Mx Female Dripping with lust, salacious beyond shame; a smutty search thread [Switch leaning sub inside]


Jul 18, 2013

To my smut-oriented thread. In this thread, I'm looking to explore my more self-indulgent desires. This mostly means that this thread is designed for one-shots and short-term stories. If you want a smut with plot, you can find my plot-oriented here. Feel free to mix things from both threads! I'd be overjoyed. :)

I'm looking either for one-shots, short term stories or episodic one-shots. I've come to desire the closure that these formats give, as well as how it helps to structure scenes around a concise goal/aim.

I recommend reading "About me" section and the mandatory "About you" sections first. Then the "offs" section and finally, I recommend giving my F-list a glance. Beyond that, skim around as you please. I hope you find something that catches your interest.

Note: I roughly define one-shots as "less than 20 posts per player". I roughly define short-term stories as "20-50 posts per player". Long term is anything intended to go well above 50 posts per player, even if it never reaches that sweet 50 posts per player mark.
2nd note: While I write my ideas down as if my characters are always male, I'm more than up to play women for female characters!
3rd note: Every idea marked with (Sub) is an idea where I play a submissive character. (Switch-sub) are ideas where I play subs who may dom in the right circumstances. In all ideas without labels, I play switch, sub or non-Ds characters. I do have some dom inclinations to me, but they might have to be goaded out of me.

About me

  • always crave OOC friendship.
  • don't RP with people under the age of 21.
  • am a late 20's male.
  • live in Europe.
  • have been RP'ing for 10+ years.
  • have Asperger's (ASD). For me, that means generalized anxiety and at times not knowing how to proceed in social interactions. I might have to drop our RP due to anxiety, but I'll never ghost. It also means potential awkwardness and a general tendency to overthink things. (But besides that I'm super nice! I think!)
  • post 1-3 times a week at the moment, though my pace will likely descend into a deep dark abyss once I get employed, so... Just a heads up.
  • almost always write 2+ paragraphs. How much more varies widely depending on the scene and our preferences for the RP.

I like...
  • 3rd person, first persons and all the persons!
  • both smut and plot, though this thread is mostly smut-oriented. Click here for my plot-oriented thread. I do aim to have at least 30% smut in my stories.
  • to describe my characters using words, but I can be talked into using faceclaims if necessary.
  • to write on F-list and Bluemoon only. I do threads, PM's and F-list's chat. I've recently begun to use a chat service called 'Element', so if you're up to experiment with that, I'm your guy!
  • most genres!

I play as...
  • multiple characters
  • m for f characters and f for f characters.
  • side characters, villains, etc. Makes for a deeper world!

Here's a writing sample! The latest post tends to be more representative of my current writing style. Note: I don't expect anyone to write as I do in terms of quality or quantity (I'll leave it up to you to decide if you think my writing is bad or not, lol). I really just want someone who is good enough an RP'er to keep the RP flowing, for the most part. Or who is experienced enough to know when to write OOC to clarify a scene.

About you (Must read)

  • are 21 years or older.
  • are willing to play characters that are 21+.
  • usually writes 2+ paragraphs per post.
  • write in a way that makes it easy to keep going. (At least in general)
  • bring your own ideas to the table.
  • enjoy communicating/chatting OOC a lot, and you're open to make friends if you approach me with a long-term or short-term idea. (Over time, of course, those kind of things don't develop overnight)

On and offs

I'm usually icky with anything that would be considered immoral IRL. So, incest, rape (unless it's tentacles), kidnapping, etc.
I don't like the usual suspects, such as toiletplay, vore, gore, bestiality, etc.
I'm not into most furry material.
I strongly prefer characters to be 21-49 years old.
I strongly dislike abuse.

In general, I like my eroticism to be kind of 'utopian'. That's not to say it can't be rough, but if it is, roughness is a preference of both the characters. In general, if the IC character is into a kink and shows it, I'm more comfortable getting into harder kinks.
I generally dislike it if the dom overly abuses their power, whether I'm playing a dom or you are. For example, in a findom scenario where I sub, I wouldn't want MC to be destitute and abandoned by the end of it. Think "I'm going to move in. You have nothing to say about it and you'll love every moment of it" kind of findom. The "You'll love every moment of it" being key to the kind of dom/sub I enjoy.

Note: This is more of a guideline than a ruleset, as my tastes are still evolving.

