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Fx Male Kyedae's Assortment of Fantasy Plots (NSFW Images Inside)

Elemental Flower

Mar 23, 2022
Hello! Welcome to my RT, I have plenty of plots for you to browse at your leisure.

I like to write about complex characters and their relationships, to write both story and sex and to write roleplays that have good storytelling, convincing romance and heavenly smut. I'm a fantasy writer at heart, so my plots will have more fantastical themes to them, both subtle and not. I occasionally write non fantasy. What I'm looking for are partners that are creative, easy to work with and like to enjoy a slower and longer approach to roleplaying. People who can get invested as much as I can sometimes get into a story or a character and who want to exchange ideas to personalize each and every experience. I play fantasy characters in my roleplays, like elves of the like and sometimes humans, but all of the plots I have in mind have my character as a non-human. I like to get to know my partners to some degree or another, so please don't mind the small talk.

Not my finished RT as I'm planning on updating and improving it this week.

For Kinks and Turn-offs, my F-list can be viewed here.

My Main Selection:
Elf Stories

Story #1 (Currently Craving)
The morning air washed over the grasslands from the north, bringing with it the cold polar breeze, and gave the fields the illusion of being like a green ocean. The twin dawning suns lingered in the sky above the west's horizon, casting a glow of orange and red on everything and turning the sky into a crimson sea. The smells of grass, flowers and livestock hung in the air. The sound of mating calls from birds and insects, the noise of animals persisted like natural music. Under it all was the sound of civilization, herdsmen tending to the herds of different farm animals, the lumbering of wood for cooking fires and for the coming winter, the talking of villagers around the center square, people getting ready for the long, backbreaking day before them. Such was the life of the peasant folk to struggle every day to survive the elements, wild animals and barbaric raiders. Life was a little easier though, since the day the King appointed a retired captain to the village two years ago as a reward for the captain's military service to the crown. A common reward for military officers who showed themselves far above what was expected of them. The sleepy little hamlet of dozens had turned into a village of hundreds under the guidance of the captain who over saw the development of the village. A territorial backwater had become a polished stone in the eyes of the King, who's son, the Second Prince, fought alongside the captain. As the village. Pathstow Fields, growing in size, drew the gaze of settlers and bandits alike. Still, most days it was calm, but with the winter coming, more animal and raider attacks would come.
An elvish girl walked with a large bucket of water in her arms towards the house of the captain. Peasants and laborers greeted her with unexpected respect. It was rare to see an elf around these parts, especially inside the borders of the Kingdom, but the girl was also a slave. She was the lowest of lows, yet they greeted her like a friend. The fact that she was the captain's slave was a lot of it. To mistreat her would be an attack on the captain's property. Aemma had countless times defended the village from attackers with the use of her Wild Magic, a rare ability in the human population but common with elves, by order of the captain. Although it wasn't like she could refuse to obey a direct command from her master. She was an elf after all, her kind had more attunement to the world, unlike the humans that sought to conquer nature. The girl walked into the captain's house and started to prepare her master's breakfast. A shoulder-less light blue tunic covered her body, held up a leather belt around her waist and strings that tightened the tunic around her upper arms and collar bone. She had worn simple, yet fitted leather boots which she had removed before entering. An iron-scaled looking, copper-lined collar fit comfortably around her slender neck, a light blue gemstone pulsing with gentle energy floated in the middle of the opened front. The gem was warm against the front of her throat. It was a binding gem, the physical pact between a Master and a Slave.

