Calling All Roleplayers

Radio Man

Feb 27, 2022
Hello hello to everyone and anyone! I hope you're having a good day and I also hope you might enjoy what this post has to offer. I'm a 23-year-old man hoping to get back into the swing of making fun stories through the magic of spring! I might not be a complete expert on it but I'm always willing to learn more as we go on.

Who am I looking for?

Easy answer, just people who are looking to do an RP with me. To be more specific, with female characters. I do have some guidelines on what I would hope you could bring to the table when wanting to do an RP with me.

1. Don't do just a couple of lines: I feel like it's more fun when you really try to put as much detail into your posts as possible. I'm not asking for much, just something that you feel comfortable with that isn't just 1 or 2 lines of text.

2. Keep me informed: This basically boils down to if you feel like you want to put the RP on hold or if you don't feel like doing it anymore, to just let me know. It's rude to just leave people and not give a reason why. I know everyone here has a life outside of roleplaying and it's something I completely understand. I just like to know if the RP is something you want to continue with or not.

3. Certain Ages: Obviously with some stories I want to do I wouldn't want to do it with anyone who was underage. After all, I would want anyone wanting to do this to feel like they are groomers in a random discord channel. But even if some people here are of age, I do have a bit of a barrier I want to put up for anyone wanting to do any kind of roleplaying with adult elements. That barrier would be accessible to anyone 20 or older, anything below that would be a no-go for me. This is something I need to make known and need to enforce so hopefully you can understand that.

4. Fun for all parties involved: We all have our own different interests and tastes. Even if some things don't match up 100% I would still hope we can make something that you are ok with and that I am ok with. I want to respect your boundaries and you're interested and I can hope you can respect mine as well.

Kinks and Limits

Kinks: I'm a pretty vanilla son of a bitch, but I am pretty much open to a lot of different things. So chances are that if you are into it then I might be into it too. Some personal favorites of mine would include aftercare, body worship, breast play, sloppy sex, kissing, titjobs, standing sex, harems, passionate/rough sex, etc.

Limits: Like most people, I have my limits when it comes to storytelling, especially if it involves more erotic elements. Some of those would include Rape, BDSM, Underaged Characters, Incest, Torture, Cuckolding, Cheating, Belittling, Abuse, Scat, Vore, and Gore.


Now comes the part that most people are probably interested in. What RP stories would I have in mind? I'm open to doing a lot of different stories, whether they are long-term or short-term, smutty as hell or not. If you have any ideas for what you might want to do I'd be more than happy to hear them. But for now, here are a couple of ideas that I would really like to do at some point.

Vampiric Seduction: Rumors have spread over a small town about a monster ravaging its denizens. The creature only leaves shriveled and bloody bodies in its wake almost every night. The town was wrapped with fear as they had no clue what this thing even was or if it could even be stopped. Many have speculated that the creature resides in a mansion that was left abandoned centuries ago, once belonging to an aristocratic family. One of them would have to investigate the manor if they were to be certain, but no one offered to make the journey. Enter a monster hunter, well known for dealing with ravenous beasts of this nature. The village noblemen would pay him to deal with the creature and save them from its reign of terror. As soon as he entered, however, he would not come back out. The creature revealed to be a seductive but deadly vampire, made quick work showing her raw power to her would-be killer. She could have killed him right then and there, but she felt it wouldn't be a proper way to deal with a warrior. Instead, she thought of a more humiliating defeat for him. Making him into her own trophy, one she would parade around with him to show just how powerful she really was. Now the hunter is stuck with her as he would try everything he could to free himself from his captor and end her rampage. But... maybe there could be hope for her. She may have something hidden underneath her powerful exterior she doesn't want others to see.

Pokemon Ultra Blazing Sun & Gleaming Moon: The multiverse is home to many strange realities that share certain characteristics with each other, while also having major differences. One of these is a world inhabited not only by humans but with strange creatures called pokemon. These anthropomorphic creatures share some common features as regular humans while also having extraordinary powers. Ever since they were discovered a truce was formed between the humans and the pokemon in order for everyone to live happier lives. The humans would study and live amongst the pokemon for years and even start to form special bonds with them. To the point where they even called them a trainer of sorts, having them be a part of competitions to see who was the best. Though over time many people would start applying laws as to who was allowed to venture out into the world and take part in any pokemon related activities. Everyone now had to reach a certain age of maturity and own a pokemon license in order to take part in any league-sponsored pokemon events and activities. This world had many different stories to tell and adventures to be had, this being one of them.​

Alola is a tropical island home to many strange pokemon that even have slight differences from those who reside in other regions. A young man who had just graduated from university had just moved there in hopes of pursuing his lifelong dream, to be a part of the Aether Foundation. A place where people can learn and help pokemon in hopes of creating a better future for all. But after a chance encounter with the Islands guardian, this man ends up taking part in the Island Challenge to become the best in the region. The story can only get crazier from there.