My submissive side:
I like being overwhelmed. Teased, seduced, taken in by a whirlwind of sensuality. To be twirled around someone's finger, but in a good way. I also like to please.
My sub characters tend to be: Daddy subs (I think I might have invented this?), fish out of water, regular Joes, anxious wrecks, highly skilled professionals and/or rich.

My dom side:
I try to be seductive and suave rather than forceful, unless I'm playing tentacles. Similar to my submissive side, I tend to try to overwhelm my sub, be it with flirtation, affection or pure pleasure.
My dom characters tend to be: Daddy doms, suave gentlemen, tentacles and characters with an unreal sexual stamina and promiscuity.

Consent is important to me, unless we're dealing with wordless beasts. I'm perhaps willing to play dubcon in some instances, but that's about as far as I'll go.

My non-DS and switch side:
What I love about non-DS/switch is just the variety of things that can be done. Not only that, but the lack of a pre-defined sexual dynamic also lends more space for the plot and world to grow and breathe, a dynamic forming between characters on a scene-by-scene basis. This means that I prefer writing non-DS/switch characters when our story is heavy on plot. They can then over time develop a more sub/dom or switch/switch sexual dynamic as a part of our characters growing relationship, which I also find really interesting to explore.

Switch characters also make for a lot of fun in certain smutty scenarios! A switch might very well be the kind of character to try to dom a dom, only to fail miserably and end up with a few limbs (lovingly) tied up. A fish-out-of-water switch character might be the kind of character to heavily flirt with a kinky sub, get into the bedroom and get slightly mortified at what comes next. A suave switch with a silvered tongue is one of my favorite kinds of smutty switches, every smoothly delivered line a transaction into a better deal in the bedroom, every slight touch, every sly smile, every single word increasing the tension, the mystery of who goes on top slowly being solved as lips finally lock and the curtains roll; and yet, things may twist and turn even when the sheets wrinkle. These suave switches don't mind either position, but they find that a silver tongue tends to get a more premium treatment from whoever they're with, be it a dom, sub or switch.

I also like to engage in fully non-DS vanilla content or scenes where the two characters are equal in the bedroom while engaging in a kink that doesn't require D/s. Just want to put that out there. Romance is a lot of fun to me. Romantic, affectionate tension is underrated!

Turn-ons and beloved themes

Note: I don't need more than 1-2 themes or turn-ons per RP. It'd be boring to try to fill them all out like were they a bingo card in every single plot. Every story has its own dynamics, its own kinks, fulfilling its own niche.

Outercourse, grinding, clothed sex and the like:
Whether it's foreplay or the main course, I really find it fun. Outercourse allows for a lot of new, creative positions. Be it armpitjobs, kneepitjobs, intercrural or the more slightly more common footjobs. There's something kind of primal about clothed sex and grinding. A teasing tongue licking someone's cock through their pants, the suspicious bump rustling about. Strangers grinding against one another in full public. Partners too lazy to take their clothes off in the morning, lazily grinding against one another.

Edging, multiple orgasms, sizeable ejaculations:
With some stories or scenes, I just like to go all out. This is especially true for my tentacle/monster scenes, but I also love a slightly fantastical romp between two humanoid characters. I love it when a femdom mistress has kept her pet surreally close to the edge for a good 30 minutes. I love it when an entire orgy of tentacles spurt and spray their love all over their newfound partner. I love it when an orgy or a gangbang ends due to pure exhaustion, a memory etched into every participants minds for a lifetime.

Tension, sweet tension:
I like it when the mood is sort of electric. When every word hangs in the air, when implication precedes action, when a touch is enough to cause a shiver. This lives in those moments of doubt, of two strangers trying to pin down just who it is they've come across. Of two strangers figuring out who is going to end out on top and who is going to end up on the bottom. Of two business partners figuring out if a foot under the table is going to offend or get them a better price.

Then, there's narrative tension. Like a romantic evening the day before one of them has to leave for war. Like a hidden getaway between two lovers who aren't meant to be together, a secret sealed in a kiss. Like the widowed man finally opening up his charred heart to someone new.

Affection, cuddling, headpats:
Pecks on the cheek, sweet rubs, affirming smiles, all in front of a crackling fireplace. A lingering kiss, an affirming compliment, a love letter sealed with wax. A trip into the hottub, spending a lazy evening with lovely person. I just like wholesome, romantic stories, and I like wholesome, romantic smut.

