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Its all for the Family and greater good!

tiffy collins

Jan 23, 2012
Hello one and all. This is my newest RT you can look back into my history and finds tons more. If you like my ideas but maybe want to keep looking then enjoy lol.

This set of ideas will be tied together through a common theme. The theme being I would play a teen girl who in some way or anouther is strongly compelled to endure abuse. And the reason will always be around the idea of protecting her family. In most ideas she could possibly refuse. Or tell the police or some one. But in each case she would have to know she is tearing her family apart for selfish reasons. To prevent her abuse she would rip apart her family. In most cases this wont be full out rape. But letting herself be used is what is good for the majority.

so without further babbling have a look :) Oh...a bit more Babbling.

PM please dont post replys here I never look. But I wont hate a fan bumping me :)

All the roles can be altered as needed. I can play boys if you would rather a Male male or my Young Male forced by an older woman. I am very open to alterations as needed just come ask me if you have an idea

1= long lost Rapist-Uncle

So this idea would begin many years before my char is born. When her Father is only 10 or 11. (This could also be the mother not the father) You had an older brother who had mental instability. Because of the lack of understanding and advanced medications. As well as a time of more stigma on mental ilness he was never treated. As a teen he ran away and over the years his issues only ever getting worse. But you never stopped looking for him. You always wanted to find him help him and make up for the past mistakes of your parents.

Eventually you did track him down. After decades of spending great deals of time and money. You finally found him and managed to convince him to accept help. This RP takes place some 2 years latter. The uncle spent some time in a medical center getting treatment and working out a medicine regiment. Now he seems like a new person. Shaved showered cleaned up and far more in control of himself. He is on a steady regiment of Pills and while the doctors want to ease him back into the world. There confident that he is on the right path.

My Girl now 15 wants to love and warmly accept her Uncle. Her parents informed her he would move in with them. He is not ready to get an apartment of his own yet. But at the same time my Girl deeply resents her uncle. She resents all the time and money her Parents spent finding him. While she was often ignored or pushed to the side. All the times Dad would vanish for weeks to track down some lead. Only to turn up nothing. And return having spent a fortune.

So I am not sure how this will get sexual yet. But my Girl would be pretty desperate for attention. And would often act out sneaking out at night smoking weed. Walking around the house half naked (Bikinis or just Bras and shorts) She could have gotten a Punkish look Blue green hair. Peircings in all sorts of interesting places. She is craving attention hell she would be thrilled to have her parents crack down on her. Yell at her punish her NOTICE her. I would have her announce she is a lesbian to see if that got a reaction. When her parents are like...K thats nice here is a condom be safe..say have you seen your Uncle? Has he taken his meds?? She could invite hot girls over and have loud sex with them again just trying to get her parents to notice her. Positive or negative attention does not matter really. But as always there fuly concentrated on her Uncle and his needs.

So the fairly inevitable conclusion here is that some one has been noticing her. While she was ignoring her uncle out of a petty spite and not being terribly nice to him. He has been watching her with growing need...How and where he fucks her we will figure out as the RP unfolds. But her demands for attention got her attention...just not the attention she wanted...

Conclusion: While she could tell her parents or report her uncle. She is not sure her parents would even get the uncle arrested. There so protective of him and would probably blame his Illness. But past that she knows deep down her Parents spent decades of time and vast sums of money to find him...if she seeks help he would be arrested and taken away again. Can she do that to her parents? Send her uncle to jail destroy her Dad who has spent his entire life trying to get closer to his brother.

A good girl would have to endure it...for the family!


2= the great white hope and his Minnion

This idea is about a family who are really poor and have few prospects. They could live in a trailor or a small run down apartment building. My char is a multi talented Athletic girl. Who happens to be shockingly smart. At 15 she is the head cheerleader. Perfect grades and works out every day. But born into a Very Christian family she has always known that a womans role is to be a wife. Take care of the home and support her Man in any way she can. You play her brother and the familys great hope. Your not that smart and not quite as good athletically. But your still very good and captain of a sports team. My parents see you as the great hope. If you could go pro one day you could pull them all up with you. And so anything and everything any of them can do to support you Must be done without question. Its alot of preassure on you. And while your sister is silently breaking school records. Your Parents hardly even notice her. A girls future is a baby a ring a mop...and making her man just as happy as she can.

