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For the Love of Dragons
Mar 3, 2022


I am searching for someone to play batman to pair my OC character I created named Jane who is a changeling an evolved state of a human. This is what you need to know about them. Let me know if you would like to roleplay with me please PM me.

You will play Batman who would find out about a new alien with the the same caliber as most of more powerful Justice League members and is tasked at looking out and mentoring the young girl who does not know what she is or where she came from.

Brief Changeling history

There's a world that I've created myself called Equadora and its specie are changelings ( nothing related to MLP starwars or faries). They are a product of an incident that happened on Earth in which a whole town vanished into another planet sending them through time and space. The experiment that caused this was something magical - the changing of DNAs. Soon, the humans found out that they had abilities: from shifting to bending elements. The limit of said magic is that they are ability to create things out of nothing.

There is a library in this town with all sorts of sci-fi books and fantasy. With the magic given, everything you can imagine came real. For example, if you wanted to become an orcs, fairy, elf of different kinds foming tjeir own settlements aoccording the the lore of the books ( orcs and goblins in hill, elves in forests, gaints in mountains and faries in meadows)

The changelings soon discovered the ckre of their abilities of the magic they have finding out essentially the core of their their species. The abilities cone from inside their souls, an energy which can harness their abilities, different changelings of different strengths sk nkt all can do everything (eg only some have the abiltiy of unlimited forms and can create anything out of nothing).

10000 years passed and they all lived in harmony under the guidance of the Changeling's High Court. But soon it was time for a new leadership and sought to seek out the most powerful Changeling. At the time, it was a changeling named Vendurous. It was believed to have been a Changeling and was to be King as an Oracle ruler of the changelings.

But then out of nowhere, what was thought to be a lesser changeling, the lowborn Changeling snuck into The Crystal Palace despite having all the other powerful changelings around. The girl ended up the most powerful Changeling and this brought anger to Vendurous corrupting the lights inside him. The Elders of the Changeling High Court grew wary and did not like it. The dark energy was not the way of how Changelings are; therefore, the Elders banished him to the dark side of the planet where he grew more powerful, absorbing the Dark Matter. Light Changeling needs the sun in order to do replenish their light inside them but Vendurous learn how to feed from the darkness corrupting him even further.

Another 1000 years past and Jane was the leader of the changelings. She brought peace amongst all changelings but, peace would not last as Dark Changelinsg started to rise slowly. Soon, Vendurous slowly began to build an army, corrupting all Changelings. This caused an all out war between light and dark.

After a few years were the dark changelings won and enslaved the light changeling and abuse them till the point of their extinction the Jane the queen decided to sacrifice herself using a spell to distory the dark changeling by singing herself as a bomb by splitting the light inside her in half causing a nucular like bomb disobeying the last of their planet that was left after the dark changelings.

The spell did not end Jane's life taking ending all life on her planet but violently Teleport her to earth wiping out most of her memory
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