On the prowl once again ^_^

Jan 18, 2014
the darkest part of your mind.
Seeking some one who is up for some monster / furry / alien /demon abuse?

seeking a willing victim for any of the following :\

Dino Crisis _ The New Brood

You are a new recruit to a secret, and highly powerful militia squad. finding yourself on a strange island in search of an escape scientist with government secrets. however you and your squad will end up dealing with dino's, monster hybrids, super soldiers, and many other traps. lewd, and other wise.

It Came From the Mist / Fog

A small town, a strange thick fog rolls into the living area. many individuals would find themselves being consumed, or infected during the initial exposure. some quickly changing or falling prey to other worldly creatures. and some over time changing as they struggle for survival. You are a character who is lucky enough to be Immune to the mutations, but still hunted by the very creatures seeking fertile victims to try and bring their own other worldly god into this world by force.

The Tiny Terror

A world filled with goblins, orc's, and all manor of creatures. you find yourself out camping. as a strange light engulfs you, teleporting the young camper to a magical world, however it will become far worse then one could expect. as the fairy tales failed to prepare your mind for the creatures, warriors, bandits, and far worse awaiting you in this world, be it dungeon, or on the roads.

Also looking for some paring if none of these catch your eye.


Mother X son

Brother X sister

Aunt X nephew

Uncle X Niece

Father X daughter

A mix of any of the above, as they can be human, furry, demon or even a mix of. say perhaps a sibling or family member messing with a taboo, art. perhaps goth family member gets possessed by demon, and thus, the possessed family member begins to break and corrupt their family, friends, school, eventually neighborhood?

or class abusive, dom x Sub / resistant family member?


Monster x Victim.

A great deal of mixtures could be use for this one. as tentacles, claws, knots, barbs, etc.

If interested please Pm me.
thank you for taking the time to read this, and hope to find a willing victim .. . . erm volunteer
On the hunt for willing victim :D

finally back after health issues, and work related, so to those who had stories going with me. I apologize for the long vanish.

Looking for twisted and fun NSFW tails.

Monster X victim

Adventurers, Heroines, Angels, etc. X monsters, demons, Aliens.

Incest, Siblings, parent X child, Aunt / uncle X nephew / Niece

Anthro's, Furries, Pokemon, Digimon, Etc

Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Etc

Looking for twisted fun, any one interested please feel free to PM me.
Can share ideas, or brain storms.

Necromancer Story:

Son / Daughter, studying necromancy in secret. Make's a contract with a dark spirit, the parent / sibling ending up getting Violated, and paying their innocence for the power the necromancer gains. However with a unforeseen price which much be paid every full moon. Will our new hero / Heroine of dark arts master this new power, or fall prey to the spirit which grants the power over the realm of death?

Family's dark secret:
In a fantasy world, a retired hero / heroine lives alone with brother / sister, or Son / daughter. having to do lewd things to maintain the power needed to keep their family protected. A dark price, and secret, however One day. A party of failed adventurer's stumble upon the private property, as they come looking for a strange monster reported to live around the forest in this area. Unaware that they would be ether forced, or become part of a darker way of life. one which could end up allowing our retired legend to become free of the dark secret unless the desire to keep it is their.

Game Turned real:
a loner, and game addicted student plays a new beta game. unaware that the VR game was no real game. But in fact, they were actually in the world of the game. gaining infinite respawns, and the ability to grow stronger. what path will they walk to earn their freedom. the dark arts, or the arts of salvation, as the way to grow stronger is up to the player. slay or lay their way to the final boss. earn their freedom back to the world they know, or perhaps release the darkness of this fantasy realm into the world they come from. only the player can decide.

Reverse Shadow of War : Female heroine banished from death, vs Orcs, and monsters etc. .

Pokemon, Trainer's secret training

Monster world, A dungeon's secret way of life.

My monster companion, Warrior / survivor X wicked monster master / abusive pet
Guild of monster hunters X horny and lewd monsters

Dungeons, entities, and traps X lost explorers


Mother X son

Brother X sister

Aunt X nephew

Sisters X uncle / father

Mother, and Aunt X nephew / son

Father X daughter
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