Mx Any Brother Sloth's Altar of On-site Requests


Mar 20, 2022
About Me:
Name: Sloth is fine
Preferred Position: While I usually wind up playing the dominant, I would love to play a service top for a powerbottom. Switching it up a bit. There's nothing more boring to me than strict binaries so I think that would be interesting to try.

Random: Hello! I'm Sloth, I'm transmasc, I game a lot, work way too hard at a job that pays me way too little, and I like to cook. I like to read and write (why else would I be here) and I play probably too much dungeons and dragons. My favorite genres for anything are Post Apocalypse and Romance.

What I Look For In A Partner:
Literacy: English is my first language and I'm terrible at it. I'm not expecting perfection, I just prefer to understand what the content of your post actually says. Spell check is great, basic grammar is great, but again, I'm not a huge stickler for grammar myself.
Honesty: If you don't like something, or I don't like something, or one of us isn't having fun, we should be able to bring that up and talk about it.
Ghosting: Listen. Real life comes up sometimes. While I would appreciate a heads up you aren't enjoying it, I know I have petered out before. A simple "hey I'm not into this anymore" is totally appreciated and fine.

Roleplay stuff:
I only RP in third person, I prefer my partner does the same.
Length: I honestly prefer what is appropriate to the context. I always like at least a paragraph but sometimes, more is required, and sometimes less. If we're having a dialogue, we probably don't need 5+ paragraphs of fluff. I'm also terrible at writing combat scenes.
Kink list: f-list

Consent Preferences:
Love me a dubcon that turns con.

Horizon <---- CRAVING
Firefly-type futuristic

Current Ideas and Cravings: (more stars means bigger craving)

Anything in the Fallout universe or we can brew up our own post-apocalypse world.

Would LOVE to do something in the Horizon Zero Dawn universe. Nothing canon, or to do with the main story.

*** A Witch's Familiar:
A witch needs a proper familiar, one that services their every need. YC is a powerful mage who desires both familiar and partner in one. They somehow summon or lure MC into their clutches. They trick/convince MC into a contract to become a familiar. Would love to have this be a slowburn romance with interesting NPCs; perhaps witch hunters or rival mages that threaten their safety. Collaring and service kink would be two things I'd look for in this plot.

***** Strange New World (Horizon Zero Dawn)
The world was ruined by one selfish man and given new life by one selfless woman. Two major factions were the driving forces behind humanity's survival: Elisabet Sobek heralded Zero Dawn, and a group scientists and elitist rich formed Far Zenith which aimed to colonize a new star system. But a much smaller, practically unknown, third faction called Reclamation had a plan of their own. Using blueprints and data 'borrowed' from Zero Dawn, they created a facility to house 1000 humans in cryogenic stasis. All but one of those subjects perished over the 300 years it took GAIA to repair the biosphere. Character A is that subject, waking up almost a thousand years after they were put into cryosleep. They leave the facility and are found by Character B's tribe. The tribe eventually decides to let Character A live, and assigns Character B to them to guide and teach them how to survive in this new world. This is in the height of the Derangement, so the world is perilous as the terraforming machines begin to try and wipe out the tribes. This would be a plot over porn story, with eventual smut.

More to come.
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