Quirky and Fun Roleplayers Wanted!


Mar 26, 2022
Searching for roleplays? Curious to try something new? Got a hankering for quirky and fun story-telling?
You've come to the right post!
Hello, everyone! I'm looking for ANY partners, no matter the gender/sex or orientation. I'd like someone literate, open to using email, and anyone who's open to new experiences and looking for FUN! No one under-aged please, and please read all the way through for my Limits!
My name is Dakota, but please just call me Kodi! I'm 27 years old, Pansexual, and Genderfluid. I play male, female, and non-binary characters and don't mind any pairings for romance! I have a number of characters at my disposal, but most aren't here. So if you want some more characters to play with, just let me know!
Some ideas I have right now are listed below, so PLEASE read everything carefully! And remember everything is open for discussion, except my limits of course. I'm not limited to just these either, so if you've got a new idea burning or want to experiment with something new I'm definitely the one for you!

1) [Wild Card] If Chance had known where this job was going to lead him, he would have stayed in the bar. He'd been having a great time, drinking to the news of the NCR being run from New Vegas, drank more when word got around that Caesar's Legion had been captured and excecated one by one, and eventually passed out once rumors of The Brotherhood emerging from the desert began to surface.
The next thing he knew a battered man in a checkered suit was buying him another round. He spoke of wanting to continue the changes in New Vegas, starting with the very person who ruined his life. The man knows that Chance was removed from the NCR for "immoral actions", and he also knows that Chance was the best hunter the NCR had ever seen.
"All I want is the head of the Courier in my hands," he said, smiling with broken teeth, "She beat me once, now I need to introduce a wild-card."
Now Chance is hanging from a fence outside of Boomer territory, going on a rumor that The Courier Herself is visiting. His jeans are halfway off, his head is bleeding, and he can't reach the ground no matter how much he tries.
And to make matters worse, he can hear someone coming closer and closer. Basically naked, unarmed, and already hut, Chance doesn't know how much more he can take of this so-called "job of a life-time."

-Harry Potter:
1) [Nightowls] Colin Creevey has been obsessed with Harry Potter ever since he first heard the legend in Diagon Alley. He'd gone with a teacher, a gloating and prideful Lockhart, and saw THE Harry Potter in Flourish And Botts. He asked his guide who the boy was, and what little he learned of him fascinated him. ("Oh, HIM? Well, they SAY he beat some dark wizard oh... ten years or more ago? Not as good as when I banished than Banshee, have I told you about that?")
At first he thought it was just fan adoration, maybe even jealousy, but soon he began thinking about more than just Harry Potter's triumphs. He began thinking of those beautiful fathoms-deep green eyes, day-dreaming what it would feel like to run his fingers through that wild black hair, wondered how it would be to kiss him even.
These thoughts, and the revelation that he may be Gay, have driven him to sleepless night walks through the castle. He's thrown himself into his photography as well, even taken to hanging out with his loud and boisterous little brother just to take his mind off his strange new feelings.
It's on one such walk that he meets another student. He's taking photographs across the lake, admiring the full-moon shining off the rippling water, and noticed someone swimming. His heartbeat quickens as he realizes he's crouched over a pile of clothes, seeing that the student is skinny-dipping and has noticed him!
What will he do? Is his secret crush going to stay safe? Or is Colin going to learn once and for all the truth of being brave?
2) [Risks and Rewards] Ever since Loony Luna Lovegood has come to Hogwarts she's been bullied and teased. First it was her wild stringy blonde hair and huge eyes, then everyone learned that her father was the head editor for The Quibbler and she was just as fascinated with monsters and beasts and conspiracies as he was.
Whispers and teasing soon became outright taunting and pranking. She was tripped in the halls between classes, had her food stolen in the Great Hall, and even began having her belongings nicked from the dormitory! She has no friends, though she is decently friendly with Ginny Weasely. So Luna is utterly and depressingly alone.
One night the pranks go much further. She's taking a bath far away from the dormitories to get away from the laughing and jeering she faces every time she tries to relax. When she gets out and dries off however, her clothes are all gone! Shoes, socks, uniform, even her cloak are all missing.
Now, clad in just a thin towel, she has to make her way back to the Ravenclaw dorms. She hopes not to run into anyone, prays that she can get through the night as she runs through the corridors, but her wish is denied immediately when she rounds a corner and runs into another student. Literally!
Who is this student? Are they friend or foe? And will Luna finally manage to make new friends out of her humiliating encounter?