In addition my Char as a cheerleader cheers at all your games. So when your on the road traveling with the team. The cheer girls go along. Often staying in hotels when traveling around for Games. My girl spent her entire life being told how your the Great hope. And while she some times Arogantly thinks she is kind of special as well..clearly thats the sin of Pride and should be represed. Her role in life is to help you in any way she can. The higher you rise the more you pull her and your parents up.

This would not start sexual. But could involve me serving your more basic needs. Cleaning your room cooking your meals. Maybe helping you train. I would like some massages as well helping you relax. Whatever you need day or night I am always there. Maybe even Finding and bringing you girls on demand. A red head tonight..oh okay sure thing!. Even if we are away from home at a hotel. One text and I am sneaking into your room. How this gets sexual...who knows. I mean I am sure you see the general idea. Are you over stressed one night. The pressure is to much the expectation to high. You need a release and your freaking out. Do you demand it..beg for it or will I offer it? A Blowjob at first we both know sex is wrong. But whats the harm of a blow job...slippery slopes and all.

Conclusion: Her family is poverty striken and all there hopes and dreams rest on her brother. They NEED him and the pressure on him is crushing. And he needs her. A good girl would know Helping him helps her entire family. Its her duty its what needs doing!


3= A bitter brother

This idea is maybe the most direct straight to rape almost from the first posts. (With just a bit of char builidng first). In a family of 2 girls one brother. Our parents just finished a 2 year long divorce. It was brutal nasty mean bitter divorce. Mom and Dad grew to hate each other. There main goal to cause the maximum pain. Neither stopped to think what was best for the kids. As they dragged the kids through there petty bitter divorce. Now its over and the parents got joint custody. Its summer and the next few months Dad has all 3 kids.

Dad is not really a good dad. He got an apartment but the divorce left him Broke and bitter. The one room apartment has no bedrooms. The only place to sleep is a large open room. There is almost no furniture there. The dad has a bed but the kids will sleep on the floor. I am thinking Dad has a GF maybe a stripper kind of trashy. He could fuck her every night in bed. But there side chars in all of this.

The main stars are the 3 teen kids 2 girls and a boy. Each has learned to deal with the Divorce in different ways. Your char the boy I am thinking god angry and kind of meaner. He loves his sisters but he grew up watching love get twisted and used as a weapon. One sister is mousy and became a people pleaser. Endure the abuse quietly and just keep trying to make everyone happy. The other became a Goth punk bitchy girl. Periced tatted dressed in Dark clothes Blue hair. Each night Dad is fucking his GF and the 3 kids lay awake trying to pretend they cant hear her. Your cock is sooo hard Your a young horny boy with pretty epic impulse control issues.

My idea of where it gets sexual would be this. Dad and the GF take a long shower. There clearly fucking in the shower. And when there done the dad tells the kids they can shower...or not before bed. But there is almost no hot water left. So just figure it out he does not care. Your char needs a shower maybe hoping to jerk off relieve the desperate needs of your young Hardness. The mousy people pleaser will also go shower. And MAYBE the goth punk.

In short its an impulse for your char. They share a shower to make what little use of the few minutes of hot water they have. The sight of the naked sexy younger sister drives you past control. You bend her over and use her hard. Your greedy demanding cock will not be ignored this time. She might complain but quietly in soft almost pleading tones. Your needs are far to great to notice her mewling. After you fill her up and the Now cold water that was pouring down over her badk leaving her shivering and icy cold..dripping cum. You leave perhaps feeling some shame...perhaps just to satisfied and content to notice her discomfort. If the Punk goth girl also was there she watched but did not join in. She could join in sexualy latter either way. Perhaps she starts to abuse the mousy girl as well. Maybe she starts to crave some greedy cock of her own...

conclusion: your Greedy cock is sated for now...But a greedy cock will soon demand more. And you cant be expected to resist the needs of that greedy beast. my mousy girl is the ideal target. Sure she might make vauge sounding complaints but a loud NO is beyond her. For the good of the family all she can do is all she ever did...endure!.


