Mx Female A rather selfish request on my part. Seeking femdom in a complex plot. Lightly inspired by Destiny 2 and Savathûn - Knowledge of either not required


Fighter of the Nightman
Jan 2, 2014
Hi and thanks for stopping by.

I have a specific idea in mind, but to start off, here is what I'm offering to you.
  • Your choice in setting/genre.
  • A willingness to world build with you.
  • Your choice of face claim style - anime, real-life, hand-drawn stick figures, whatever you like.
  • Willingness to use any particular look you like for my character. Have a favorite actor? I'll try to work in his mannerisms. Have an anime character that you find irresistible, I'll do what it takes to watch a few clips to try to describe him properly. Want my stick figure drawing a little taller? I can make that happen. I don't want to brag, but I have a whole blank notepad. (Please don't make me draw, I'm horrible at it unless poor art is a kink for you...)
  • Have a character type you want to use? So long as it's female and at least somewhat humanoid, I'm open to it.
  • Openness to most kinks that you'd like to incorporate. Though to be clear, I'm hoping for a very plot-heavy story here.
  • A shortcut of sorts. If you'd like something short-term, then the two of us can create the background, and then "skip to the good part" where your character's schemes are about to bear fruit.
If those seem satisfactory, perhaps the price is worth it?
So here is what I am needing...

1) A long, complicated plot coming together.
That feeling of your character's evil plan reaching fruition and my character now being completely outclassed. Goddess vs Mortal level. Even better would be your character gaining control of the source of my character's 'good' power. Along those lines, perhaps my character has been separated from yours. This could be part of her plan, and though our characters were frenemies at best, my character misses yours...

2) The idea of a throne world.
A planet/dimension/plane where your character has complete control. This would likely occur after your character's plot has come to fruition..

3) The idea that your character's evil plan was perhaps not that evil after all. It could be that your character has gone through the trouble to accumulate so much power because there is some bigger bad coming that both of our characters will have to fight against.

If you have come this far, then perhaps you are curious to know more about what got me interested in this so you can get a better idea of what I'm looking for exactly.

So recently I played the Witch Queen expansion for Destiny 2. While the premise, setup, and early levels were great, I found the ending severely lacking. So, obviously, I've come to Blue Moon to ease my craving.

To be clear, I'm not looking for a Destiny fandom - though if that's something that you are really looking for, I wouldn't be opposed. Rather, I'm looking for a story inspired by the character and plot. It should be easily copied/pasted into any setting you prefer.

To quickly summarize Savathûn, she's a goddess of scheming, duplicity etc. She's found a way to wield the "Light" (typical good power) herself. The player in Destiny has to go to her throne world to try to stop her.
I'm going to post two videos from the game, because I think it gives a decent feeling of what I'm looking for. Again, not looking for these exact scenes, but just the overall tone and feel of your character going from this where she is a dubious friend:


to the first 45 seconds of this, where she's at least making a hostile demonstration after acquiring a significant amount of power.


I get it, this is not a small ask. The task of creating and playing out a complex scheme to rise to power is a lot of work, but I think we can come to some agreements that might work for both of us and still have fun along the way while creating a complex story.

Anyways, thank you for reading. If this is of interest please let me know. Even if you just want to know more before committing, I welcome the conversation.
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