Story #2 (Currently Craving)
Enchanting, arctic-cerulean blue eyes peered through the bangs of long-luscious-bubblegum-pink colored hair. The milk-chocolate tanned elf laid on her back, most of the layers of clothing she had been wearing to protect herself from the cold outside were successively stripped off by the hands of another and scattered haphazardly around her bijou bedroom. Her now disrobed body was exposed to be seen by the eyes of someone else, her petite bust being stared at by the one that undressed her. Slipping one's gaze passed the two layered silk stomach wraps, their eyes would chance upon the alluring view of the woman's innocence.`The elf's cheeks were reddened in a crimson tint, her soft lips were a tempting sight and a gold buckled, black leather made such a scene have a flair of suggestive. Wordlessly, Galariel looked up at the one who's hands as personally removed the many layers that hid her beauty, watching them react to the revealing of her body. Just like her, they were in the process of being undressed for the planned night ahead. A recently bought box of condoms opened on the bed-sheets beside the elvish lady, a dozen individually wrapped condoms were carelessly strewn about, yet in arms reach of the two. There was a sense of desire in the air of her bedroom, the alcoholic shots and light beers didn't help to keep their personal inhibitions hampered to any degree. This situation was going to happen, a question of when, not if. In the silence of the room, the only sound came from their breaths and drumming hearts.
Galariel moved her arms out of the penultimate layer of her clothing, a comfortable red robe, and reached up to the cheeks of the one above her, pulling them down into a sensual kiss. It was the most recent of many kisses that happened over the course of their night. Twelve years had led them to this moment, the moment that would finally define what each other's feelings meant. A moment that would display decades' worth of desire and push the threshold of merely being friends.

Story #3
The Empire of Medina al-Afyal was built in the ocean-like dunes of the Ramil'abyad on the route of four major trade routes, providing wealth to the people in the now capital city of Ajayib and the Empire all together. The trade routes needed to be guarded, so the Medina Sultanates raised armies to patrol the routes for bandits and to safeguard national security with the trade wealth that poured in. Small rest-stops along the routes turned into prosperous villages and towns with their own guards and governance. A vast road and bridge system was built which snaked across the desert, linking the land and townships together in a greater sense of unity. The safer and easier the trade route became, the more trade happened and more wealth flowed into the nation's coffers. The cycle continued for centuries and a once destitute village in the middle of an unforgiving desert had become a strong Empire that now got tribute from their neighboring states. From trade came the spread of ideas, of culture, of faith and of science. Doctors, artists, scientists, the religious all came to Ajayib and the city grew into a cultural centre, a multi-ethnic state.
In front of the Sultanate of Medina al-Afyal and his royal court, people from around the known world came to seek his favor, to shower him with gifts, to show the best their country had to offer the Sultanate or desire his protection by becoming a tributary state of the Empire. Long had they, the long-eared, tan-skinned natives of the tributary state of Sahra'shajara, the Forest of sand white trees that bordered the Ramil'abyad in the south, come to dance before the Sultanate on his birthday. This was a blessing for the people of Sahra'shajara, the Sahras, as this request had been asked of them every year on the Sultanate's birthday or other special occasions. Only the nimble dancers of the Sahras had that honor, an honor that was theirs for many centuries. Wearing almost nothing, yet exotic clothing, the Sahras danced and performed for the Sultanate, showing off displays of suggestive dancing and awe-inspiring acrobatics. For the dancers, to perform before the Sultanate was a dream come true as such an act gives honor to their households. After they performed and completed their one hour-long dance routine for the party guests, who watched, ate, drank and made merry, they retired until they were needed again. As they left, one of the Sahras, a young girl by the name of Namnopa, was stopped by one of the Sultanate's advisors, who told her that the Sultanate wanted to see her perform privately for him. After the party was over, the lone Sahra were escorted to the Sultanate's bedchambers to perform for him alone.

Monster Girls:

Story #4
Veronica had lived a solitary life. Many people had made the conscious decision to not friend her, to ignore her, to not look past her appearance, to get to know the lonely girl that she is. The catalyst for others dismissing her wasn't something that Veronica did or didn't do. It was just the unfortunate circumstance that she was born with the Devil's Kiss, a genetic defect, the scarring of her cheeks from the oral commissure, the enlarging of the four canine teeth and red pupils where there should be normal colors. As a result of the defect, she had an uncanny, hellish look and devilish smile. Her childhood was one of loveliness and bullying that made her self-conscious about her face. She hides behind masks and layers of coldness to protect herself from the cruel and unforgiving world of adolescence. Almost hidden in plain sight, especially in Junior High and High School, Veronica lived an unassuming academic life, only being whispered about behind her back or long stares at the rumored 'monster'. Such bullying was a far cry from the childish browbeat she had been subjected to in elementary school. Her bullies were upfront about their dislike of her, the physical and mental torment of being picked on. Now they were more subtle about their abuse or simply forgot she even existed. Veronica kept her head down and focused on her studies, passing most classes and years with honors. It was only physical education that she barely passed, only through accommodation from the school. She didn't do much outside of school hours, a phobia of losing her mask had kept her from going out and, without friends, she didn't see a reason to. The singular liberation from her self-consciousness was her home life with parents and a little brother that loved her despite her affliction.
It wasn't unlike getting accepted into the university that she dreamed of going to and in her first year that Veronica could have any resemblance of a normal life. Anyone that knew her or cared to know her from school many years before wasn't around and she committed herself to wearing colored contact lenses to hide her eyes. Once she had been rumored to be a 'monster' but soon came to be known as the 'girl in the mask' around campus. A significant step up in her mind. Still, she ate alone and the layers of coldness that she had grown during Junior High and High School made her seem like a bit of an Ice Queen to most, uncaring to some, as there were times that she didn't know what to do, so she sunk away within herself. As a part of the course she was on, she was forced to be a part of a project group of six people, with her included, and it was the start of something Veronica was familiar with. They all got to know one another and her layers started to melt away. Yet the consuming feeling that they'd run away from her once they knew the truth. She turned heads on the campus grounds, not because people knew of her or her defect, but she had really came into her own physical. Much like her mother, Veronica was blessed with a curvaceous body which had caught the attention of many. Although only one would have the patience to wait for her to warm up to them, the stomach to look past her defect and see the lovely lady that wanted love, affection and praise.

Story #5
The small apartment smelled divinely with light scents of perfectly steamed, fluffy sticky rice, rich umami from the Japanese-style beef curry and the earthy fragrance of freshly cooked miso soup. Standing before the oven inside the tiny kitchen stood a humanoid dressed in clothing reminiscent of the fashion once popular in feudal Japan. An apron covered the front of her shoulder-less kimono, safeguarding the beautifully white silk robe from food debris as she cooked a meal for two. Two salmon-colored furred cat-like ears naturally twitched to sounds atop equally colored and elegant short hair. Coral-pink eyes carefully watched the beef curry that stewed inside a frying pan on top of the single stove-top element present. Half of the short grain, white rice was removed from the rice cooker and disproportionately divided between two plates. The two bowls of miso soup cooled as they waited for the curry to finish. In joy, her twinned tails swayed and fluttered behind her back, the golden bells chiming lightly in her bliss. Using a ladle, she spooned the curry onto the plates with the rice, with one plate getting more curry than the other. What sounded like wind-chimes ringed in the windless interior of the apartment, intriguing the cat-eared individual. Quickly, Hime moved the dishes to the small table in the single large room that acted like the living, dining and bedroom. Modestly furnished, there was a table, a television, a desk and a bed. She took the pan off the stove as she hurried to set the table. Setting the utensils down in order and grabbing some chilled beer from the fridge to place on the table on the plate that had more food than the other, which was placed a cup of milk by instead. Tidying up the apartment some, she checked to see that everything was perfect. Once she was satisfied with everything, she moved to the only door of the apartment, standing in the hallway.
With a smile she greeted the one that opened the door, taking their bag and coat from them as a smile. When she had offered her home cleaning and cooking services to the human whom she was currently attending to half a year ago, they were hesitant at first. After she made it clear that she wasn't going until they were properly pampered by her, they accepted her offer.

