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Dramatic Personas - Silver Ships of Andilar - Traveller


Aug 14, 2009
Silver Ships of Andilar.jpg
A little rough, but I'm not graphic artist. So this will be where we keep character sheets. I will include NPC information here as it becomes available to the players.

Basic format for this will be. I do not expect you to update your profiles as you spend credits or acquire gear; but it'll be useful for starting.

[Optional Image]

Social Standing:

Torven Askant
Profession: Strategic Command Operative [Imperial]
Military CV: Former Lt. Commander in Imperial Navy
Age: 26 yrs. old

Strength: 6
Dexterity: 7
Endurance: 6
Intelligence: 13
Education: 12
Social Standing: 8

Credits: 12,014 CR
Contacts: nil
Damage/Wounds: xxx
Computer +1
Electronics +1
Engineering +1
Forward Observer +1
Gunnery +1
Jack-of-All-Trades +1
Weapons โ€œ0โ€ base


Binoculars (1 kg)
Handcuffs (0.3 kg)
Mechanical Tool Set (20 kg)
Electronic Tool Set (5.0 kg)
Hand Computer (0.5 kg)
Medium-Range Communicator (10 kg @ TL 5)
Light-Intensifying Goggles (- kg)
Combo Filter-Respirator (- kg)​
Dagger (0.25 kg)
Automatic Pistol (0.75 kg)
AP Silencer (0.5 kg)
Automatic Rifle (5.0 kg)
AR Silencer (0.7 kg)
AR Telescopics (0.8 kg)
Pistol Rds @ 45 Armor-Piercing (0.5 kg)
Rifle Rds @ 40 Standard (0.5 kg)
Ballistic Cloth Suit (- kg)
Reflec Body Suit (- kg)​
Travellers' Aid Society
Dagger Misc.
(belt, scabbard, sharpening-cleaning kit)
Auto Pistol Misc.
(shoulder holster, magazines, cleaning kit)
Auto Rifle Misc.
(case, magazines, cleaning kit)​

Very Long​
Wounds Inflicted​
Automatic Pistol​
Automatic Rifle​
Telescopic Sights​

Born to an upper-middle class family on the asteroid collective of Glisten, Torven showed both interest and promise in the Imperial Navy from a young age. The very nature of the scattered, asteroid colonization was predicated on an inherent reliance of star craft and naval vessels. Glisten formed a true nexus of jump lanes, the most of any single location in the entire Empire. When young, the Imperial Naval and Scouting bases placed to protect the junction loomed like luring shadows, beckoning him while patrolling the vital nexus.

8 years ago: Naval strategy as a nuanced and contingent affair motivated him to join as a commissioned officer, and he found himself graduating with high marks and assigned to the frontier warship, the D-class Destroyer Miekka. While serving, Torven became embedded with the command staff in briefings for his fresh insights and keen mind for naval tactics, earning him a reputation for shrewd and clever allocations that maximized flexibility. The Imperial Naval Intelligence service noted the young officer's promise and offered him a dream assignment.

4 years ago: Stationed in the isolated and contested Five Sisters Subsector, Torven worked as a strategic operative while based on Iderati -- the Imperial base in the sector. The skills Torven had shown aboard the Miekka were applied to a larger scale: Torven had been tasked with maintaining tactical superiority via strategic awareness. Raids from the Sword World Confederation (SWC) proved that the Empire could not be everywhere, and Torven worked to maximize the effectiveness of what naval assets the Imperial Navy possessed in the region. Deep space surveying and reconnaissance led him to a torrid affair with a blonde Lt. Commander -- who ended up betraying him. Tella Rovasti had been a SWC agent sent to spy and report on Imperial movements and fleet operations. Torven was nearly captured and executed, but he escaped to alert the nearest outpost of the Narsil Fleet's presence. For his resourceful dedication and bravery, he received his commendation to the rank of Lt. Commander.

