Mx Female rp openings


Mar 26, 2022
So I would like to introduce myself first, I am Sean and have been rping since about 2013 so I can do semi advanced with a good amount of thought. I have an odd schedule so usually on evenings or weekends.

My Fandoms are a great deal but well known would be Marvel/DC, Starwars and Trek, Naruto, Bleach, various videogames as well love werewolves. If you think of something else then please pm me.
Also been looking to do a gold Dragon trying to bring back his species plot which involves him meeting famous women and starting a private island resort business which they help by breeding if anyone is game plus can add more to it..
Adding to the dragon idea for mod sake, the breeding would only be with the ones married to him which starts at one and pregnancy isn't for pregnancy sake.
I Only play Male roles and not MXM but MXF or more F is fine with me
Preferred partner requirements
post least a few times a night though once a day be nice if not tell me if something comes up
Post length I say from a few sentences to a couple paragraphs
Genre's I will do, slice of life, fantasy, fiction, sci-fi and various others just need to ask.
Also do Taboo of SisXBro, MomXson, AuntXNephew, TeacherXStudent.
Any other ideas you think I might like please PM me.
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