Neon Night Skies: The year is 198X, the age of the bright pink skies. An age where robots walk amongst regular people and crime was at an all-time high. Gang wars break out all across outrun city over the title of the best music in the block. Two of these gangs have been at it for longer than any other, the synthesizers and the cores. The synthesizers believed that the city was built on chill waves and nostalgic EDM, while the cores think that the time for heavier and more aggressive music was upon them. The gangs have been at it for years with no definitive end to this musical conflict. But perhaps the tides will change with the help of two members of each gang. After a scuffle between the two gangs, a synthesizer and a core end up getting separated from their gangs and are left for dead on the outskirts of the city. Now they must both find a way back and try their best not to kill the other before they can get back.

The Fallen Angel: Demacia, a white bastion for those who seek refuge from the dangerous magics in Runeterra. A place where strong men and women can stand and fight against any dangers that would come to the city and the world. But not all see it this way, as word spreads of a mysterious purple figure bringing agonizing pain to some of these soldiers. No information is known about this character, whether they be a member of the magic revolution or a harbinger of doom. But these actions will not stand as one of their newest recruits is tasked to deal with this assailant post haste. Following a small trail of bread crumbs, this soldier finds himself by a cave near the outskirts of the capital. Upon entering the cave, he would find various trinkets and pictures of what looked like a father and two daughters, one of yellow light and one of purple shadows. It wouldn't be long until the person he was looking for steps forth, binding him in chains and demanding to know how he found her and what he was planning on doing. The soldier tries his best to state his mission to this figure through the pain of the chains that slowly burned through his armor. He wants to know why this thing was here, was it a demon in search of victims like the whispering scarecrow, was it a member of Sylas' regime to bring down the kings of Demacia? The purple figure finally walks out of the shadows showing its true form, a lady with angel wings bound in chains similar to the ones around him. She stated that she is here to stop those who unjustly bring down others and help those who can not help themselves in a cruel world with cruel systems. The soldier was confused, if that is what she plans to do then why bring this agonizing pain to people. Why does she say things that almost conflict with her actions? From his point of view, it seemed more like agonizing punishment that would be followed by death, not knowing what would happen if they somehow survived. The lady feels no need to explain as she drags him out and states that if he would return that pain worse than death would follow. The soldier is confused but quickly rushes out of the situation and back to the city. That day would mark a substantial change in the soldier's mission, as now he felt conflicted with what he must do. He knows he has to go back and face that woman but he didn't want to bring harm to her, not yet at least. Part of him wanted to know more about her, why she was here, what she was truly after. It was risky to even think about but... something about this dark angel made him curious, enough to do things that no demacian soldier in their right mind would ever think to do.

One Last Hurrah: Everyone who she had considered family was now... gone. A single mother living in a suburban town had just watched her last kid finally move out of the house and into an apartment building in New York. His ex-husband was nowhere to be seen with only a picture of him and his new girlfriend left to remember him by. The house suddenly became quieter with no one to talk to or spend time with. This would give the lady some time to reflect on many of the life choices that brought her to this point. Thinking back on all of the opportunities she missed out on, the people she wasted her time with, and the few moments where she felt happy just raising her kids. Fate hadn't really been that kind to her and pretty soon she feared the youth she had would come to pass. But now, with no one left to take care of and more free time on her hands, maybe now would be a good time to try and make some changes. For too long has she been putting other people's needs before her own, it's time to take life by the horns and show it who the real bitch is! She had plans to move out of her home and find a new place to start fresh and tick some goals off her bucket list. She wasn't sure what would happen but she knows damn well that she was gonna make this the biggest vacation of her life. Seeing the world, letting out all of that pent-up anger and frustration, just going fucking crazy! Maybe she would also find someone else to share the experience with.​

Monster Musume: Monsters are real, but they might not be what most people expect. These creatures known as Liminals have existed alongside humans for as long years. They come in various shapes and sizes, forming their own cultures and societies that vastly differ from each other. Some could have a long, cobra-like tail while others could have the body of a spider. Some may have wings to fly or claws to burrow underground. The types of liminals that exist on this earth could be more complex and vast than any other creature. Only a few years ago, a bill was passed allowing the liminals to be a part of human society bringing everyone closer than they would have thought possible. Now you can see various creatures roam the streets as if it was natural. There were still people who saw these creatures as freaks and wouldn't dare try to treat them anything more than animals but society had people like them before, they called them racists. Recently a new program had been set up so various liminals could move in with a host family to help them better integrate into society. This was called the Interspecies Exchange Program. People all over the world have started taking in liminals and treating them as if they were part of the family, some even managed to get more than one monster to live with them. Each host and the liminal(s) they take in would have their own complications when it comes to their new day-to-day lives, but the hopes for a better understanding between them all are certainly not going away. Times are changing and everyone is ready to welcome their new everyday lives with these monsters. Hopefully, things don't get too weird.[/center]

(Some of these may change and some new plot ideas might be added to the mix.)

And that would be about it for me and this post. If anything sticks out to you, feel free to send me a message. I'm always welcome to listen to you're ideas for rps so don't please hesitate to tell me about them. I hope to hear from you really soon. Let's make something fun together![/CENTER]
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Dude I really think you should get that Bump looked at, I don’t think it’s healthy…
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