Small dom, big sub:
Literally or figuratively (all characters age 21+). Whether there's a literal physical power difference, a monetary difference, a gap in knowledge, a hierarchical power imbalance or the like, temptation can level everything. It's when someone you easily could dismiss if you'd wanted to makes themselves a force in your life through nothing but their sexuality.
Note: I love my (figurative or metaphorical) big doms too!

Character dynamics:
Sometimes, character dynamics can really add some spark to a scene. The extroverted party-goer vs the introverted intellectual snob. The war veteran vs the pet veterinarian. The scholar vs the prostitute. The hero vs the villain. Similarities and differences can be explored to create more intriguing character dynamics, something I'd definitely look to experiment with, because I'm by no means an expert.

Creative machinations:
Sometimes, I like to include some rather smutty gimmicks. It can be remote controlled vibrators, kink-oriented dating apps, strangely perverted curses, smutty haunted boardgames, haunted lifelike dildoes and more. It can be weird an unique types of semen, it can be bizarre and rare breeds of tentacles, it can be cursed chastity belts, it can be a casino where all the bets center around sex, so on and so forth. My mental list of weird gimmicks is huge and could probably take up several threads, so yeah. I like it.

For a more thorough yet superficial kink list, here is my F-list.

Romantic smut

With kisses so wet, they'd sate even the most dehydrated of people.

Example themes and kinks:
Cuddlesex, affectionate teases and headpats
Unique character dynamics
IC exploration of kinks (Characters discovering their kinky side)

Affirmative, loving flirtation
Gentle femdom, teasing findom and lovingly edged partners
Small dom, big sub

Quick ideas

(Sub) Shy in the streets, domme in the sheets:
This is intended to be a slightly comedic romance. YC is the most pure, innocent thing in public. Might be shy, nerdy, withdrawn, might have a high pitched voice, so on and so forth. All of these features betray her increasing desires to express herself and her ideas. Through life, she's has found one way to express herself: In the bedroom! It's of course difficult to find a partner who is attracted to the more shy aspects of her romantically and then also enjoys getting bound up in bed, but after quite a few failures, MC finally came into her life. He is likely bewildered at first, but he'll grow to love it over time, surely!

Monstergirl romance:
I love monster girls quite a bit! Whether MC has been abducted and turned into a loving husband, or, YC has moved into the world of humans and have needed a place to stay, I love it!

The Hippocratic Oath:
Her species is famous for feeding off of either blood or the sexual energies of men. For that, humanity has shunned her species, even if there's no inherent evil to them. Her last feeding likely didn't go so well, so she's on the run, her time slowly but surely running out. My character would be a doctor, nurse, healer, shaman or the like. They'd find your character wounded, frail and weak. In that moment, they have to make a choice; fulfill their Hippocratic Oath or let her die. He will choose the prior, likely harboring sympathies to her species. Of course, her species was ostracized for a reason. There's no way to know if he made the right choice until she's recovered enough to be dangerous.

In love with a vampire:
Is she into him because she likes him, or because he makes a convenient midday snack?

Public relations:
Inspired by an idea brainstormed with a lovely person on F-list, the idea here is that our characters slowly but surely fall in love over their shared voyeurism kink. For one reason or the other, they kept meeting one another in public, and sooner or later, they discovered one another's kink. This could happen in a packed train where they bump against each other, seemingly 'leaning into it', or it could happen in a coffee shop, where the one of them discovers that the other isn't wearing underwear or the like. At this point, there's a routine to their meetings, the both of them trying as hard as possible to have sex right in front of unsuspecting witnesses in all manner of creative ways.

(Switch-sub) Therapy sex:
This one is dedicated to my anxious characters, who would love nothing more than someone to tell them they're valid. Lend them your soft laps, an attentive ear and perhaps, eventually, your lust. Could include literal sex therapy, wherein those sexually/romantically anxious gets treated for their romantic/sexual anxieties by loving professionals. Might not be a therapist, but rather a 'healer', 'priestess' or a 'shaman' for fantasy settings, and for sci-fi, it might be a robotic assistant who aids those in need upon reaching a certain age(21+).

(Sub) Cheating in games:
This is a pretty silly one, but one I adore quite a bit! The idea is simple: MC is good at some game, but YC is highly competitive. The solution? Get him too horny to play, obviously! Can include barters (Do x next turn and I'll y), edging, creative use of toys, etc.

