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Aub's Characters.

Adella Francis

"To be a vampire is an awfully big responsibility. I suppose I had once got the idea into my head that, if one was to have any "fun" at all in life — and why not? — it must come by accident; but I found this out with some disappointment. But there is no fun in being a vampire. A dead thing. A creature of darkness. Yes, the chase is exciting enough, and the kill delightful; but thereafter — nothing! Yes, I have my looks and my figure and my money — what more can one desire for? But I am greedy, you know. There is nothing left in me but vanity; and vanity has its limits — or should have them. And what of my prey, you may ask? Oh, they are usually very nice people. Good-looking, too. My last woman was really a beauty, and she had the most charming manners; her lips were lovely, and her eyes so sweet. I liked making her acquaintance, and I liked talking to her, and I liked kissing her — and I liked pleasuring her; but I was disappointed when I felt how little she meant to me. She did not thrill me. Indeed, she made me feel sick. My meals have grown monotonous; I can't wait to get over the genialities, the small talk, the compliments, and the flattery, the sex, and then the removal of trust and responsibility; and then off with their heads in two minutes flat! — before they could say Jack Robinson. And then it's back again to the quiet life, perhaps I'll powder my face, and put on my hat, and take myself off to some public place where I may observe the people, and watch for the morrow, and satisfy myself that, after all, I still carry the charm."

Name: Adella Francis.

Date of Birth: 1920.

Date of Transformation: 1940, age 20.

Place of Origin: Rocamadour Commune, France.

Nationality: French.

Race: Black.

Hair Color: Ebony.

Eye Color: Brown (human); ruby (vampire).

Height: 5'8.

Special Abilities: Mind control; includes enhanced beauty and seduction.

Education/Occupation: She has earned degrees in literature and art history.

Personality: Adella is an extremely smart and calculating woman; some would say she is cold and unfeeling, and they would be correct in their assumption. Adella was born a kind and innocent person but as a vampire lost her heart and much of her natural compassion. She does feel remorse for what she does, and sometimes regrets what she has become, but ultimately feels that she will never be able to return to her previous human state. Adella is rather reserved and subdued in her personality, but is also very intelligent. Her strengths lie in combat and survival. As a quick learner, Adella possesses the intelligence necessary to comprehend any given situation and utilize the resources available to her. Adella may appear sullen and reserved, but with enough time and encouragement, she will ultimately express her true feelings. Although one would not know it looking at her, she is cunning, resourceful, and hard-working. Adella is incredibly loyal to those she trusts. She is known for her strong sense of justice, and she is also an avid reader of literature and folklore outside of her vampire duties. While Adella is an adventurer at heart, she always looks forward to taking new adventures, researching new locations, and getting to know new cultures. When she's not on the hunt for adventures, Adella is usually found studying, researching, or occasionally having a short break between the adventure.

Backstory: Previously a member of a coven in Egypt, Adella gained entrance shortly after her death in the Rocamadour Commune in France. Her master is an unknown vampire. Prior to her vampiric life, Adella was engaged to her childhood sweetheart named Lorenzo Small in the early 1940s, during the Second World War. Lorenzo worked as a car dealer for a local dealership and lived a relatively quiet and happy life. Along with Lorenzo was Lorenzo's mother, Elizabeth Small who was just like a mother to Adella, and Adella always looked up to her for she did not have a meaningful relationship with her own mother. Adella was an aspiring playwright and actress; she loved to see Shakespearean tragedies and marvel at the costumes on stage. Though she wasn't a successful actress and only acquired minor theater roles, she enjoyed writing plays and performing them in the forest and later in life, to her fiance. Lorenzo and Adella were both fairly young, and their love strong. However, Adella always had a strong leaning toward women. The couple almost wed, but certain events that took place prevented their marriage from coming to fruition. Returning from a walk in the city one evening, Lorenzo was the victim of a brutal attack. The city had been experiencing a large number of strange and unexplained murders; by the time Adella returned, Lorenzo had been drained of blood. Rushing to his side, Adella was horrified to find Lorenzo's body. Frantic, she searched the area, hoping to find the murderer of her fiancé. She was not aware that the horrible creature who had attacked her fiancé was hidden in the shadows; Adella only noticed the creature as it moved closer. She remembered the moment when the beast stood inches from her face; she remembered its thick, matted hair and sharp, red eyes. Romantically, she was overcome by a feeling of childhood wonder as she looked into those devilish eyes, and they left her with an impression that would not easily be forgotten. Unbeknownst to anyone, including herself, Adella had been what the creature was looking for all along; what that was, she was not sure. Perhaps it was beauty, or her heart, or her purity that he sought. Whatever it was, she was not only the object of the creature's attention but the last of his victims.

The creature did not kill Adella, and she would have much rather he had for her fate , as it turned out, was even more terrifying than death. She had heard stories of bloodthirsty monsters who would kidnap and eat young women, of men who would howl at the moon until they went mad and killed. Darkness enveloped Adella's comfortable existence like a veil. Her memory of that night was as vague as the moment they happened, but she most certainly remembered the feeling. She felt as though her body was the same, her heart still beating, her breaths quick and frantic with dread. Everything was the same, except her mind. Her mind was a haze, clouded with thoughts of the beast and its murkiness, together with sharp, fearful images. No words could describe the sheer power of the fear into which she felt herself being pulled, and she had no understanding of what she was experiencing. For a brief moment, she kept her eyes open to find the creature staring back at her, and then the light was gone. Alone and in search of a blood source, she met another vampire a vampire of which would later be revealed as the leader of her Coven. Loyal and determined, Adella sought to gain entrance into the Egyptian Coven. She proved to be a gifted fighter and became a figure of great devotion among her fellow Coven members. Adella quickly adapted to her new life and found a way to keep her mind occupied. Memories of her past, though painful, did not emerge as the start of her new life blossomed. Adella, being a rarity among her species, possesses the gift of mind control. She has used this skill to both destroy those who threatened her clan, and to ensnare human prey; such a gift is likely why Adella is such a formidable opponent. While she uses her gift for duties, she also uses it for amusement from time to time.
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