Present Day: Ostensibly, Lt. Commander Torven has been discharged from active Naval duty. Tapping on the shoulder of an old friend, Jason Stockton -- a discharged Scout -- they endeavor to search the outlying stellar regions. Their goals are two-fold: Jason desires the exploration of worlds for colonization while Torven seeks to understand the uncharted regions with an eye toward naval planning. If caught or captured, the Imperial Navy will disavow Torven's activities; but such is the life of a dashing spy living on the edge of the known.
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Celira Fairskye
Profession: Damage Control Officer [Imperial]
Military CV: Former Commander in Navy, Second Officer: ISS Rhylanor Ascendent
Age: 30 yrs. old

Strength: 5
Dexterity: 10
Endurance: 9
Intelligence: 8
Education: 9
Social Standing: 12

Expertise: Medical-1, Engineering-1, Electronics-1, Mechanical-1, Vacc Suit-1, Gunnery-1, Ship's Boat-1

Credits: 18525 CR
Contacts: nil
Damage/Wounds: xxx

Mechanical Tool Set
Electronic Tool Set
Metalwork Tool Set
Carpentry Kit
Medical Kit
Hand Computer
Lockpick Set
Electric Torch
Light-Intensifying Goggles
Combo Filter-Respirator
Cold Weather Clothing
Body Pistol and Silencer
Auto Pistol and Silencer
Submachine Gun
SMG Rounds @ 150 (37 shots @ 4/shot)
Auto Pistol Rounds @ 45 Standard
Body Pistol Rounds @ 18
Ballistic Cloth Suit (Knight of Deneb livery)
Reflec Bodysuit
Ablat Armoring​
Baroness of the Imperium
Knight of the Order of Deneb
Travellers' Aid Society

Celira has an unusually chaotic mindset for a military officer. This allows her great flexibility to changing conditions, but makes her unreliable at sticking to a plan. As long as severe consequences aren't in play, she is comfortable - and indeed seems to prefer - "winging it". Aware that others are not, she will humor their plotting in advance, but is prone to deviating in the moment when she detects an advantage.

While not exactly spoiled, Celira does prefer finer things. She appreciates the plight of others who do not have access to such, but doesn't see a reason why that should change her situation - it's not as if her going without will help the unfortunates in any fashion. She is perfectly happy to rely on her title to get perks and privilege, though she is conscious of not shoving it around in everyone's face, reserving it for when she can get the biggest bang.

Given her generally high-end taste, she has a curious lack of regard for visual art, and has only the minimum familiarity necessary to avoid gaffes in her social circles.

With an appreciation and respect for sophont life, Celira is slow to battle and violence. However, once the situation shifts to the point hostility is useful, she goes from reluctant to intense immediately (a perk of her natural chaos).
12 yrs ago: Enrolled in Naval Academy off the wait-list
11 yrs ago: Completed Practical Warp Engineering coursework
10 yrs ago: Completed Intermediate Field Medicine coursework
10 yrs ago: Graduated from Naval Academy with mediocre marks
10 yrs ago: Promoted ... Cadet to Ensign
10 yrs ago: Assigned 58th Fleet, Kaasu System, in defense of shipyards
9 yrs ago: Defied evacuation order to save ISS Astramal after nearby shipyard was destroyed by sabotage, puncturing the Astramal's reactor with debris. Several civilian ships, also crippled by the shipyard's destruction, within the blast radius of Astramal's reactor were able to be saved, including the daughter of the Archduke of the Domain of Deneb.
9 yrs ago: Under pressure from Archduke, court-martial found Ensign Fairskye had acted in the best interests of the Imperium
8 yrs ago: Over objection from 58th fleet officers, promoted from Ensign to Lieutenant
8 yrs ago: Transferred to 23rd Fleet at Vilis, assigned Second Deck Engineer aboard carrier ISS Tairfa the Bold
7 yrs ago: Certified in Fighter Systems Electronics
6 yrs ago: Promoted Lieutenant Commander
6 yrs ago: Assigned dreadnaught ISS Rhylanor Ascendant, Vessel Operations Shift Supervisor
5 yrs ago: Distinguished Service Medal, Battle of Chalcedon Mooring
4 yrs ago: Captain's Commendation for Exemplary Performance in Battle, after Blitz of Berchwater
3 yrs ago: Promoted Commander
3 yrs ago: Named Vessel Operations Commander and Second Officer: ISS Rhylanor Ascendant
2 yrs ago: Multiple battle commendations
1 yr ago: ISS Rhylanor Ascendant scheduled for heavy refit
5 mo ago: Reviewed for Captaincy; board decision was too impulsive and disorganized for long-term command
2 mo ago: ISS Rhylanor Ascendant enters refit
2 mo ago: Commander Fairskye musters out of naval service
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