Expanded idea
He has a fairly protective and loving relationship towards her, which is contrasted to him being quite submissive to her in the bedroom. He is likely a great person all around. Caring, kind, intelligent, gives good hugs, etc. She needs all that, as well as a person to ride on demand. And he more than provides.

The character dynamics are really important to make this work (I think?), I'd like to brainstorm the potential character dynamics before we get going.

Here's a few ideas including this concept:
  • Sugar dating: I love the idea of a genuine and caring sugar daddy and a rather kinky sugar babe falling into some perverse variation of love. I want to discuss the exact dynamic, so I won't go into too many details; just know that I'd love to play with this, and I'm practically always craving a dom sugar babe who lovingly milks their daddy in oh so many dirty ways.
  • Help in times of need: For one reason or another, YC really needs a place to stay. Perhaps YC is a friend of a friend or whatnot, a foreign exchange student(21+) or something along those lines, but either way, MC lends them their home. This could either go in a slow-burn direction, with there being some romance first which then turns to smut later, or, YC might give MC one look and immediately decide both of their fates for them. Or a mix of the two.
  • Romance turned kinky: So, not a lot to say about this one. They meet. They fall in love. YC is a dom. MC is a loving daddy sub. Boom! Sometimes, simplicity is key.

Tense smut

We're flirting with the taboo, one foot on a crotch at a time.

Example themes and kinks:
Edging and teasing.
Tension, sweet tension. (Lusty tension, romantic tension or other kinds of tension - all welcome!)
Interesting character/power dynamics.
Dom/Sub relations
Seduction and flirtation.
Forbidden and taboo.
Character drama. (Not so many ideas on this, but I'd love to include it!)

Quick ideas

(Sub) Stalker:
She always knows where he is. He's her toy, whether he knows it or not. And if he doesn't like it... Well, there's a million ways to make him love it, sooner or later. For an example of this idea, see the writing sample.

Narrative tension:
Sometimes, the tension in a relationship doesn't arise from the relationship itself, but the circumstances that it exists within. Perhaps our characters are stuck in a frozen apocalypse, scavenging cat tails and whatnot to just barely make it by. Perhaps we shoot zombies in the head, hack their limbs off and pray we can get to sleep without harm. Perhaps we're stuck in a murderous game like squid game or 999, a loving embrace the only way left for us to cheer up. In these scenarios, sex is more a way our characters try to avoid thinking about their issues, their scarred bodies filled with reminders of what lies outside if they dare look once more. (A bit more plot-oriented than most ideas here)

Seduction and flirtation:
This is pretty vague, but I really playing characters who are hunting one another on the public flesh market! Be it at fancy conferences, disco parties or mercantile affairs, flirtation is absolutely awesome. It can lead to nifty discounts as well as saucy sexual ventures, which is especially true if YC manages to seduce multiple men or someone rich and kinky! This flirtation game will also go the other way around, everyone both prey and predator. Bonus points for femme fatales and findom!

(Switch-Sub) Under the table:
Sometimes, the best way to let someone know you want them is by putting your bare feet on their crotch in a busy family restaurant in the midst of a come-together among friends. Anything subtler would go over their head, and besides, this way you get to see their squirming expressions! Can include more taboo pairings, like secretary/boss, professor/student(21+), step-sister(It's cheesy, I know) and more! Not too into cheating or incest, though.

Sugar dating:
You'll see this listed a few times, which is quite frankly because I had an awesome RP with the theme some ways back and have been searching for that high ever since. It can be twisted, it can be cute, it can be straightforward or it can be complicated - but in the end, that growing tension between the two will cause them to melt upon the sheets in sheer lust.

An unyielding tease:
For one reason or another, YC doesn't give MC a break. Perhaps they're working together on a project at university (21+), perhaps she lives in the same apartment complex, perhaps the two of them are in the same circle of friends or perhaps they're in the same hobby group. Either way, she's fully determined to tease him, either because he's got funny reactions or because she's into him and just likes to be a tease, or... Any number of other motivations. Perhaps this just keeps going, MC practically developing a fetish around YC specifically yet never really daring to go for it. Perhaps one of our characters finally make a more earnest move to resolve the tension, with either him finally taking charge and let her taste just how he feels, or her dragging him into the bedroom, YC having found their new favorite toy. Perhaps she'll finally let him touch, at a price.

(Sub) Breaking a paper tiger:
A paper tiger is basically a term for someone who is dominant, but who eventually gets dommed instead or who ends up yielding to another domme... I think. I haven't tried this before, and I think it could be a really interesting dynamic!

