Mx Female A weird, smutty, scifi plot


Sep 25, 2018
I'm looking for a crazy gal who'd like to do the following plot with me:

YC is a human abducted by an alien for the purposes of being sold as an extremely exotic sex slave. However, even though they ain't human, they still love dem curves. YC gets some scifi goop on her and bam she has a bimbo-bod. Now that she has the body, she needs some good ol' fashioned breaking via pleasure and frequent sex plus whatever stuff we want to throw in. I know some gals love the pheromone stuff and others like the hypno music and whatnot. End game is that she eventually breaks and helps MC break new slaves.

I'd like a writing sample to make sure our styles are compatible (and I'm more than happy to reciprocate). I like chatting outside the RP and working through any potential conflicts. Listening is one of my special skills :D
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