4= Step up or see Daddy step out

She knew her daddy was not happy at home any longer. It was no secret everyone knew her parents marriage was crumbling. It was all because of that dammed surgery she thought. Mom used to be vibrant energetic athletic. And she wanted her Husbands cock every bit as much as her husband wanted to give her it. But the surgery seemeed to change all of that. Mom seemed depressed and meek these days. Her sex drive dwindled to nearly gone. Her feisty personality now seemed dulled. Daddy was bored of her and he was horny. Oh to be fair mom still gave him sex...but far less then before. And while she used to cry ride him hard and seemed as greedy for sex as he was. Now mom just seemed to lay there and let him do as he wanted. It was sex to be sure...but her dad wanted more then a warm sex doll to mount and use.

She knew he was working latter to avoid mom. She had come home early a few times and caught him fucking younger girls. She knew it was not his fault. It was mom who changed her Daddy was not the issue. One night she found evidence of her dads Plans. He met a woman and planned to leave mom and be with her. She was younger then him in her late 20s. Horny and eager to be fucked like Mom used to be. But..his baby girl did not want to lose her daddy. She begged mom to fight for for him. Demanded mom snap out of this depression and take care of Daddy. Finally Dad announced he would be leaving them in 1 month. 1 month to close up his affairs here and he would be gone for ever.

Conclusion: If mom wont fight for him. If Mom wont do whatever it takes to keep there family together then she would!. The red headed teen always heard the expression...Red on the head Fire in the bed. Fuck Mom if she was going to be a mean bitch and not treat Daddy right....Then She would drag him to bed and show him just how hot this Red headed Fire can burn...Set the room on fire she would burn sooo good for Daddy. When she was done she was sure Daddy would know his place was at home.


5= Rent is Due and Moms value dropped.

Daddy liked to gamble but unfortunate as could be Dad was pretty bad at it. Mom worked hard to keep the family in tact. But no matter how many hours she worked. Dad would soon hunger for the next bet. Always sure he was onto the winner this time. This time he would hit the jack pot and his family would see his value. Only he always seemed to lose and leave them deeper in debt. Living in a small apartment there Landlord knew they could not afford the rent. Mom long ago accepted that her Body would often be needed to make the rent payment. She hated it and felt disgusting. But what could she do? She worked long shifts but the money would vanish. She could not let her family be tossed out homeless could she? She made sure to hide her Daughter and protect the girl. Her daughter now 15 (my main) would hide in her room. The Landlord never even knew they had a daughter.

So 3 or 4 times a week the landlord would come over. Deeming the moms value as clearly not very high. She would have to hasve sex 12-16 times a month just to pay rent heating electricity and so on. One night the land lord comes over early and for the first time spots the daughter. The Mom is horrified and begs him to leave her daughter be..but the landlord raises there rent...he wants a 15 year old pussy.

So the premise is pretty simple. The family is broke in debt and the landlord takes pussy for rent. And now mom is not the pussy he wants anymore. Mom hates the very idea of trading her daughters Pussy for rent. But what more can she do??? She works as much as she can. And being homeless would be worse then a little sex right?? The mom wants to say no...but also understands her Daughter is old enough to start to contribute.

conclusion: You the landlord I think would not push tooo hard. like would not just force the daughter right then and there. But maybe you make the daughter sit on the bed as you fuck her Mom. Mom could offer to have sex with her daughter as you watch also. A personal live lesbian mommy daughter sex show. Maybe your son gets involved. You could force my girl to date your son at school. And of course eventually you would be fucking her ass. With her mom or without with your son or not. Maybe your son and my mom both. My dad could even be forced to watch in a Cuckold like situation. Endless options here lets make a story!.


6= Daddy cant help it

This is a pretty simple idea. A young Man married young to his sexy High school lover. 23 years latter he is 40 and cant hide from his sexual attractions any longer. He is deeply attracted to Teen girls young in the full blossom of development and life. He would reason that Science teaches a Gay man cant chose to be straight. A straight can cant chose to be gay. Sexual desires are hardwired in the brain. He does not want to be attracted to young girls. His life would be easier if he was not. But...he is and his one time teen sexy GF is not old as he is. And the sex hardly even satisfies him at all now. So he turned to Porn seeking Vids and pictures of young girls. How far this fixation has gone is open to our mutual agreement. Perhaps he is limited himself to fantasies. He would admire Teen girls from afar and just fantasize of them. Perhaps as said porn satisfies him for now. Maybe at most he has raped young girls before. Perhaps on family vacations where he had the best odds of getting away with it. Either way his daughter will begin to see through her Dads needs. Maybe even learning she stars in many of his fantasies. Maybe she learns about the hidden cam in her bedroom or shower. She would be angry but also sympathetic. Its not his fault he cant chose what he craves can he?

