Mx Female The Empire - Darkness and Excess (NSFW - Slavery, BDSM, Steampunk, Magipunk, Classism, Sexism, Etc).


Aug 25, 2012
(Be aware, the links are very NSFW and could be triggering. I ask that you don't read further, and specifically don't click on links, if you might find anything you're reading disturbing to you. Mental and emotional health are always of utmost importance.)

Brief Background:

The Empire had finished conquering the known world decades ago, and as time passed the privileges accounted for the Empire’s citizens became uncountable. The progression of both magic and technology had led to a point where there was no need for labor, no need for classes among the population, and yet it still persisted. Wealth began to get even less distributed as the aristocracy began to centralize all of it between them, leaving little to nothing for those that weren’t born into it unless a noble decided they were entertaining in some way. And thus things began to devolve for those beneath the upper crust, as machines began to take all of the jobs the poor used to keep food in their mouths and the near-religious fanaticism to the Empire began to preach that those that weren’t of noble blood weren’t even human, and thus didn’t have the same rights as their betters.

Slavery was instituted as a punishment for even the most minor of crimes among those that couldn’t pay the bribes to keep themselves from going to court. A new class rose, those that were in the employ of the noble houses that could protect them, while the old middle and lower classes were absorbed into the poverty stricken ‘Dirt’ class, treated as animals even though the only difference between them and the aristocracy was where their blood came from and the amount of money they had. Their lives became little more than playthings, toys with which the nobles would play with and then throw away. Fox hunts became human hunts. Nobles bartered on the torture and execution of their own slaves when they gambled, and the most debase and useless types of deaths were inflicted on those that they viewed as ‘dirt’. Men held all positions of power, even among the wealthy, and aristocratic women… while raised and treated marginally better than the other classes… were still used as political pawns for marriage as well as other vile activities.

Welcome to the Empire.


Starting on building out a new world where technology and magic meet along with some pretty serious social and political changes to the timeline of our history. Here not only is classism alive and well, it’s an ingrained part of everyday life. The poor live in hovels in the country, or squat in the rundown factory districts in the city where the Empire is trying to root them out entirely. When captured even minor infractions are brutally handled with either death or slavery depending on the infraction, and whether or not the court deems them worthy of living given they have a talent or something else someone might treasure. The poor and slaves are treated as non-human, and it has been known for some to be strung up in the streets, impaled or even worse simply for not taking the right tone with the right person. And while the aristocracy might put on airs in public in front of those under them, they would throw debauched parties and the like where anything and everything is available to them.

From a technology viewpoint this world is very much in the industrial era, although most things are run with steam engines. BDSM and weird machines are cool. The outfits and the like will be from this era as well.
From an arcane point of view we are dealing with things such as enchantments, illusions and sprite-type magic from old Celtic/Norse stories. Will be delving into a bit of Lovecraftian stuff as well.
From a species standpoint: mostly human, although I have no problem including things like fantasy or sci-fi species (elves, dwarves... etc) if you want, as I will be including magic and the like.
The aristocracy is multi-racial and drawn from the higher echelons of each former country's leadership before joining the Empire, but each holds a deep racism for those outside of their own race.

Now, I don’t want to pretend this is anything but a dark, gritty feel that will end with quite a bit of sex, violence, death and possible gore… so please be aware of that if you decide this idea sounds interesting to you. We can talk over what you’d like to see and what you’d like to avoid but honesty at the beginning of our OOC discussions is a must when it comes to what you can’t handle so it can be avoided. If any sort of -ism is a trigger for you, you might not want to indulge in this play as this will probably explore all of the -isms (an -ism is like… racism, sexism… etc). The beginning story will revolve around the house itself, the acquisition of slaves, the business that the house is in and politics… of course with a liberal amount of base things thrown in for entertainment purposes.

The type of partner I’m looking for: Preferably someone who is okay with everything implied above up to and including torture and death (it will be somewhat of a horror show at some points). Someone who has no problem playing multiple characters and watching some of them die. Someone who will be interested in providing the voice and personalities for all of the dirt employed by and slaves of the MacIntyre household. My partner would be playing the females, I will cover all of the others to start including those outside of the MacIntyre house until they are comfortable playing roles outside of the ones stated.

Character Ideas

  1. Chosen engineer: slave kept on simply because she has an aptitude for working with her hands and a natural at technology. Used during the creation of things for house MacIntyre that they take full and complete credit for. Does not need to be literate.
  2. Seer or witch: slave being taught minor magics to help the house by giving portents or what might come or even simply entertaining using illusions and magic. Will have to become literate through the story if not at the beginning of it.
  3. House slaves: used for cooking, cleaning and the like, there are at least three on the staff at any given time.
  4. Anything you can think of that would make sense in a universe like this.

Feel free to suggest any type of character you’d like to see or play. I don’t intend to tear down the world at the beginning, we’ll mostly be establishing a narrative for the world until we get deep into the politics of it. Expect things to go sideways for characters that aren’t aristocrats, and even they have a chance of having things go sideways.

Your characters are your own, enter this knowing they can have bad ends and we’ll be okay. If you have any issues as we’re playing PLEASE say something as I have no problem stopping at any point if you’re having problems. I want this to be fun for both me and anyone I play with, so if it's not… say so.

And keep in mind this is a growing work in progress that I’ve just started putting together today. As we go I’ll be creating history and characters that will just pop out of nowhere. And I’m more than happy to discuss any ideas you might have that we could mix into it!

Oh… one last thing: I have very few limits so I will be using yours to guide us. That means I have no problem with murder, pain, toiletplay, abuse… well, almost anything.

Looking forward to hearing from those interested.
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