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Fx Male Grooming, Manipulation, and all the Guilty Pleasures! (Currently looking to write short scenes)


Aug 16, 2021
Hello there and welcome to my corner of this website! My name is Farrah and I’m an erotic writer who’s been roleplaying for the past six years. My style is literate, detailed, and varies on length where it’s appropriate. All I ask in return is my partner provides something worth replying to. I also love to brainstorm and chat about our ideas, so please, feel free to hit me with your own! Ghosting is absolutely fine as I understand the stress of things, though I ask you’re communicative while we are writing. Let’s create something we’ll both enjoy.

Onto what I’m actually looking for… it’s kind of specific. I envision YC as kind of a loser. A little older than MC, perhaps in his late 20’s to 30’s, and lacking anything to remark about himself. His life is neither too depressing nor exciting, though, for some reason, MC is infatuated by him. From the first time they meet, she’s obsessed with every breath he takes. Maybe he feels guilty, maybe he doesn’t care at all, but he can’t help but take advantage of her. After all, he feels his best when she’s begging on her knees.

MC is of course younger than him, naive and impressionable. Whether she’s the shy and studious type or someone more rebellious is up to you. Either way, she’s deeply in need of some control in her life, and YC’s the perfect kind soul for the job. I have a few characters I would love to build some plots around, so take a gander at my girls and let me know who catches your eye!

April (2, 3) isn't an outgoing girl. She keeps to herself, does what she needs to, and goes home. A low self esteem and quite the anxious personality, it's easy for YC to dip his hands in her mind and start pulling the strings.

Casey (2, 3) comes across as put together. A wealthy family, a happy life, straight A's and good friends, that's all she's ever known. Or, at least most people think. When YC catches her mid-breakdown, he uses that opportunity to weasel into her life.

Brooklyn (2, 3) doesn't have a clue what she wants in life. She's freshly out of high school and looking for something to do with herself. Naturally, YC makes sure the only thing on her mind is himself.

I have a few pairings and plot bunnies in mind. If anything seems interesting or you have an idea of your own, I’d love to discuss.
  • Dad’s Friend / Daughter
  • Manager / Employee
  • High School Teacher / Student
  • Professor / Student
  • Coworker / Coworker
  • Boss / Assistant
  • Dad / Babysitter

Onto the fun bits: MC will lean on the submissive side. I’m open to playing as a switch, though I don’t imagine she’d have the drive to truly dominate YC. There’s an f-list in my signature which goes more in-depth with my limits and favorites, though here’s a list of what I envision in this roleplay:
  • Age gaps
  • Light BDSM
  • Grooming
  • Degradation
  • Praise
  • Pet names (Good girl, baby, princess, kitten, puppy, sweetheart, and more degrading ones are all fun)
  • Manipulation
  • Coercion
  • Blackmail
  • Gaslighting
  • Lap sitting
  • Spanking
  • Choking
  • Scratching
  • Biting
  • Slapping
  • Collars
  • Dub-con
  • Oral fixation
I'm open to hearing out your own kinks as long as they don't include:
  • Non-con
  • Vomit
  • Vore
  • Feet
  • Bathroom kinks
Looking forward to fleshing these out and plotting up something fun! :)
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