-Percy Jackson/Heroes Of Olympus:
1) [Treehugger Saves The World] Percy Jackson has been missing for a solid month now. All that's known is that he kissed Annabeth goodnight near the lake, promised to meet her in the morning, and went back to the Poseidon cabin for rest. The next morning his cabin was empty, the door ajar, and everything there except for the clothes Percy had been wearing and his sword RipTide.
Annabeth has been leading missions and researching as much as she can to find her missing boyfriend. The nature spirits are riled up over this strange happening and talk of something else "stirring" below. Chiron is jumpy and evasive and the Gods have began going silent.
This is the Camp Halfblood as Ayla Spruce lives in now. She is a daughter of Demeter, one of the few to fight as a first-year camper in the famous Battle of the Labyrinth, and a fanatic of Percy Jackson. She wants nothing more than to be the one to rescue her hero, dreaming of a romantic adventure that may lead him away from "That Chase Girl" once and for all.
But of course no one listens to her. She already has a reputation for begging for quests and more responsibility. Sure, she can commune with nature and control plants, but what use is that when you trip over your own feet and forget to strap on your armor every time for Capture The Flag?
No, if Ayla is going to save Percy Jackson she's going to need help. She's scouted several options and has decided that she's going to ask three people.
One is the mysterious Racheal Dare. She's the oracle and may be able to issue a secret prophecy to help Ayla's quest.
The second is that strange son of Hades, Nico DiAngelo. He's an odd-ball, but she finds him strangely cute and thinks he's just as obssesed with Percy as herself.
And the third is her biggest rival. Someone she's had an on-going fight with ever since she came to Camp Half-Blood. And, likely, the best person to go along with her. (The third would be your character, or it could be another established camper if you'd prefer!)
2) [Hecate's Curse] Camp Halfblood has never been the same since that girl was transformed on HalfBlood Hill. Thalia Grace, whoever she was, gave her life to save her friends Annabeth Chase and Luke Castellan, and her tree lives as a reminder of bravery and true heroics.
Or, for Calvin "Calli" Hanson, it's a great place to score a nap when nobody's looking. It's the only place he feels comfortable for some reason, especially since the Hermes Cabin is always over-crowded and not exactly welcoming to people like Cal.
Calli is openly bisexual, wears skirts and dresses in place of jeans sometimes, and has spiked pink hair that even the wood nymphs can't help but gawk at. He wears outrageous colors instead of the standard orange t-shirt, finds himself being lectured by Mr. D and/or Chiron on a daily basis for some prank or joke he's pulled, and he's already lost his team Capture The Flag no less than five times and burned his skirt off climbing the lava-wall.
Needless to say, Calli isn't welcome anywhere at camp. He dreams of running away from Camp Half-Blood, maybe wander the streets like he did before that "Coach Gleeson" goat found him, but he swore to his mother Hecate that he'd obey her only demand.
"Stay at the camp. Wait for your partner by the daughter of Lord Zeus's tree. They will be your friend and partner, and from there you will begin your quest in my name."
Calli's been waiting for his "partner" for three months now, having been at camp for little over a year. Small for his age he can hide easily when counselors come searching for him, but he's getting more and more tired. More and more bored, if he's going to be honest.
And then he hears someone running up the hill, the growl of a monster close behind, and somehow he knows that now is his time. He stand, slipping a pink rubber bracelet from his wrist, and flicks it to unravel a long glittering whip.
"Finally, you're here!" he screams at the new-comer, seemingly unaware of their terror, or the horde of monsters hot on their tail!

Misc. "Real-Life":
1) [Devil in the Moonlight] Lucas has been waiting for his master to claim him for one hundred years, five months, three days, one hour, and seventeen minutes.
When he was locked into the cellar of the old church, he was told that he would be there until the day he was claimed for his crimes. What he did, he has no memory, but he remembers the feeling of blood on his face and hears a girl screaming in his nightmares. He infact remembers nothing except for his own name, and that his master will claim him one day.
What he does know is that he has large black feathered wings that burn when they brush any part of the church. He knows that he can see in the dark with his glowing red eyes. He knows that his skin is impossibly tough and that he could crush the building around him with only a finger.
What's stopping him is the chain round his ankle and the runes etched into it. Only his master will be able to break these chains, and until then he sits in stasis, watching the room grow old and broken around him. He hasn't lost hope, the one who locked him away promised that he would live to see .
Now, on Halloween night, he hears voices above. Floorboards are creaking, several voices are laughing, and one of them has a Presence to it. It's his Master, the one he's been waiting for, the one who will free him...

2) [Super Zero!] When Mattie imagined getting superpowers, she didn't think it would happen quite like this.
She'd been obsessed with superheroes for as long as she could remember, sure. And all of the stories had some sort of "accident" happen and BOOM! Superpowers! Flying through the air, lifting trains like they were feathers, blasting bad guys guys with laser eyes, and being an all-round bad-ass!
What she didn't except was for any of it to become real. She found a glowing ring in the park, and sure it was maybe stupid to pick it up, but what kind of person just LEAVES something like that lying around?
Unfortunately for her the ring has a long and weird history. It gives it's wearer whatever they most wish for, whatever they desire. And it sees in Mattie a dream of powers and greatness. Before she can change her mind, Mattie is thrust into a world where superpowers are emerging left and right and the world at large is threatened at least five times a day!
This would be great, except she doesn't know what her powers are. They change so randomly, usually at the worst times, and so far she has no idea how to get the stupid ring off of her finger!
And if that wasn't bad enough, there's someone else who knows about the ring. Someone who knows that the world changed over night. And this someone just so happens to live next door to her.
Superpowers, magic rings, and now a new frenemy?
Sometimes Mattie wonders why she even bothers.

Public nudity
Public humiliation/embarrassment
Dubious Consent
Slave and pet play

-Nothing involving rape or scat.
-No one under the age of 18, no exceptions!
-Email only!

Now, a quick word of warning: I am currently incarcerated and am having a good friend of mine post this. This may turn a lot of people away, but I promise this is NOT a scam and I am not interested in asking for money or personal info! I want someone to roleplay with and share stories with, that is ALL!

If you're still interested, please send an email to KodiBrodiRP@gmail.com I'll be eagerly awaiting to hear from any of you, just so long as you mind my limits and keep an open mind!

Until then, stay weird my friends!
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