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Fx Male Let's Kiss Kiss and Fall in Love.

Mar 4, 2022
Cali baby

Hiya! I'm June!
I also go by Junko
Welcome to my thread!

A little about me:
I'm 22 years old, female and I'm Japanese living that high rent life in Cali.
Decent roleplayer with three years of experience.
Avid Coffee Enjoyer and Tea Drinker.
Worried News Watcher.
Fan of Erotica

I write roleplays that are about affection and intimacy, and the complexities of relationships in a world that feels real. The highs and lows, the dramatic and the loving moments, times of comfort and uneasiness in a complex world. The beautiful slow burn of new relationships, the nervous anticipation of things to come, the ordinary lives of established couples, and the feelings of companionship and solace. The exploration of the heart, love and the greater world that swirls around our Muses, the ones we write as, the objects of our creation. How the Muses affect the world. How does the world affect the Muses? To breathe life into characters and emotions into the written word. I seek both long and medium-termed roleplays and literary companions to write and enjoy my time with. The scandalous elements of roleplaying, the erotic excitement, the taboo amusing; I like to have an ample amount of smut that is both risqué and genuine. Erotism is suggestively pleasant as much as it is sensuously sincere. The element of sexual informality is one that captivates me as a roleplayer. The idea of something that's a traditional act being more openly accepted is quite intriguing.

First Posting of my thread
Expect changes

  • Step Dad/ Daughter
  • Older Brother/ Younger Sister
  • Older Sister/ Younger Brother
  • Distant Cousins
Couples and Friends
  • Dating (Craving)
  • Engaged
  • Married
  • Arranged Marriage
  • Childhood Friends
  • Best Friends (Craving)
  • Friends with Benefits
  • Friendly Rivals
  • Roommates (Craving)
  • Neigbors
Job or School Oriented
  • Teacher/ Student
  • Teacher/ Teacher
  • Student/ Student (Craving)
  • Coach/ Player
  • Employee/ Employee
  • Boss/ Employee
  • Personal Nurse/ Patient
  • Master/ Maid
  • Popular Gal Girl/ Nerdy Guy
  • Opposites Attract
  • Older Man/ Younger Girl (Craving)
Mini Stories to Write
A List of mini story ideas that I just wanted to write. There are some Not Safe For Work images present.

The Demon In Your Bed
Shyith had come from the transcendental realm of Kelnore, the domain of demons, into the room of a human who summoned her from her ethereal play to walk the mortal world. Created in the formlessness of Kelnore, she was born of the fervor of the human spirit, of their sins and virtues. To the summoner, she has horns, a tail, pointed ears and hip wings, but to the average human she looks just as they do. Shyith wants nothing less than enjoy the pleasures of the flesh and the passions that the physical world can experience. Yet underneath it all, she wants to feel what it is to be human.

Stories to Write
A JK Cooks Dinner Tonight

They hadn't really spoken to one another before the start of her school year. Out of respect for the other tenants of the three-story apartment complex, Tomoko greeted all of her neighbors with a humble gift of citrus, letting them know that room 203 was now lived in. That's when she met him, the resident of room 202, and offered him her gift of oranges and it was just that until the first day of school. They ended up leaving at the same time, seeking to catch the same train towards their respective locations. The two of them didn't talk much then, just ending up walking to the same train station to catch the same train. Slowly they started to open up to one another on their morning wakes, talking about anything that came to mind, getting to know each other more than just a nameless neighbor. Soon they considered themselves as friends, besides the age difference, going out shopping together or just hanging out after she had finished school for the day and he was done with work. He even shielded her from the people in the train, placing himself between them and her. He also saved her from being molested on the train, after she started to seem distressed by another man being too close to her, who was quickly arrested by police. She felt safe around him after that, getting the feeling he was like an older brother to her. They exchanged numbers and often texted to one another throughout the day when they weren't together. For saving her from the people on the train, Tomoko offered to cook him dinner any time she could as payment, after seeing that he was eating convenience store food every night and it would be nice to eat with someone again. They even exchanged keys just encase, but soon Tomoko made herself at home in his place, cooking his dinner for him, so when he got home, there was a hot meal waiting for him.
It had been five months since the first day they met and Tomoko stood in his kitchen, cooking dinner for the two of them. Hearing the apartment door unlock, Tomoko headed to the door to greet him.

  • I see them having a strong friendship with either one feeling comfortable around the other, a kind of an older brother/ little sister relationship. They go shopping together, sometimes she meets him at his work, she makes him bento lunches and cooks him dinner, they hang out and go on 'dates', and she's physical fine with him with hug and cuddles.
  • The characters have a differences in age. I see Tomoko being a high school senior living away from her family and the other character being either a recent college grad student or slightly older (20 to 23 years old)
  • Maybe romance is a slow burn between them, neither wanting to test the limit of their friendship or they could be ready for a more intimate friendship.

