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Fx Male Fantasy/sword & sorcery (and other genres) tabletop wench looking for a DM


Mar 4, 2022
Hello all!

New girl here looking for a DM interested in running a one-on-one game, and I strongly prefer using a game system of some kind (though open to talking over a freeform approach). I am familiar with D&D but prefer other systems for erp. Let's nerd out and plan something that fits for us both!

When it comes to smuttiness I like a mix of sex with strong dose of story. There should be a balance of both even if things ultimately move towards sex. I like a dose of unpleasantness to the settings I play in, misogyny, non-con, vice and more should all be part of the world.
  • Looking for the DM to fully be the DM (narrator, guide, playing the NPCs, shot-caller, etc) and not control a second "main" character.
  • I'm very open to world building and framing, but since you'd be calling the shots, it'd be helpful if you could take the lead in pitching a campaign/setting.
  • I like to take it slow... I love a simmering story full of sexual tension.
  • Genres and archetypes are my two favorite things to explore, inhabit
What do I offer?
  • A decent level of literacy and writing skills. (Let's talk genre fiction and games we both enjoy.)
  • On average, a reply every day. I am available for longer stints at times too but life is busy I don't want to over promise.
  • Willingness to really throw myself into the world you choose and be attentive to it.
  • Happy to tweak my character in accordance to your (reasonable) preferences.
  • I'm willing to consider most classes and character types. I generally don't play super airhead or meek…though maybe a little ditsy? But righteous? Feisty? Vain? Spunky? Impulsive? There are plenty of options, and they'll all be babes.
  • Depending on how things go, I may be willing to play more than one character (or join a group play discord server.)
  • Looking to play on Discord (add me at trashydamsel#2101).
  • I play first person or third person. (with a GM who runs thing from 2nd​/3rd​ person.)
  • Heart spelling and grammar (though we all make minor mistakes from time to time.)
  • Story first! Slow burn anticipation and tension.
  • Kink chemistry! Willingness to indulge my main kinks is required! I reciprocate as well.
Please read my F-list here.

Contact details:
Message me here or on Discord (trashydamsel#2101) to discuss! If you decide to reach out:
  • Let me know what intrigued you about I've described.
  • Let me know where we are in terms of kink compatibility. What are our hits and misses? What are your top 5 on my list? What top 5 do you wish you saw but do not?
  • If it's obvious that you haven't really read this ad or my F-list, I probably won't respond.
  • I'm looking for someone who ticks all the boxes, so I'll likely take a little time before jumping into anything with anyone.
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