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Fx F or NB Emily's Twisted Taboo Games


Feb 28, 2022
Step right up, fellow perverts and risk-junkies, my name is Emily and I have the perfect emporium for all those who want an element of uncertainty in their plays. Experience the thrill of knowing your opponent has lost while still uncertain of your own position in my five-mask masquerade. Go head-to-head with your opponent in a tense battle of wits with my contract contest. Watch your options dwindle and shrink in the eldritch no. It's all here for the perfect sickos!

Flowery, Barnum-style fanfare aside, I consider myself an intermediate roleplayer. I tend to post 2-3 paragraphs per response and am most active around the weekends. I am ghost-friendly, as I know that life happens and rp doesn't need to take precedence (these are, after all, only games). I am looking for partners who are comfortable with fictional incest, and who don't mind risking the unthinkable in an rp. I will try to post 1-3 times a week. In terms of smut vs. story, it depends on how you want to play my games. For one-off, single-round bits of play, I lean more heavily towards the sex scenes mostly because the sex is the story there— the whole point is that you are risking an unthinkable act for the sake of pleasure. However, there are certain, longer approaches that make me lean more towards story when employed— in those cases, I recommend finding a proper motivation for our characters to take the risk, and dealing with the fallout that follows its fruition. It might even be possible to fix the results of the game, depending on where you want the story to go!

This request thread is broken into two parts: the first one is a list of games we can play together. They're gross and risky— just the way I like 'em! The second part is a story idea that incorporates these games.

The Games Themselves

Each of these games has a few basic elements. For one, they all involve rules that effectively command you to make some really gross mistakes. Not too gross— I have limits, same as anyone else— but that's the main idea. That's the punishment for losing— knowing you did something insane, something you can't walk back from. Next, each of these games has terrible odds. Because let's be honest here, fellow degenerates, if our characters win these games, we've lost. Finally, and this is the most important part of the game, you won't know you've lost until it's too late. As stated above, they can just be simple games we play for the fun of it, or they can be part of a wider story if you would prefer. Those details can be discussed in DMs.

Five-Mask Masquerade: This is the game for all those who love devastating revelations and horrible odds. If you think winning might not be so great and losing might not be so bad, then this is the perfect perverted game for you! It begins with each player selecting five masks for five women: their opponent's mother, sister, cousin, aunt, and partner respectively. Once the masks are chosen, the players each choose a partner from the group. Then, each player takes on two roles: themselves and their opponent's partner. The rest of the game is the players describing their own and the partners' actions as the sensual evening progresses. This is more than just mindless fucking, though; your opponent doesn't know who is under the mask they chose, but you do. Which means you can foreshadow to your heart's content. Keep your opponent guessing. If she looks bashfully away, is it because she is your sister? Or does she simply think differently of her SO now that they are playing this game? Finally, at the best (or worst) opportunity, the partners remove their masks and reveal their identities. If you are with your partner, you win. But if your pairing is more scandalous, you lose.

Contract Contest: You are only as good as your word in this game, and that is how your opponent will manipulate you. The rules are easy . . . at first! You and your opponent negotiate a contract. The terms cannot include doing any actions that would cause your opponent to immediately lose. Instead, they should start simple, innocuous, even. Kiss a different person every day. Flirt with people you normally wouldn't. Find a "special someone" to woo each month. These are easy to escape, easy to avoid losing. But it won't stay that way, because the contract is a living document, and terms can be added until the game is over. The goal is simple: manipulate your opponent's environment until they can only fulfil their side of the bargain through incest. Make them agree to a family camping trip. Add a clause that says they can only sleep with people who look like them. The sky is the limit. The first player to fulfil the contract sinfully loses.