Demon Girls:

Story #6 (Currently Craving)
A tan-skinned Demu walked down the hallway towards her Master's room. Paintings, wall-mounted pieces and banners hung along the length of the lantern-lit walls, the space filled with a soft orange glow of magical illumination. Soft carpets of blue, golden, red and white lined dark, cured mahogany floors. In the air were the smells of incense and a stony dampness, the taste of exotic spices and metallic alloys. Bared feet, the servant moved with a singular manner, carrying a number of thick leather books and tattered, yellow-aged scrolls that dwarfed her small stature with superhuman strength. A short blue-furred, silver-tipped tail swished behind her as she walked as her chin-long matching hair and mammalian ears flopped with each step.
Helana, the Demu, shortly came to stand before the door of her Master's study, staring up at the heavy wooden doors that were twice her height with her bright green eyes. With her hand full with the reading materials that her Master had asked her to get for them, she whispered the Ancient Tongue. The green gemstone in the middle of her front forehead glowed for the moment that she conjured a magic spell and an ethereal hand inside a white glove grabbed the door ring and the right door of the two opened up before her. The scent of incense and spices grew stronger once the door was opened and the Demu sneezed as she stepped into the room. The white-gloved hand closed the door behind her as Helana walked to the large oak desk in the middle of the substantially sized, bookshelve-lined room. Sunlight lit up the room by a large window in the left wall. "I'm here Master." the Demu said in a melodious tone as she placed the requested reading material on her side of the desk, now starting up at her Master. She smiled as she glanced at the one that summoned her into being, watching them read an ancient book about a long forgotten empire. Helana wandered over to a mana-powered brewer to make coffee

Story #7 (Closed)
The Red Is The Color Of Love Series
A Three Part Saga of the Life of Brezevera Agalun

Part One
Alone in the solitude of the quiet house, the only sound coming from the soft summer breeze outside the decorated walls and the soothing music from the surround-sound speakers fixed to the walls, stood a rose-red-skinned woman staring at a picture on the wall. Encased in a few identical beautifully handcrafted and polished black walnut picture frames were a set of different photos of a wedding, to be exact, of her wedding. Her inhumanly enchanting eyes, irises of mandarin garnet and pupils of honey lemon yellow sitting upon a backdrop of pristine snow white, studied the details of the image in front of her. The photo was of her standing before the Priest officiating the wedding beside the man she'd promised to love and adore for all of her days. The oscillating feelings of tender bliss and the lovely memories of the occasion pleasantly twirled up around the core of her being, bringing an all too familiar sense of adoring. The one she loved the most was dressed in an exquisitely made hand-tailored suit that made him appear stunning and statuesque. As much as he was well dressed, and for the most part in a wedding, it was she that stood out in an elegantly gorgeous dress and veil of cherry blossom pink. In typical Agcean fashion, the dress was both aesthetically pleasing and hypnotically inviting. Her mother had spared no expense to make sure that her only daughter had a wedding of her lifetime and so it was. Not only was she marrying the man that she had loved for a few years before they could say their vows, but the ceremony had more than she had ever dreamed. Her mother had got all out much like the human saying went. Reaching up, the rose-colored woman touched the glass of the picture frame with the tip of her gracile fingers, seeing the luminous red diamond engraved band on her ring finger, and a simper stretched across her scarlet lips. It had been one year since she and her husband had exchanged rings, since the ring had been slipped onto her finger and their lips met in the first kiss of their lives, now bound by law and custom. A simple band would've been all she needed from him, yet seeing the red diamond had made her radiant. For an Agcean, a red diamond was more than a mere precious gemstone, it was a promise. She was no longer Brezevera Agalun, she had taken the name of her husband and their families were one.
In her resemblance of the day, Brezevera had almost forgotten that it was time for their anniversary and a weekend of pure hymeneal bliss. Just the two of them alone in each other's company once her husband was home from work. She planned to make it very memorable for both of them. Fancy dining, expensive wine, sexy lingerie and to expand their carnal knowledge together.

Part Two and Three are currently being worked on but they'll explore Brezevera's time in Highschool and time in University respectively.

