Mx Male Just searching for partners!


Oct 7, 2018

It's been a long time since I've wanted to get back into roleplaying, but the urge has struck again and now I am looking for partners!

A little bit about me:
I love story telling and making characters to get excited over. I will probably message you often to gush about something in the roleplay or at least see how you are still liking it. I also understand that life gets in the way, and I'm drop friendly. While I prefer a heads up if you are no longer interested or just too busy, I understand that sometimes life happens and it's not always your first priority to let everyone know you've got too much going on. That being said, if I ever get too much on my plate, I will give you a heads up and try my best to stay in touch. I have a strict schedule and will not be able to reply multiple times a day. The number one thing I want is a partner who understands that people have lives outside of their internet life. I'm not expecting novels of excellent writing every reply. Even if the story takes a bit of a lull and we end up giving only one paragraph replies every now and then, that's totally fine. I'm not concerned about writing a novel. I just want to make sure my partner and I are both having fun.

My Requirements:
-MxM Only.
-PM's Only. Please do not ask for my discord.
-at least 3-5 paragraphs of readable posts.
-Partners who want their characters to be more than their sexual preferences.
-Switches preferred (Tops are also fine)
-partner's and characters must be 21+
-3rd person writing: (Our characters are the ones in the story. We are not. I do not like when my partner tries to get intimate in first person with me. It's not fun and makes me uncomfortable. Just don't do it)
-Please do not ask me for real life face claims. Partner's may use them if they want to because I don't like telling other's how to design their characters. I myself do not like using them as it makes me uncomfortable.

When you message me, please do not just ask if I want to roleplay. I'm on this site...I want to roleplay and I feel like that should be obvious.
I found that people who do that often don't provide details about what they want and we end up going back and forth before I find out they aren't looking for what I'm offering. Then we've wasted each other's time. If you're going to reach out, please give me at least an idea of what type of roleplay you are looking for.

These are the things I'd like to know:
-What's your Ratio of Story to Smut?
-What story ideas do you want to try out?
-Are you looking for a light hearted story? Or something darker? Please provide details or examples of the dark/light hearted themes
-What are your expectations on posts lengths AND availability? (Sometimes life gets busy and I can't always respond right away. Sometimes matching a 2000 word post feels like a chore and no one wants something that is supposed to be fun to feel that way. I need to know what you're expecting from me before we begin).

*Kinks and No's are in my F-List on my signature. Please know that not everything in my favorites/likes is required. Even the maybe's could be fun in the right situation. If you don't see something on my kink list, that doesn't mean I have no interest in it. It mostly means that I have yet to give it a shot or just haven't considered it (yet). Shoot me a PM about it and if I'm interested, I'll let you know! However, if you try to sell me on something in my Hard-No's list, I will not be interested. Can guarantee it is there for a reason.

So I typically like most of the following:
-World Building (can be the focus or just a background thing but I love to see it)
-Characters getting stranded in strange worlds
-Enemies or Friends to Lovers (Or vice versa)
-Language Barriers (Honestly if you come to me with a language barrier request, I will probably immediately accept it. I have NEVER had a chance to rp it and think it'd be so fun)
-Darker themes
-Soft adorable moments between characters
-Gushing about our OC's

Types of Roleplays I just wont do:
-Furry roleplays

*I am super picky about Fanbased RP's almost to the point where it's really not worth discussing unless it's a fandom I am super into.

Shoot me a PM if you're interested! Hope to hear from yah soon.
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