Mx Male Looking to write a slice of life romance set in school setting.


Dec 5, 2017
Hi, all. To start, the characters will be at least 18 years old. So think seniors in high school or any college/university years.

I consider myself to be a very literate writer and have been roleplaying for about 18 years. To be more specific with my idea, I'd love to do a coach's son x athlete pairing. However, I am open to other ideas if you'd want to pitch them. I use this website to search for partners, but I'd prefer we do our actual roleplaying on Discord. You can DM me for my username there.

Please, please, please be a good writer. On average my posts can be a couple hundred words. I'm all about quality over quantity, but generally I wish to provide and receive both.

Hope to hear from some!
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