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For the Love of Dragons
Mar 3, 2022
About Me

I mostly and prefer playing submissive roles, however, I can be a switch from time-to-time. I do really enjoy a good master slave rp of various kinds such as mixing fantasy and supernatural with a modern setting. At the same time, I like to have fluff pieces in between with aftercare

I can mirror post lengths so you can expect me to respond back in similar quality and length that you give me. However, there are times my muse is fickly: on a very good day, I can push to 4 small paragraph but, on a bad day 2 at best.

I like to rp from games and movies as references, but I do like some creativity in making original worlds with its own lore.

Kinks- yay or nay

Here is my F-list

Favorite kinks- master/slave, pregnancy play, and aftercare fluff to dark-theme roleplays and unlikely pairings.

I'm fairly open to anything. The only time I'll accept slice of life is if it's a heavy slave/master roleplay

I have dyslexia and I also type on my phone often. I am sorry for any typos that happen.

~Note OC stands for an original creature character that I created. Please read the last spoiler as an optional set character


Warlord orc x Elf princess

Demon prince x elf or human

Dragon shifter x human

Warlock x human

Android x human

Vampire master x fairy/human/elf student

The war with the changelings (last spoiler


Loki x OC

Scorpion (MK ) x OC

Sith x Jedi

Sam Winchester x OC

Dean Winchester x OC

Non cannon Aquaman x OC

The Witcher- Garrett of rivia x OC

Batman x OC

Avatar the last airbender x female fire bender

Warcraft (based on the movie) x OC slave

Lucifer Morning star ( pre series ) x human/angel


The Orc

One orc managed to trump then all gaining the trust and respect of all orcs and banned them into one hord for one goal the destruction of the human race that spits at the existence of the orc kind but there was one problem . The elves are in the way the dlest spanning from one sea to the other so the orcs began to attack. It didn't take long for the elves to surrender and form a truce with the orc warlord offering their princess and aid to to help fight the humans. The warlord accepts and the 2 races are unified but under what condition for the princess?

The Demon

A demon would come to earth and kidnap a human and drag her to hell where demon have their own culture and like to use humans the demon that takes her is a lesser demon and she then becomes friendly with a prince of hell and he helpa her kill her owner and becomes a demon herself just to find out the prince wants to use her for her powers. Can say a prince knows what demon you would be when you are turned

The warlock

This rp I want to be very dark where the warlock wohld use his dark powers to corrupt MC to the very core using mind rape bondage creature to mess her up and everything on her making her go insane and a super twisted one sided love story will happen

If you don't know what mind rape is a link will be provided

Mind Rape - TV Tropes

The Android

Machines took over the world and are able to feel like humans can adapting to thw point whete they are almost like human but much more advanced

The androids would not wipe out the human race but enslave them use then for cheap labor or pleasure ans like humans androids can have different kinks and it would become a tread that Androids breed with humans to make a biological computer

My fav is pregnancy play ao qe an ether have it that YC takes on the trend impregnate her or have her breed with another human slave/pet

The dark elf warrior king

A dark elves now rule over the light elves overthrowing their kingdom wiping out half the population ensleving the rest the king taking an everlasting reminder of his accomplishments

The pirate Capitan

Eleta was queen of the see using her powers to bing terror to the seas but she is not the one one with power or who is feared at sea

You charcater would be a blackbeard like character with magical abilities and soon the queen of the sea becomes a desire

The vampire

I am looking for some nice dark themed rp that involves a vampire and a fairy. You being the vampire. The play is you are a very big bad vampire and my char is a new kind fairy that has come about and is more interested in destruction then life magic. YC would agree to take MC as a head student but the requires her to do certain deeds which she would gladly do

This rp is felxable and can use human or elvish race.

Noncon Aquaman

Im looking for a noncannon aquaman rp where he looses his queen and becomes engaged with grief and slowly becomes mad at the surface world. I will be playing a oc char named jane who has the power of magic and shapeshifting. She was good friends with aquaman and she was the one who helped him hunt down who killed his wife but that only made things worse and he would slowly take it out lf her as she is from the surface and he would know a way tjat would allow him to enslave her powers for his bidding.

The witcher- Garrett of rivia

The world if filled with greed and corruption that would suck the soul out of the most purest of creatures. Facing extinction at the hands of mages curely hunting down Jane's race to complete their quest for power. From a young age she was hidden away from the world but her power can no longer be masked from those seeking intimate power. Light Changelings are the only other known source of pure light magic that is not chaotic but unfortunately cruel chaotic magic is needed in order to drain the magic out of a changeing often leading to death or becoming baron and no longer useful and are left at the mercy of a cruel world.

One( or many or fear of ) of mages seeking she power Jane processes she seekes the help of a monster bounty hunter that keep to a code and known to help those in need and protect her and find a place where she would be safe and would not have to live her life in fear.

( there is much more detail to this plot. Message me if interested)

The changelings ( oc/world )

There's a world that I've created myself called Equadora and its specie are changelings ( nothing related to MLP starwars or faries). They are a product of an incident that happened on Earth in which a whole town vanished into another planet sending them through time and space. The experiment that caused this was something magical - the changing of DNAs. Soon, the humans found out that they had abilities: from shifting to bending elements. The limit of said magic is that they are ability to create things out of nothing.

There is a library in this town with all sorts of sci-fi books and fantasy. With the magic given, everything you can imagine came real. For example, if you wanted to become an orcs, fairy, elf of different kinds foming tjeir own settlements aoccording the the lore of the books ( orcs and goblins in hill, elves in forests, gaints in mountains and faries in meadows)

The changelings soon discovered the ckre of their abilities of the magic they have finding out essentially the core of their their species. The abilities cone from inside their souls, an energy which can harness their abilities, different changelings of different strengths sk nkt all can do everything (eg only some have the abiltiy of unlimited forms and can create anything out of nothing).

10000 years passed and they all lived in harmony under the guidance of the Changeling's High Court. But soon it was time for a new leadership and sought to seek out the most powerful Changeling. At the time, it was a changeling named Vendurous. It was believed to have been a Changeling and was to be King as an Oracle ruler of the changelings.

But then out of nowhere, what was thought to be a lesser changeling, the lowborn Changeling snuck into The Crystal Palace despite having all the other powerful changelings around. The girl ended up the most powerful Changeling and this brought anger to Vendurous corrupting the lights inside him. The Elders of the Changeling High Court grew wary and did not like it. The dark energy was not the way of how Changelings are; therefore, the Elders banished him to the dark side of the planet where he grew more powerful, absorbing the Dark Matter. Light Changeling needs the sun in order to do replenish their light inside them but Vendurous learn how to feed from the darkness corrupting him even further.

Another 1000 years past and Jane was the leader of the changelings. She brought peace amongst all changelings but, peace would not last as Dark Changelinsg started to rise slowly. Soon, Vendurous slowly began to build an army, corrupting all Changelings. This caused an all out war between light and dark.

Soon, after a while, the dark one enslaved all light changelings. Tis caused the planet into chaos, pain, and suffering. What will happen now
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