The Pretty and the Paunch (Closed)

Montana had to stay at work for the fifth night in a row. The fashion company, Ash Carline, that she worked for as product manager in their lingerie department was looking to launch a new line of exclusive lines of intimate apparel, and Montana had to work overtime to make sure the proposal to her boss was concrete. After reading over the proposal for the umpteenth time, scanning over the sketches of dozens of lingerie, estimated costs, supply rundowns and additional information that she pieced together into the document folder, she felt the hours weighing on her mind. Her table clock read 8:30pm, meaning she had been at work for 13 hours, even through her break, lunch and supper. She looked up from her desk to realize that she was the last one in the office. Her team had left an hour ago, but she stayed behind to finish up everything. Her name was on the proposal, so it was her position on the line if it didn't work out. After sending the proposal onward, Montana knew that it was just beginning as there would be months of revisions and meetings before the line, the Crystal Collection, was launched. With the proposal sent, it was out of her hands now, so she left for home. She walked the well lit, night streets to a convenience store that she frequented to put up a nice bottle of wine and some sweets before calling a cab to drive her home. It was the Friday night before a three-day weekend and she just wanted to relax the days away. She paid for the taxi fare, billed it to the company's travel expenses department, and made her way up the seven flights of the stairs to get to the seventh floor of their apartment complex she was renting a unit in. Soon she was inside her apartment and looked around, tossing her high heels away into the entrance.
The lingering smell of dinner was in the air and she moved to the kitchen to her left, the dining room in the middle of the long space that made up the centre of the apartment. Beyond was the living room and balcony. To the left of the living room, the door of the apartment's study was open, light pouring out from the doorway into the semi-lit main area. The table was set for dinner and the, now cold, lasagna was on the kitchen counter with nice French bread. Placing the wine and box of sweets on the table, she moved to the study and looked inside, seeing the large frame of a man sitting at a messy desk. Her heart raced at the sight of him and she smiled

  • The man is Montana's husband and I envision him being somewhat overweight with a paunchy stomach. Even through his larger size, his kindheartedness and charm won over a woman like Montana and they have a happy marriage. Even with his size, I envision Montana and him having a robust intimate life.
  • Maybe the husband is as successful like his wife in his own right and company, being praised by his bosses and coworkers, yet the new or junior employees don't like him because of his looks. That with having a wife like Montana, he feels inadequate and has doubts.
  • Montana is very doting on her husband and loves him dearly, despite any insecurities he has, she stands proudly beside him as his wife and lover.
  • Would like to look into their lives, going to one another family's place for the holidays, going to a company dinner s, having date nights, going on vacations with just them and much, much more.
  • Seeing that Montana works at a fashion company, the lingerie department, I envision Montana testing out the lingerie with her husband. (Lingerie Play)

A Girl's Guide to Sexual Informality

The world must've looked at their island home in engrossed bewilderment. To some, they were sexual deviants and others saw them just merely pushing the border of global uniformity. An exotic place to visit to encounter a vastly different culture and people or place to completely avoid altogether. To the people of the Commonwealth of Hotoshō, it was simply their choice of lifestyle, their society that they built for themselves and for their future. For the people of the Commonwealth, seeing the outside world's more conservative views perplexed them as the other nations were with them. With such progressive values, Hotoshō became a popular tourist location and a getaway for hopeful singles and experimenting couples, yet they couldn't know the foreign nuance of the Hotoshō people and often ended up disappointed. Much like everything in the Commonwealth, there were degrees of subtlety to Hotoshō and her people. Some sought out the island archipelago thinking it was a land of free sex and accepted perversion. Most were dissatisfied when their expectations were unfounded.
Hotoshō was a nation of progressive sexual values, but it was guided by a long-felt fear of territorial collapse. After the last global war, Hotoshō was a hollowed out shell of the Empire it once was, its cities were burnt to ash and the population was in steep decline. The post-war government put emphasis on rebuilding the nation and cultivating a healthy and robust citizenry. Liberties were taken in the reconstruction and over the course of nearly a century, temporary measures were adopted as permanent standards of living. For those living there, such sexuality was as ordinary as going to school or work, or going to pray at a shrine. For Maeda Hiro, walking down the streets of the nation's capitol of Kioyo, seeing sexual things was something that's normal to her and it didn't faze anyone that was born in Hotoshō.

  • I envisage a nation that's very similar to our world's Japan with similar history, culture, geographic location, school and government systems and naming style, but Hotoshō is more into the theme of "Free Use" with a nuance to it. Despite the hyper sexualization of all things, there's a complex refinement. How do normal everyday things like going shopping or watching the news change in such a place?
  • There could be themes of arranged partners with the two characters being assigned in a project to grow the population.
  • Maybe the characters are dating in a hyper-sexualizated society, finding love in a nation engrossed in the normalization of sex and porn.
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