Mx Female Grim and the Dawnbreak


Sep 23, 2018
(Starter thread. Hit me here or on discord Steveo211278. Any variations off this would be fun. Lots of different elements to explore. Smut, story, long term or short. Check out my F-List F-list - Warning)

In a land where magic, elves, and the strange are all around, a king makes ready for the war against the machines. No one knew when they arrived or how many were around, but they had overstayed their welcome. Unsure if they were from this planet or another, this time or another, the grim, their nickname for the machine people, have been kidnapping and killing the people of Dawnbreak for many years.

The king was blessed with a large family; two beautiful daughters, two sons, and two wives. Over the years the grim destroyed towns, villages, and decimated castles all over the island. It was hard to say how many creatures of the kingdom were still alive as the visits from the mainland have begun to slow down and in the recent days there have been none. There were handful of dwarf warriors, elven mages, and human knights in addition to the royal family. The locals have fled to the deep underground to find refuge with the dwarves. It was customary for the royal family to stay as a sign of strength for the kingdom but with current kidnappings and killing on the rise the last of the warriors and the royal family decide to flee to the underground.

In the last days before the the move the king requests an audience with all the warriors and his family.

"The time has finally come for all of us to abandon Castle Adabon. The grim seem to be evolving and becoming more complex with each attack. We will reclaim the lands of our ancestors, but for now we move underground to house with the dwarves." Dressed in his armor which hinted green from the dragon skin weaved. He stood over most others he spoke to. His long hair was tied back and his dark eyes were missing the whites. He has fought alongside the elves, dwarves, and man. The stories of the king were known across the island and the mainland and the discussion of the king laid fear in most others.

"Papa if we leave we now we may never find him!" the kings eldest daughter, Naria, speaks up. She is speaking of her husband. He led a scouting party out to gather information about the grim. Her long flowing hair waved in front of her face as she crossed her arms over her large breasts which stretched her dress to the max. She was 28 years old and was known to be a fierce swordsman and it was said that she understood the ways of the eleven healing magic and air elements. Her and her husband were always doing what they could for the locals of the kingdom.

As opposed to her twin brothers, Ado and Gaff. Recently turned 21, and were never around when needed. They would rather use their knowledge of fire and ice elemental to cause trouble instead of assisting the kingdom. In recent years their mother suppressed their elemental power as they were creating more chaos with the grim being present. With their powers being gone they were known to hang around the local brothel and it is said they have a small army of their own children. With their young looks, chiseled bodies, and quick witted responses, their was one power their mother couldn't suppress. Their charm. Some joked that they were touched by the God Loki and we're blessed with his mischievous powers.

The kings first wife, Jacqylyn, responds to Nara, "Sunshine, there is no way we stand a chance at the moment to find him. Our numbers are too small and we cannot understand their magic. When we kill one they eat each other and reuse their parts." Jacqylyn was not able to speak to the elements or draw on the magic of the elves. Her skills lied in the labs of the alchemists. Using plants, ground up metals, and other substances, she has been able to create her own arsenal of bombs, potions, and poisons. It is rumored that the king only fell for her after drinking one of her potions. She was exactly as you can imagine. Strong willed, beautiful, in a petite figure. Not the fighting though. She would seduce and side step rather then fight head on. Her green eyes could captivate anyone who looked her way. Her flowing red hair could cause a trance in the strongest willed men.

"That's nonsense" Jocelyn, the king's second wife, replies. "We understand plenty about the grim. However, as much as it repulses me to agree, I have to urge you dear to take refuge with us in the dwarven caverns." Like the kings first wife, Joycelyn wasn't blessed with any supernatural powers. Her beauty though, was unmatched by any in the kingdom. At 29, several wars were already fought over her from the mainland. When she fled to the island 10 years earlier, the king gave her an ultimatum. Be his wife and fall under the protection of the kingdom, or be given back the slobs on the mainland. 10 years she has stayed so far.

His youngest daughter, Bree, has not spoken since her sister died. She is known to work in the blood arts created by the mages of the original. There has been no proof of these accusations but her last two suiters ended up skinned and there were screams from the room the night she married. The screams were not the type of screams expected on a wedding night, but the screams heard in jail cells as the inmates are prisoners in their own mind.

Rumbles began amongst the warriors and elves. They wanted to fight and rid the lands of the grim.

"SILENCE!!! All of you. We are not ready. There will be a time to fight. That moment is not now. We will stay tonight and leave first thing in the morning.

As the king readies for bed, his daughters shoot off to their rooms, his sons are roughhousing as they are going to their chambers, and he and his two wives head up their room.
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