Mx Female Living Lavida Loki - Marvel Canon RP


Feb 12, 2018
Hi there, I'm Deante. I've been RPing an embarrassingly long time. My RP interests vary, but they're usually fairly smutty. Lately I've had a desire to play a canon pairing between the Marvel characters Loki and Black Cat.

The basics
  • Please communicate, let me know if you're no longer interested, if you can't get online for a while, etc. My policy is if I lose interest after an RP starts, I make certain to let my partner know.
  • MC can be male or futa*. Your RL gender doesn't matter.
  • Reply length minimum is around 3 paragraphs.
  • Would prefer a partner who can post more than once a week.
  • Threads/PMs/Emails preferred for RP. I'm curious to experiment with Google Docs. Discord I am cautiously willing, but have had no success with yet.
The Scheme
The one pairing that my mind keeps coming back to is Loki x Black Cat. Part of it is because I have quite the crush on her. Yet I think their personalities are complimentary. BC is a thrill seeker, a promiscuous, a flirt and tease, a "good natured thief" which encompasses the "good" side of the trickster archetype. While Loki is arrogant and plays for keeps, it's a decent mesh with his personality.

Edit: I realize now that most probably aren't familiar with Black Cat, since she's not in the MCU yet. While there are videos that tell her comic background, those don't really get at her personality (aside from how mercurial she is). Instead I want to share this 8 min video of all her scenes in the Amazing Spider Man cartoon. Not only does it convey her, but that voice is so lush, it plus her personality is what sealed the deal for me.

The trouble comes in "Why would Loki stoop to hang around with her", as he's far more capable and again, arrogant villain. Why would he need a petty mortal Midgard thief?

Option 1: A mundane is what he needs. Loki is magical to the 9th degree. Which means he's no good against defenses fully optimized against magical beings. Doctor Strange's Sanctum for instance is likely a mystical Fort Knox--but it may not be as prepared against good ol' fashioned lockpicks. Or at least the front door and the path to disable something.

Option 2: Some schemes simply need more than one person, like doing something at the same time. (An entire Heist plot with multiple characters would even be fun, but that's a lot more work.)

Option 3: It's not what Cat is, but what she knows. A valuable piece of info, likely something relating to Spider Man or some other thing related to that.

Option 4: Loki doesn't need her, it's that Cat needs him for something. It could be as simple as she's hired to break him out of inprisonment while in transit to Asgard and deliver him to a place for a third party, or as elaborate as one needs.

Kink-wise things like clothing sexy, dirty talk, semi-public are natural, as would rough stuff or orgasm control. Even something like a little mind control/hypnosis fun, nothing hard. Because one thing I want to stress is that this would be consensual.

Other Marvel pairings are kinda possible, there's simply not that many I have a strong interest in?

And just for kicks, here's the song Living Lavida Loki.

*I realize Loki is M but a shapeshifter who's, according to mythology, birthed a multi-legged horse likely has a far more fluid concept of gender.
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I added a video to help give a better idea of Black Cat, since I think she's not that recognizable.
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