Expanded idea
She calls him master or something equivalent, even though the actual power dynamics is the complete opposite.
Here's two ways it could go (lemme know if you have your own ideas!):

  1. He is a literal master, she is a literal servant. However, she has found his sexual weak spot and has begun to derive great pleasure from it, the humble maid making the master beg. But he's not allowed to beg. he's the master, after all.
  2. Gaslighting. Not with cruelty in mind, it's rather a way to kind of play around with the psychology of being a powerless master. This could be kind of tossed into any femdom scenario, where for some reason, she decides he's the master, and he better not say any different.

In case you're wondering how this gaslighting could work, perhaps the servant "doesn't hear" certain commands or "mishears" commands or interpret commands in weird ways or completely makes up commands or, perhaps, dom him into uttering the command.

The addition of aphrodisiacs or magic might aid the servant domme into getting her will.

If we play scenes that go outside of the bedroom, I'd prefer those scenes to be a bit more relaxed. Perhaps with idea 1), the servant takes on her more commonly accepted duties, the two of them pretending nothing is going on between them. Perhaps with idea 2), they're romantically involved outside of the bedroom, liking to go out for dinner and watch movies or whatnot. Or they're strangers, only meeting for their 'sessions'. Anything 'calm' works.

Different takes on 1):
  • Maid domming their master
  • Rogue AI domming their 'user', 'administrator' or 'creator'
  • Prisoner domming the prison warden / Slave domming their slave trader
  • Student (21+) domming their professor
  • Server domming their customer
  • Accountant domming their boss

Different takes on 2):
  • Perfect stranger domming him
  • Romantic partner domming him
  • Server domming their customer
  • Sugar baby domming their sugar daddy (Always craving!)

Dripping smut

Why watch hentai when you can write it?

Example themes and kinks:

Completely self-indulgent smut.
Hentai logic and worlds of smut.
Multiple ejaculations.
Monster girls and pokemusu.

Quick ideas

Multiple ejaculations:
Just wanna say, I'm willing to include this in just about any smutty scene, especially if there's fantasy/sci-fi elements in it!

(Switch-Sub) Milking more than what's stored:
Normally, someone's supposed to run out of semen after one or two ejaculations, right? YC, however, doesn't seem to slow down when others would. And for some reason, MC doesn't seem to gain that 'post-nut clarity' that he normally would. Something's off. A sense of concern stirring amidst lust. Worse still, it might be too late to do anything about it. A fun night lies ahead, but in the morning, MC is more than likely going to need some rest as well as a small buffet to regain his strength.

Monster girls/pokemusu:
I love everything involving monster girls, so if you're willing to play one, that'd be awesome! When I say "pokemusu", I do mean the more humanized version of the pokemon, like what you'd see with a lot of explicit Gardevoir art.

(Sub) Edged to madness:
It's difficult to make good decisions when your every other breath is a moan. Perhaps YC uses this to get confessions out of MC, to use MC as a toy for pleasure (facesitting, eg), get financial agreements or the like out of MC.

Outercourse gangbang:
There can be intercourse in this as well, but I have had a craving to play a bunch of men just going at armpits and kneepits and between thighs and- you get the idea. Likely going to be a oneshot.

(Switch-Sub) Public grinding:
It can be a foot under the table, YC sitting in MC's lap in a train or anything like that. They're in full public, and yet, she's getting him to the brink of an orgasm. The reason can vary. Perhaps she's a total stranger, loving the feeling of just being able to sit on whoever's lap she wants to before getting them off at a whim. Perhaps they're in a relationship, and she knows he has a bit of a voyeuristic streak and just loves to indulge him. In general, a fairly self-indulgent craving, but I would absolutely love it! MC could be more of a switch, perhaps dishing out punishment when they get back home? Might even it out a little.

(Sub) Femdom reverse harem:
If she's in control and she wants more than one partner, well... What's there to stop her from getting it? (Might be a bit picky on this one, I kind of want it to hit the right smutty notes)

Hiveminds and clones:
I have a weakspot for anything clone related. There's something about that multiplication of force that's just super attractive to me. And a hivemind is an interesting take on that, I think! We could play the characters one on one at a time, but since your characters are a part of a hivemind, whatever he does with one of them is immediately known by the rest. Kind of a fun dynamic to play around with, especially if the different members of the hivemind have different preferences and personalities. Could also be an AI, having created a few robotic versions of themselves to enter the world and explore it in a more physical manner. Or, more temporary clones, created specifically for the purposes of some lovely smut, like a magic spell of sorts! I also once played a clone scene in which a game's NPC was duplicated via a duplication glitch, causing quite the hijinks and confusion for the poor NPC!