The Eldritch No: In a world of dark gods beyond humanity's reckoning, humans have precious little power. One of those shreds of agency we have is the ability to say "no." In this game, the players each make characters with extensive families and backgrounds. Then, the opponents swap control of one another's characters. The goal of the game is simple: each player takes a turn telling their opponent what their character is doing, describing in detail who they are pursuing. However, the story won't always go according to the storyteller's plan. At any time, you can tell your opponent "no," and whatever plotline they are pursuing ends. Permanently. That family member (or family members) that your opponent was trying to make your character sleep with will never enter the story again. But here's the thing— you only have three noes to use, and your opponent in turn only has three people whose seduction attempts will actually be successful (determined before the game begins, naturally). It's thus a game of chicken to determine whether the seduction attempt your stopping is a genuine threat or just a misdirection trying to deplete your options later. The first player whose character does that disgusting deed loses.

Infernal Contraption: The game for rope bunnies and riggers. In this game, your opponent restrains you in a luridly-described device. For the duration, your movement is as limited as it needs to be, but no matter who tight or loose your chains are, you will be unable to escape when a family member of yours comes in and begins to do a strip tease. You will have limited time (20-30 posts of 2-3 paragraphs) to find the release switch on your device as your would-be incest partner gets closer and lewder. When your time limit expires, the release mechanism is deactivated and you are at the mercy of whoever your opponent sicced on you.

Flashback: In this game, players write each other's backstories. As your opponent goes about their day, describing their character's actions, and (most importantly) introducing family members, you may use three flashbacks in an attempt to change their character significantly enough to justify a slip in judgement. Build chemistry between your opponent and their sister. Give your opponent's character a sense of safety and comfort around their mother that could evolve into sexual feelings.You win if you can get your opponent's character to crack and fuck a family member.

The Stories

Of course, this is a roleplaying site, and while my demented games can certainly work in a vaccuum, there's always something we can add. That extra conceit to make things more than just an exploration of forbidden fun. So, here are a few stage settings for my games. These stories provide a number of things: for one, they give context to the games in question, and can add entertainment value outside of the horny stuff. They can give our characters reasons to take the horrible risks they are taking, and can enrich the game itself with greater stakes (notice how each game gives no reward for winning). Secondly, the story option lets us string multiple games together. If you're like me, it's hard to choose just one game. Wouldn't it be great if a single villain decided to make a gauntlet of these games? Or, in the case of the fourth-wall-breakers, have a game within a game?

Anyway, here are the story ideas so far:

The Sins of the Mother: A classic soap opera setup with a perverse twist. A wealthy family gathers for their yearly family reunion, hosted by the cut-throat matriarch of the entire clan. However, there is one woman stricken from the family record, a black-sheep-turned-dragon who has come back to take revenge on the people who were supposed to care about her but instead abandoned her. In her hatred, she challenges her family members who she hates the most to a sickening weekend of perverse games, all for her own excitement. If they can win her festival of sin, the secrets she has collected and now uses to force their hands. If they lose, all she knows and more wilk be laid bare before the public.

Fam Fatale: A classic hardboiled detective story where the villain knows more about the protagonists than vice versa. As our heroes work to unravel a mystery of great personal importance to them, they must make choices that they wouldn't have dreamt in their worst nightmares. They must make concessions and take terrible risks as the bad guy pits them against one another in a perverted game of cat and mouse. In this story, as with many noir tales, there are precious few heroes, and any happy endings are permanently stained by the darkness surrounding the protagonists.

Recursive Games: This is the kind of story that stems from the fourth-wall-breaky games including the non-fourth-wall-breaky games. The overlapping rules can create interesting complications. Can a player use one of their noes to escape a masquerade? How might the contracts be affected by a carefully crafted backstory? These should be discussed before the story begins, as should the central concept of the story.

The Eldritch Tome: Two books of great power, two people with questionable morals. Each of our characters has discovered a powerful book, one capable of manipulating people's actions or past. And so what do they do? Twist the cosmos for their own entertainment. Of course, two gods in one place is two too many, and eventually they butt heads. A battle of wits commences and each fighter must try to trick the other into performing a perverse rite, one that will eliminate their power altogether and put them under the control of their opponent for all eternity.
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