Mx Female A Monstrous Search


Mar 21, 2009
Hello there.

I am in a very particular mood that I would like to indulge in, as well as stretch my "writing male characters" muscles.

A few things first, though.

I'm really only looking for fantasy plots at the moment; I'm not super interested in realistic modern or sci-fi. Most of my fantasy settings lean very D&D-inspired, though no experience or knowledge is necessary.​
I'm interested in anything from fully story-driven to mostly smut, but please let me know what you're looking for when you message me so I know how much plotting needs to be done.​
I like multi-paragraph RPs. My comfort zone is between 3-5 paragraphs typically, though I can write more if I'm feeling particularly inspired. I don't expect novels every post, but I will lose interest very quickly if you only give me a few sentences to work with.​
My f-list is here, nothing is a requirement, aside from leaving things on the "no" list on the "no" list.​
I am only looking for MxF pairings right now.​

Pretty painless, I think.

Now, as to what I'm looking to play specifically is dominant, monstrous male characters against human (or human-ish, at least) female characters. I'm interested in the full range from an unlikely romance between a minotaur and human to complete non-con "kidnapped and ravished by marauding orcs". I would also be interested in playing an older male character (in his 50s or so) against a younger female character (late teens-early 20s), particularly in a teacher/apprentice dynamic. I'm also open to other ideas, so feel free to shoot something my way!

Here are a few scenarios I'm interested in playing; links are all to images and all are NSFW. My interests aren't limited to these suggestions, so feel free to suggest something outside of these.

Your character has unwittingly wandered into the nest of a colony of creatures; unfortunately for her, they are parasitic, and humans make the perfect incubators for their eggs.

*note for this one, I'm willing to play a variety of creatures for this, but some of the major kinks I'd like to include would be oviposition, parasitic pregnancy, forced breeding, living insertions. Some suggestions for creatures would be anything arachnid or insect in nature, some eldritch tentacle creature, or possibly a plant creature? This is probably my #1 craving right now, I'll love you if you can indulge this with me.

While exploring the jungles on the island of Chult, your character is separated from her party, and stumbles on a temple inhabited by yuan-ti cultists

After spending some time traveling together as adventurers, your character notices her lizardfolk companion acting strangely toward her, flashing colored crests and showing off feats of strength in an attempt to win her over as a mate.

Your character is captured as a slave, sold to an arena as entertainment. In her time in captivity, she encounters a minotaur, one of the coliseum's star combatants.

Your character is a fledgeling sorceress, assigned to a master wizard to finish learning her magic. My character has no interest in teaching, but at least he has a new test subject for his potions.

Some other images for inspiration purposes, again all are NSFW, so click at your own risk:
Minotaur 2
Lizardfolk 2
Something more monstrous
Mind Flayer
Another Mind Flayer

Again, feel free to offer suggestions outside of these! I'm always willing to listen to a potential plot.
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