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Fx Female Long Term Romance - Modern Setting


Nov 22, 2021
This may be a long shot! I'm hoping for a longer term romance to play over a few weeks or possibly months if we're having fun. I'm committed to growing a story together with lots of build up.

I'm imagining being friends at first, YC is completely unaware that I'm struggling with my sexuality. I like boys, but I'm developing more intense feelings for girls. I would be comfortable being the more proactive, dominant, and sexual friend. You can like boys or have feelings for girls too, which I wouldn't have any idea about. We're going through life like normal close friends who talk about boys together. When we first meet each other, neither of us would have any inkling that we would become intimate. But I'm much more likely to make the first move on you, unless you feel brave!

Our story would involve living in a smaller town together, attending classes, after school activities, spending time together, sleepovers. Engaging in regular and non-sexual experiences in the beginning. I've imagined the town and some of the people in it as well. I have created a little world with different classmates, neighbors and families. I would adore it if you were new to the town and school, having relocated. Attending a new school and making friends is a terrifying experience, but I'm going to be the first friend you make. I want to take you under my wing and be protective of you. I would be able to introduce you to the area, help you navigate the school, tell you who's who, encourage you to join after school programs (whether it be a club, volunteer program or sport). I love dialogue and spending time together doing hair, make up, trying on outfits together, watching movies together, taking pictures etc. I would be able to guide most of the story and details and give it direction. But I would absolutely encourage creativity and background from you!

There are lots of opportunities for drama, growing a friendship and chemistry together, getting to know each other's characters. Our main focus will be on our relationship together. At some point the friendship would take the next step to some kind of intimacy together. Kissing or making out, making love. We could end it there and be happy but if you wanted to take the next gradual step it could lead to more corrupting themes. Risky behavior like me encouraging you to sleep with men, experimenting with rougher sex or bondage. Initially I would go slow, a little snuggling together, touching that isn't overtly sexual. Hugs that normal friends give each other. I'm really patient, but when it felt right I would be able to introduce you to vibrators and more intense sensations. I want our first kiss to be the result of lots of tension and time together.

I have a good grasp of what I like, making vanilla things like cuddling, light touches on sensitive parts of your body, making out. More extreme things I like are electric shocks, drugs or alcohol, choking or drowning someone underwater. I would largely be in the instigator and be the one to pressure you into trying these things. I want to make you feel loved and give you the most gratifying pleasure and happiness. I'm really good at writing details, especially feelings, sensations and dialogue. I'm inspired by fairy tale romances.

I'm very comfortable with either 1st or 3rd perspectives. We could play here on the PMs, through e-mail, or Discord. I may be open to other suggestions though. Both longer formats like the PMs and chat formats like Discord have good purposes. Right now I'm committed to playing this story for the next few weeks or months. I'm able to post almost every day, most days I would be able to reply multiple times.

If you like tension and romance and you're comfortable being submissive you should definitely say hi. We can absolutely discuss kinks and limits and things, I'm very open to listening and changing details. I don't want anyone to stress out about playing with me! Stories are supposed to be fun. Ideally this story is for someone who's patient and excited by new relationships.
I'm genuinely looking for a f/f friendship story. Becoming friends, slowly getting to know each other and growing comfortable together. Being unaware that we could have romantic feelings for each other in the beginning. I love sensation play, having slumber parties/sleep over where we can do each other's hair or make up, practice kissing, snuggling up to watch a movie together. It's wholesome and very innocent at first, but the cozy feelings lead to unplanned intimacy. We can plan activities together, joining some kind of group thing together, dance, educational or sporty activities. Walking excursions, hiking, riding bicycles, beach trips. Things can be more exciting in a story format like this, but those little moments together are so gratifying. I want it to feel like we're getting to know each other and the romantic feelings slowly blossom. The friendship gradually turns into a relationship.
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