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Mx Female Story Heavy With Dark Themes - Mxf - Mxm


Jan 10, 2012
Night City
The introduction

Welcome to my domain, stay a while and get comfortable. So, a little information about me first then, I'm a British man in his thirties. I've role-played for many years now on and off and consider myself an experienced and competent role-player. I like to be friendly with my fellow writers and enjoy chatting/ discussing our RP while we write.

Now, for an rp setting, I like something with a darker gritty feeling. This doesn't mean there can't be romance, far from it, it just means that the world itself has a lot of bad situations. People get raped, people get executed, and people might get captured and enslaved. This may or may not happen to our characters but as they walk the streets they might see gang violence, whipping or the aftermath of an army raid. Think of settings like Cyberpunk or The Witcher and the general feel of the world. I am fine with this either containing a story of love and romance that blossoms through the darker themes and I am also fine with an RP that forgoes any kind of romance.

I'm looking for an rp that is carried by the story, not just smut. Sure, I want plenty of smut but I love a strong plot that makes us invested in our characters so the smut has a much bigger payoff.

Give me a good story, interesting characters and plot development and I will reply in kind!

I am wanting an Mxf rp here but I could also do Mxm of Fxf if it is your preference, I'm pretty flexible.

If we do end up with a dom/sub relationship with our characters I am happy to play either role.

I usually much prefer OC's but there are a few exceptions where I could play canon characters. Johnny Silverhand for instance. If you would really rather some canon characters give me a poke and let's see about it.

I am happy to RP over either discord, Threads or Pms though my preferred is through discord as I enjoy the ease of being able to communicate OOC.

To add me on Discord my name is Hexbox.

The Juicy Things I Like

Right, let me throw a few kinks at you that particularly appeal to me. This isn't every kink I like but just a few. Also, I know that not all of these can come up in an RP depending on what exactly we're doing.

Forced Scenes - Anything from being forced to wear outfits to a character being raped by another character or npc. If it's by a side character it can add some great plot points!

Public Scenes - Sex in public? If it fits the rp a character being punished in public or being taken out in a particularly skimpy outfit? Yes please.

Humiliation - My all-time favourite, from characters being called degrading names to being forced into revealing outfits or being used for something as simple as a footrest. Honestly again this is rp dependent, if not for our characters then it might be something seen in the background.

Piercings/Ink - What can I say? I think they are hot! Depending on the rp they can tie in to some other kinks too!

Violence - With any of my rps some of our characters will undoubtedly be thrown around, dragged by the hair, held around the throat and slapped, it's just going to happen. If not by the other character then by side characters as part of the story!

The No's

The only hard limit that I can think of is scat, none of that. There may be more but none are at the top of my mind.

What I Like TO Write


Cyberpunk - Be this based on the game or a generic setting. I adore cyberpunk and would love to do this.
Circus - Some kind of traveling twisted circus?
Modern Day Supernatural - So I know I have a few down already but generally most supernatural things in a more modern setting is great for me.
Post Apocalyptic.
Sci fi - (I'd love something Space Western related though I like any sci-fi really.)
Steam Punk - Another setting I love. Got plenty of ideas.
Super Heroes

Other Media

Crescent City
Dead By Daylight
Harry Potter World
Star Wars


Cyberpunk 2077 - Had to add this here too. I really do love this world
Dead By Daylight
Dungeons & Dragons
Life Is Strange
Mass Effect
Monster Hunter
World Of Darkness

If you have an idea not on this list I'd love to hear it, this isn't a comprehensive list of everything I will write, just what came to mind. Please share what's echoing around in your brain.

Wrapping Up

What I'm really looking for is a long time partner, somebody willing to craft a story with me and help me come up with a compelling juicy story that's both twisted and yet engaging. Give me a message telling me a bit about yourself or what you're hoping to write out. Just something that isn't a simple "Hi" that shows me you're interested and I will reply in kind. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
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