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Fx Male Seeking High Fantasy Epic


No Creature of Theirs
Nov 4, 2018
Hi! I'm Emillion. Or Em.
Female. 30s. Canadian.

What I'm Looking for in a Roleplay:

I have finally figured out how to put it into words. Yay!


A D&D campaign without the actual game mechanics (stats/dice) and a lore/history that we make up as we go. There is no GM. We are both GM. We both forward plot, create chaos, and control NPCs. We take turns leading a story where needed.

Bring me an OC (or two) and I'll bring mine. I don't care who you bring as long as they'd SOMEWHAT function in a classic, high fantasy adventure.

I don't care...
  • If they're a saint or a sociopath
  • How tall they are.
  • How old they are.
I want romance/sex to happen organically as our characters get to know each other through their (mis)adventures. Some characters may end up rivals, some lovers, some BEST FRIENDS FOREVER. I prefer the primary romantic/sexual pairing(s) to be M/F but am open to others as secondaries.

Because me not actually specifying has cost me partners, I'm sure....

Let's just keep it straightforward...
  • Stick it wherever. Vaginal, Oral, Anal... All good by me. Though some characters may be more reluctant than others depending on their sexual experiences.
  • Rough OR sweet. I like both. Switch it up once in a while. Restraint, aggression, AND vanilla. Different characters will be into different things.
  • I can accommodate a dom/sub preference, but I prefer to let our characters figure it out themselves story-wise and don't really like putting MCs in a box.
  • Rape/Non Con. Sure. Yeah. Rape happens sometimes. It sometimes happens a lot. It's not a sexual kink... but it can be used as a plot device. Or it can not happen at all. That being said.... strict non-con plots are not my thing.
  • The usual 'nos'.... and a no to anything physically 'unrealistic'; hyper/macro/micro, inflation...

What you can expect from me:
  • A post or two every week. Sometimes more, sometimes less. I don't have a lot of time most days but will communicate OOC.
    • I do love OOC talk about the roleplay and characters even when I don't have time to write a reply.
  • 300-500 word replies that both react to your reply AND move story forward. (Up to 1500-2000 for scene changes/openers/when I need to get something done.)
  • A variety of characters. Mostly female.

To the Point:
I really just want to sandbox something. Make it up as we go. Lets throw some OCs together and see what kind of trouble they get into/make/attempt to prevent. Bring your archetype to the table and let's fuck 'em up/over.

Have an OC you're itching to write or revive? Throw them at me in a PM and I'll throw one back. PROBABLY with some cliche but simple 'hook' to force them into each other's paths.

..... As an aside... If I vanished on you, and if you have no hard feelings.... hit me up! We can pick it up or start anew if you're willing!
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