to sad face :() to Our Father
  • Our Father sends bluebux 24 (links to sad face :() to...
  • ...
Now, some important facts:
  • Formally, you don't own the various faces. What you have is a claim on a particular ledger entry associated with the url. What's at that url is always up to whoever runs that server. The ledger may say that I am the current holder of bluebux 24, but if the owner of the server the image lives on feels like being a jerk they can always change my :( to a 🤡 and there is nothing I can do about it.
  • There is also nothing anyone can do to stop someone from taking my :( and using it themselves. You can screenshot it, right click it and "save as...", all of that stuff.
  • There's also nothing in particular I can do with my :(. I can use it as my forum avatar if I want, but so can other people (unless the owner of the forum writes a bunch of code to make it so only I can use it).
That's it. That's all NFTs are.
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