Simple Plots:
A series are one off or half developed ideas I have in mind that I was to play out with someone

Purple Is A Pretty Color
Humans and the aquatic humanoids, Aqualas, lived in relative peace in the coastal town of Esterdragon. Known for its fisheries and beaches, the town was once a fishing village that grew around fish canaries before settling into a scenic beach town on the coast of warmer waters. A whole tourist industry popped up around the history of the canaries, of the Aqualas and for the antique beaches of pearl white sand. Some tourists had come to see the Aqualas themselves as they weren't native all around the world, dwelling in equatorial waters. Humanoid in appearance, the Aqualas were categorically shorter than their human neighbors, mainly ranging from 4'5" to 5'0" for the women and 4'7" to 5'5" for the men. They were of similar proportions as humans, with only a few characteristics being vastly different. Larger eyes, a naturally bare body, two sets of ears and a completely prehensile, squid-like body part that mimicked hair sat atop the Aqualas' head. The skin of an Aqualas had been rumored to be one of the softest in the world as well.
An Aqualas, Siera, worked on the beach in a souvenir store with her only coworker, a human, that she had fallen in love with yet didn't have the confidence to confess her feelings.

To Handle A Cat in Heat
Lohlha's time of Heat had come quicker then she had previous thought. To her and her kind, handling their annual Heat was urgent matter that was important to deal with it promptly. The Heat is an ancient biological drive, a genetically obsolete trait in the world that her kind, the Sonler, currently lived in, where the rate of death has significantly decreased since the days the Heat would've been needed. There was no need for the Sonler to mate as much as they did a thousand years ago. The higher levels of sentience that the Sonler normally had are quickly shoved aside and more animistic behaviors tend to surface, driving a desire to be cuddlesome and fundamentally procreate. Thankfully, Lohlha was not alone as she had her Yurhi, her mating partner, to help her deal with her feline urges.

The Antique Doll
The fair-skinned human-sized doll stood unsupported inside her glass display case in the middle of her owner's collection. He had called her Seraphina and cared for her despite her confines, he had talked to her as if she was a living being and showered her with praise, dressing her up in modest yet newly tailor-made clothing. He had bought her from somewhere some time ago, before she knew where or when anything was. Her history was as mysterious as was her creation, as if they had been passed around from collector to collector, the paper trail that followed her was as confusing as it was long. She had stayed with him, meeting his family and getting to know all of them, yet she couldn't speak or interact with them. Tragedy would fall upon the family, on her owner. He had died clasping his chest and breathlessly crying for help one day when he was looking at his collection. Seraphina was powerless, she couldn't do anything. She couldn't help the one man who treated her well. That made her feel something. She watched him die and it was the first time she could physically cry. No one came to see the collection for awhile and Seraphina was forgotten. How much time passed, she didn't know, but when someone entered the collection room, she knew it was the Young Master who had all grown up into a strapping young man. Soon the young master started to study his father's collection and to speak to her like his father did. In the emptiness of her being, something alive started to grow. She would protect and serve them, she would live.

Orange Juice Box
Since prehistory, portions of the human race have been afflicted by a disease known as Dentes Acuens in the tongue of an ancient civilization that first studied the disease in depth. Literally translated into Teeth Sharpening, one afflicted by the illness would undergo subtle changes; the sharpening of the canine teeth, paler skin, improved night-time sight, discomfort caused by sunlight and the urge to drink mammalian blood with an appetite for human blood. The afflicted would be stunned by society, even hunted down and killed in most cases or used to sow fear in the population. In more modern times, the disease was reclassified as a severe and chronic case of Hypovitaminosis D, or Vitamin D Deficiency in common terms, and measures were put into place to help and treat those affected by the disease.
Many decades had passed since the reclassification of the illness, yet still fear from the past and bigotry made those afflicted feel hated and stunned, despite the general acceptance in most places around the world. This was still a time that the word vampire was used as a slur to degrade portions of the population. And for people like Tessa, it was equally hard to be a teenager in this world. The fear of being discovered, to be the joke of the class, the punching bag for a month or two. She had a close group of friends, but they didn't know she was one of the afflicted. All except her best-friend, who still continued to be friends with her despite the truth coming out.
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