Mx Male You Know You Can't Stop (NSFW Image)


Feb 3, 2022
Did it feel good? Heh, kinda obvious that is did.
You let out a lot. Must have been awhile, eh?
She won't be home for another hour, bet we can get one more round out?

His name is Julio. He's 21 and just moved in next to your parents house, first time you met him and shook his hand, he gave you this knowing smile and you felt a like you wouldn't breath. He had these emerald eyes that seemed to see right through you. You've never been attracted to men but Julio...

Now does this story have to go this way, no, it's just an idea of how I would like this RP to go.

The premise, straight, uptight male (ie you) from what can best be described as a conservative, Christian family.

Maybe you're married? Maybe you still live with Mom and Dad. You've never even entertained the idea of men, even pretty ones like this guy.
He and a bunch of other college students have rented to house next to your parents. He seems to seek you out, even flirt. Your flattered of course,
but you're not that way... then there was that first time you were left alone.

You don't know if he came onto you first, or if your did. All you know is you are going to discover alot more about about yourself. So if anyone likes the idea or just wants to brainstorm, would love a PM.
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