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Fx Any Fantasy, peril, and meanness oh my~


Oct 30, 2019
Hi y'all
I've been out of BMR for a hot minute, but I'm back once more

You may call me Blobbles (or Pet, or anything else that suits your fancy well enough - not too mean though, lest you want to hurt my fragile feelings ;) )
Rather than a very long thread, this will just be a quick "throwing prompts at a wall and seeing what sticks with you" type approach, so...
  • Medieval themes in general - princesses, pirates, mercenaries, forests, etc
  • Magic... not ridiculously OP or anything like that, but elves, witches, convenient magic portals and items? Yes please~
  • Bondage/bdsm themes in general ;) Lately I've had a particular itch for chastity and stuff like forced voyeurism + denial šŸ˜
  • "Meanness" -> being mean, but aesthetically rather than like sincere disdain/dislike fueling it, if you know what I mean~
  • Hypnosis as a theme (probably more a discussion of the actual mechanics, than as an RP element though)
I'm happy playing top or bottom, though as roles go I'd likely lean towards yuri (maybe TG towards yuri?~) or playing a futa character at the most exotic... You may float other ideas by at your own discretion, but yuri is a definite winner for me ;)

I think that's a decent post to start off with - feel free to ping me to hear more specifics, or even just for general kink chat ;)
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