Expanded idea

This particular 'expanded idea' is basically gonna be a catch-all for worlds with hentai logic at their core!

Any level of sophistication this persona had is about to go right out the window. Let's indulge in some fine culture!

Casual sex worlds.
Casual sex worlds is where casual sex, to some extent, is normalized. The exact extent varies from world to world. In some cases, it's only accepted, public sex not being a taboo at all. In some worlds, casual sex is ritualistic and a part of one's culture. In some worlds, also called 'free use', it's common to be able to ask anyone for sex, and most people will usually say 'yes'.

A special mention for a world so hentai that I've never seen anything like it: "The pollinic girls attack!". In this world, pollen comes in the form of hot girls that wants to do you. So yeah. That's a thing. And, shamefully so, I'm definitely into it.
I also remember watching a hentai about a 'sex theme park'. So... Plenty of stuff to play around with!

I'm really open to play around with this in general, whether we're going with a world where it's just not that taboo to have sex in public or where sexual encounters in private are less taboo, or we're going the full mile with something like "The pollinic girls attack!". Each degree of liberty has something to offer, I think!

Monster girls and pokemusu.
Monster girls are the best. I love them to bits. It's creative, it's smutty, it's cute, it's entirely self-indulgent and I love it.
(Note: The kind of pokemusu I enjoy are usually the more human looking ones. Images can be found under 'inspiration' )

Worlds with monster girls usually take up one of the following forms.
  • Monster girls are widely accepted in society. For some reason, they don't pose a threat to society's capacity to main a population. This is the more fluffy approach to monster girl worldbuilding, where monster girls are cute and fluffy and hugging them is the most common course of action. Pokemusu usually fall into this category... With added capture at times, but err, yeah. I prefer if 'capturing a pokemusu' is more about treating them nicely and making them want to be your friend. >.>
  • Monster girls who have societies of their own including a monster boy variant (so full species, rather than a species of just one gender). This is the more serious approach to monster girl worldbuilding, where monster girls have civilizations, drama, fights of their own, etc. In these cases, the variety of monster girls is usually limited, as there's only so much space in a world.
  • Monster girls who kidnap men to breed/feed off of sexual energy. This is definitely the femdom interpretation of monster girls, wherein men get taken to various remote tribes and fed, now destined to live a life of pleasure. In some worlds, this kidnapping is temporary. Not my favorite interpretation, at least not if I have to write the smut myself rather than just enjoy it.
    • But, there is a version of this I enjoy, wherein monster girls have attempted to integrate into society. Some are still 'rogue', but overall, monster girls in this world are trying to fit in and earn a spot within society in a more consensual manner. This is take or takes similar to it is what a lot of anime end up going with, including interspecies reviewers, where monster girls have taken up jobs as prostitutes, or daily life living with a monster girl, which is a slice of life about living with five monster girls. In these worlds, monster girls are trying to leave their hostile past behind them, though the bad eggs can make it tough.
  • Monster girls belong to another world, but through some mishap (oh no), they ended up in this one! Hilarity (or drama, yes really) ensues!
    • Alternatively, MC ends up transported to their world. Pornography ensues!
  • Monster girls and humanity are at war, for one reason or the other. Relations between monster girls and humans are strictly taboo, at least from the human side of things. In some worlds that I usually make, this is more a product of bigotry than due to reasonable concerns. In other worlds, the concern is totally valid, and monster girls can be dangerous. In other worlds still, like Monster Girl Quest, things are a bit more muddied, with both sides having enacted acts of cruelty upon the other.
Aaand that's all I could think about off the top of my head. A lot to play around with, for sure!


Before clicking any links, I do recommend getting an ad blocker. I'll be linking rule34 and newgrounds, so it's not like it's weird niche sites, but still. Safety first!

If the links don't work for you, I'd love a PM! Dead links are a downer.
Some frisky zubats (vampirism warning)
A happy lickitung
Hivemind smut (No idea about Marvel, but I'd love to play out a hivemind scene if anyone would indulge me!)
Mime and dash (Sound warning) (Phew, anyone wanna play a mime scene all of a sudden? I just love their cheekiness!)
Vampire armpitjob (vampirism warning) (Sound warning) (I just love the art coming out from that game! It's just the best!)
An amazing blowjob (Sound warning)
Attack of the pollinic girls! (Sound warning, also, twice as hentai as anything else linked)

Creative machinations

The worldbuilding part of this thread.

