Mx Any Hall of Fame / a celebrity search

Sweet Sia

Sep 13, 2015
Lovely States of California and Oregon ; )
Hey y'all! First off, I do have a more thorough search thread and you can find that here! It includes many of my preferences, limits, a little more information about me as a partner and all that good stuff. This thread however is going to be kept short and sweet cause I'm only looking for one specific thing ~ Someone whose down to play a celebrity for an original character of mine. Yeah, yeah. I know it's definitely wish fulfillment but in return I'm willing to double up as anyone you may have a fancy for, male or female, so feel free to put in any requests you may have! ; )

With all that being said, the plot idea I have in mind will definitely include power dynamics, humiliation, manipulation and character building. I'm looking for someone whose good with playing a Dominant in these situations. I'm also looking for someone who down to play either Simu Liu, Ross Lynch or a Youtuber from CantoMando. I fully realize these will basically be our own original takes on the real people but just with their face claims ~ So don't feel like you need to get anything perfect.

If you're interested or even just have questions, hmu. Thanks y'all!
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