conclusion: My teen girl could be your daughter or neice in this RP. Either way she would come to understand you have a need for young girls. And if you continue on this path you would end up caught and in jail. The only way to protect you and herself and her family is to give her daddy what her Daddy needs. She reasons a consenting willing Girl who wont tell the police is safer then any other alternative.

Secondly there could be a twist where instead of offering herself. She offers her best friend. The Best friend is attracted to older men and very eager to be used and fucked at will. The daughter could then watch them have sex and maybe assist a bit. Jerking daddy off onto her friend. Licking her friends pussy and breasts clean of Cum. Eventually ofcourse Daddy will show her just how yummy his dick tastes...


7= its just easier this way.

So for this idea my Char would have a mom and a dad. Plus her Uncle would be your main char. Mom is a people pleaser weak of will and soft toned. She is sure that every issue can be solved by a bigger smile. More cooking cleaning and most of all Denial demnial denial. When there is a big issue. Just close your eyes cook a huge meal. And ignore it until it goes away. Dad on the other hand just wants to maintain the status quo. If nothing ever changed then life is great. You the uncle Char is married but your wife is boring. For years you watched your neice growing up getting sexier and by the day it seemed. Often at nights you and my dad would hang out at my house watch sports and get drunk. You were never shy to grab a little feel of Mom or your neice. In fact maybe you have been fucking the mom some time now. She is far to meek to stop you and her husband is often to drunk to notice.

But the central char is the daughter. As she got older you were more attracted to her. Rubbing her legs grabbing her ass. Never going tooo far after all if my dad found could go bad. Until one night you finally cross the line. Walking up behind me you push your hands under under my skirt to finger fuck my pussy. I struggle but you hold me tight rubbing my pussy until i have a strong orgasm. Horrifued i run to my parents to report what you just did. But to my shock they hardly even react. Mom scolds me for telling lies and exagerating. To her its easier to think I am a liar then my uncle just molested me. My dad is even worse and laughs in my face. Accusing me of dressing like a slut and why should I be shocked if I am treated like a slut. He puts all the blame onto me and even forces me to apoligise to the uncle.

And in that instant you finally learned the truth. You could do anything you want to me. Mom will deny it and call me a liar. Dad will blame me and act like I get what I deserved. Soon your walking into my room at night. I try to stop you but your to big to strong. And my parents refuse to do anything at all. I could tell the cops. But what credability do I have if mom and Dad side with you?

Conclusion: The parents dont exactly want me raped there not evil. Its just easier to not see it or deal with it. Its easier to assume there daughter is a slut and liar. Then you are a rapist and they have to call the police. Its easier to ignore the rape then admit its there and tear the family to shreds. Eventually my girl just gives up resisting. Your going to get whatever you want. So why should she force herself to hate it. Struggle make it hurt more and make it harder. Its easier just to give in and...enjoy it. Your dicks not so bad tastes pretty good.

maybe some day soon she will even be tasting her daddies cock. After all he always told her she was a cheap slut. Daddies like cheap sluts as well


8= Her family always managed to keep food on the table. But money was tight and there was little to spare. At the age of 11 everyone would say how she was just the prettiest girl they ever saw. So her Dad figuring there was nothing to lose took her to a modeling agency. It was a long shot and there was dozens of pretty girls. But to everyones shock she had that special quality the agency wanted. By 12 she was under contract and modeling for Magazines and stores. An athletic girl she would often Model sexy Atletic girls clothes. By 13 she was making more money then her Dad and mom Combined. by 14 her Dad quit his job and became her full time manager. The family income was now 100% dependant on her.