Firstly, I'll be linking my plot oriented thread. It's gotten a lot of stuff in it that can help build the world. This thread, however, will focus on the smuttier parts of worldbuilding!

Quick ideas

Gaming, gambling, rolls of the dice and cheating (in said games):
Perhaps it's some simple strip poker. Perhaps it's a regular game turned frisky when one of our characters starts flirting with the other to distract them, or starts offering them various services if they play in certain, inefficient ways. It might be a cursed board game, like Jumanji, it's will come to life in rather smutty ways. It might be a part of an arcade, where winning implies you may finally remove your chastity ring/belt. Perhaps it's regular gambling, except there's various servers ready to bait you into gambling just a bit more than you should've. Quite a bit of variety, from romantic couples distracting one another with some lovely teasing to all out findom.

Video game worlds:
The logic of video games allows for quite a lot of smutty scenarios. Sure, bringing a person 100 slices of cheese is going to make them want to marry you. Why not? And sure, sex fighting is more efficient than regular fighting, especially since it's turn based. Sure, you can clone that NPC you love a few times. And sure, you can fly, if you so desire. We can go with more 'rigid' video game worlds where the player characters are limited by some internal logic of a given game, likely having to play it smart. Or, we can go with a more sandbox-like Skyrim-mod-like experience, the poor NPC's having no clue what's going to happen to them. The general gist of this idea is, that I'd love to play around with video game logic!

Sex skills/Sex fighting:
Related to casual sex worlds are worlds wherein sexual skills are practiced like were they martial arts. In regular casual sex worlds, these sex skills are a matter of pride. It allows those who are trained in the arts to give gifts of pleasure to those around them, consensually, of course. Mix in a bit of magic, and you have some quite unique sexual encounters ahead of you. Sex fighting is the more competitive take on this idea, in which the goal is to get the other to submit to their desires. This can be friendly competition, or it can be like a tournament, with tournament brackets and everything. I'm not too fond of taking sex fighting to it's non-con extreme; but dub-con could be fun!

Mental sex / Telepathy:
This could be a lot of things. Perhaps it's something more down to earth, something similar to tantric sex where the characters just take their time and really enjoy one another's company. Perhaps it's related to literal mental abilities, including mind reading, projection of thoughts or even dragging someone into a dreamworld to make their dreams feel quite real; of course, dragging someone into a dreamworld likely means you'll have quite a bit of control over said dream. Perhaps it's the ability to call upon a person's lust like was it a button, one's touch eliciting a moan even when touching relatively harmless places like someone's shoulder. It can be an imprint of desires, making someone's fantasy run wild, goading them into lust. Quite a few fun things we can do with this!

Science fiction fun:
So, this thread doesn't directly mention science fiction topics often enough in my own opinion. So I'll just state here, that just about anything that can be done in fantasy settings or modern settings can also be done in a science fiction setting! It just takes a bit of 'translation' from one genre to the other. A translation I'm more than willing to brainstorm with you!

Rich person's abode:
Rich people tend to have nice houses, which allows for a lot of kinky contraptions. Be it elaborate sex dungeons, aphrodisiacs in the refrigerator or lavish masked parties, rich people tend to have more fun than most!

I love them, but they're just too dang popular. And, most tentacle one-shots feel kind of similar and... I end up with too much of the initiative and not enough character interactions. There's still some tentacles in my plot oriented thread; tentacles + plot is the one way to get them working without being too repetitive, I think! Though I am picky.

Expanded idea
So, this is just gonna be a bunch of different smutty objects and worldbuilding elements lumped into one big 'ol spoiler. Brace yourselves!

