Mx Female Seeking partners for ... Kidnapping, corruption, mind control... (NSFW links) Male seeking Female and possibly M/M


The minds master
Jan 18, 2012
Hello All

I'm Lady, I've been sort of away from RP for a bit because of, well… Life. But I'd like to get back into it again and find some great new partners 😊

For starters, I play MALE characters, that's it… And I will play M/M and M/F roles, with myself playing the Dom in M/F and a Dom/Switch in M/M roles.

I role play in 3rd​ person and I'm not a grammar nazi… I only passed language with a 60% myself…

I have no set limit for responses, accept I won't answer one liners…

Finally, before we get to my plot, PLEASE DON'T GHOST ME… I've had it happen in the past and to be honest, it hurts… If you don't like the RP, SAY SO, and we can work it out or we move on, BUT PLEASE LET ME KNOW

So, with all that out of the way, here is the plot I'm looking to do right now, and it can go a few ways so I can try a few partners 😊


I'd like to do a fantasy/medieval setting with some magic and hypnosis…

I'd like to put a spell on the princess, a 'slave' mark… Here are a few examples of the mark/tattoo I mean

Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
Link 5

Link 6

But I don't want it to be 'I'm under your control, fuck me!' Like most people think happens with Hypnosis. I'd like the curse to slowly affect her… Like tease her, make her feel things…

Also, I'm not sure if I want to kidnap her and have this happen, or be someone in the castle who does this to her… So, this plot can go a few ways… I'd also like to add some hypnosis cues, either through the curse or putting her under…

I don't want her or anyone else to be able to see the mark/tattoo until the time is right… I want her to be an innocent princess… and I want it to almost… whisper to her? Like she'll start to feel warm there… Maybe think about touching herself but not knowing why… Even giving her small bursts a pleasure now and then… Maybe even a slight throbbing when MC's around her, but MC would only be around her when others were, so she wouldn't know it's because of anyone… a slow, unknown corruption ^.^ maybe even a few sexy dreams that she can't totally remember…

I'd also like to take control of her mind with it at times… Like activating it, making it glow and it will put her in a trance state… Maybe MC can give her body mini sessions when like that, like have the mark stimulate her lightly to tease her body more, again something she'll not remember…

It's not set in stone; we can talk it out and add or change things... I hope to hear from you soon <3
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