At 15 her she and her dad travel the world together. The world cant get enough of the sexy young teen starlet. We could keep her a model or shift her into singing and acting. She often poses naked but covered up by her arms and hands. So it would be technically legal. In addition her dad came up with a persona for her. And part of that persona is that she is a lesbian. In reality she is Bi but her dad wanted her to be an object of desire and fantasy. Being seen dating boys and having speculation of sexual relationships with boys....could damage her image of purity and desireability. Or so her dad thought and so he forbids her to have any sexual contact with any boy EVER!. She can however date some of the hottest girls. Models and stars like herself.

But she craves a man more and more she hungers for a hard cock. But the only man around is her dad. And her dad finds himself craving her more and more. After all she is ranked the number one hottest teen model. Every red blooded man alive wants her. He turned his daughter into a sexual icon a symbol of desire. And now he cant resist her any longer!.

Conclusion: Mom is far away and one is craving a man. The other is craving the sex icon he made his daughter into. locked away in hotels night and night. Some nights even forced to sleep in there car. who will crack first.


9= cold lost and hungry

This story is pretty simple really. The father of the household was caught up in a bad situation. The details done matter but he was working with a gang. And he angered them far to much. As I said this does not matter really. Maybe they killed him maybe it was suicide. Either way his wife and Two daughters found out after his funeral. That he was 10s of thousands in debt and there could be a future threat from the angry Gang members. So they fled the city and moved across the nation. Now there homeless broke sleeping on the streets.

After a year or so on the streets. Just 3 girls alone frightened cold hungry and without hope. One of the teens is at a teen center begging for food or help. And you a man helping out there finds just what your seeking. You make an offer she and her sister and mom can come stay with you until there back on there feet. The offer seems to good to be true but what choice have them? That night you feed them all they can eat till there ready to burst. Hot showers brand new clothes. And warm comfortable beds to sleep in. For a few days we build the chars and you let them lavish in this comfort. Your getting them addicted to this life. When the night comes for them to repay your kindnes. One of them will have to spend the night in your bedroom. Who of the 3 will you chose? Of course they could refuse...and get out back to the cold and hunger and fear....

Conclusion: You have all of the power and they have only the bodies that can keep you satisfied. Eventually you would have all 3 maybe all 3 at the same times.


10= She picked the wrong parent!

Why did mom always have to be such a mean Bitch!. Daddy was awesome the coolest dad ever but Mom was such a bitch. Also putting rules and restrictions on them. Always nagging them and grounding her. While Dad was just having fun he was the cool dad. Taught her poker let her sneak out to parties. Spoiled her rotten. Mom only cared about being a bitch and rules and scheduals. Mom was almost always working anyways Dad seldom worked. He was a fun loving guy work seemed boring. Dads thinking was lets all just have fun and enjoy life. Bills rent...making sure there was food that was all boring and Mom would handle that. Mom was the boring bitchy one anyways and she seemed on top of that stuff.

When her parents divorced her mom was given custody of her. But time and again she would run away and return to her Daddy. Cops would track her down drag her home...That night she was out the window and looking for Dad. Sure she would rather be with her super fun cool Dad. Over boring mom with her rules and junk. Finally the police got tired of the game and stopped even looking for her.

so as you maybe guessed this story is all about my Girl slowly realizing her cool awesome fun Dad. Is really just an immature overgrown child who cant even begin to take care of himself. He wont work he wont shop he wont deal with annoying things like trying to find a place to stay. He needs some one who can deal with all of that. Mom did it before and now..well now he has a daughter.

So my girl realizing mom was the good parent all along. Still cant abandon her dad and return to mom. She cant leave him alone now and her pride wont let her admit to mom she was wrong about him. So she settles into her role as care taker. I would have her finding shelters each night when she can. Or findinga safe place to sleep when she cant. Stealing Money and food from Mugging people and stores. Some times even selling her Body when times are hard. The daughter is the new mom soon enough demanding he follow rules. He tells her to relax its fine!. But she knows now its not fine and she has to take care of her Dad.

Conclusion: I dont have a grand vision for this Idea. But the idea is solid I think. A lazy immature man who now expects his Daughter to handle all the boring crap. While he drinks and lounges and relaxes. Of course eventually he will have other needs that a good wife should be helping him with. His daughter is the closest to a wife he has now..Come here Sweetie daddy needs your help....shhh relax it will be over soon...Thats a good girl Daddy loves his good girl so much....
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