  • Portals: Like tiny, mobile glory holes. Attach one end of a portal to a public bathroom and the other right on your lips, and bam! Portable blowjobs have been unlocked.
  • Chastity belts/rings: Always fun to play around with! Can be a regular chastity belt/ring, but perhaps there's some extra tricks to it. Like a chastity ring that can only be removed upon winning some game or paying some amount of money, or a cursed chastity belt with a fleshy member on the inside, whirring to life just as the key suddenly begins to rot and vanish. Better find a spare!
  • Remote sex toys: Put your fate in the hand of someone you trust! Or give it to someone you don't trust. Either way, it's going to be fun.
  • Implants: Perhaps it's a simple remote sex toy that's permanently implanted. Perhaps it's a high tech implant designed to manipulate your hormonal balance and make you lust over every other person you meet. There's a lot of options!
  • Sex arcade: Arcade machines in which playing or winning leads to some rather delicious results! One idea I've had as of recently, is that there's a division between 'players' and 'servers' in an arcade. When a player wins, various devices attached to the servers can go off at the players whims. As a result of that, it's in the servers best interest to give their most loving attention to more successful players. No idea if this would work in an RP setting.

  • Electric touch: A unique magic spell, in which the caster connects to the targets senses upon touch and stimulates them directly, causing a jolt of pure pleasure wherever the caster touched.
  • Summoned bindings: When one doesn't have to concern oneself with the complexities of ropes, binding a person in unique positions becomes a lot easier.
  • Mental spells: Mental bindings, implanted commands, reading one's desires, so on and so forth. Plenty of stuff to work with!
  • Common magic used in a smutty manner: Ice magic to give you chills, wind magic that crawls over your skin, fire to remove your clothes. A lusty mage must be creative!

Curses and haunts
  • The lust curse: This curse spreads from person to person via orgasms. It's generally harmless, beyond the fact that it'll make you ravished with lust at random inopportune moments for a duration of about a month.
  • Mark of a fae: For a period of time, the ones with one of the creative and colorful tattoo-like marks is 'property of a fae'. This usually means hijinks are going to be bountiful.
  • Living sex toys and animated objects: Ropes come to life, dildoes that are fleshy, clothes that tie you up, there's so much fun to be had!
  • Ethereal lovers: One advantage ghosts and the like have over physical creatures is their ability to overlap with reality itself. This means they can overlap with one another as well. The implication? Well, there's no longer any need for lovers in a gangbang to take turns!
Aphrodisiacs, potions and misc. things
  • Mana leeching: Sometimes, all a monster girl wants is to suck up a bit of mana so that they don't have to starve. You care about starving monster girls, don't you?
  • Varied aphrodisiacs: The exact effects of aphrodisiacs can vary widely. Some are mild, long-lasting aphrodisiacs, intended to get you calm and relaxed. Others are as intense as a kick to the chest, burning you up from the inside in a swell of desire.
  • Moldable bodies: Robots can change their parts, slimes can reshape theirs. Which leaves a lot of room for all manners of fun!
  • Endurance potions: Ejaculating just once can be boring. So why not use an endurance potion and go at it all night?

In the end...

... I hope you enjoyed my thread!

If you're nervous about approaching me or don't have an idea as to how to approach me, here's some steps you can follow when writing that initial PM!
  1. Find something you like. I recommend that it relates to something from this thread or my F-list's kink list.
  2. Add a little to it.
  3. Outline some kinks you'd like to explore with me. (For extra effect, mix 2 and 3)
  4. Write a polite message to me.

Here's an example of what this could look like.

1. I really like catgirls. This is what I'm going to choose to write about in my initial PM.
2. "Catgirls are always fun. I was wondering if we could have a hidden tribe situated on a flying island, completely isolated from the rest of the world, undiscovered until YC comes along. Up to brainstorm this!"
3. "I have a really big thing for footjobs. I saw that you like outercourse, so perhaps there's an overlap there? If not, here's my kink list *link* and search thread *link*"
Hi Laa!

Catgirls are always fun. I was wondering if we could have a hidden tribe situated on a flying island, completely isolated from the rest of the world, undiscovered until YC comes along. Up to brainstorm this!
As for kinks, I have a really big thing for footjobs. I saw that you like outercourse, so perhaps there's an overlap there? If not, here's my kink list *link* and search thread *link*.

Hope this caught your interest,
- name

This obviously the skeleton of a message written in my own words, but I hope it serves as an example of how to start off a brainstorming session!

With that out of the way, I hope to hear from you and I wish you a good day. :)
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Welcome to the first version of this huge salacious mess of a thread! :)
Now it's time to edit it! Probably done some time tomorrow. :)
First edit is done! But my gut is telling me it needs one more polish. Maybe it'll be done before I go to sleep? It's especially the sex scenes that needs polishing, it seems. I've practiced a lot in non-smut writing, so it makes sense to me that my more smutty capabilities are kind of rusty, hah.
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