Mx Female Hidden War [Nature, Neo-Noir, Modern, Ecology, Drama, Violence][Plot-Oriented, Slow Paced]


Jan 5, 2015
Eastern Europe

Hi there!

I'm an avid roleplayer from Eastern Europe. I've been doing it for a long time, not sure how long exactly. I'd like to think I'm pretty good at writing, and I'm looking for long term writing partners for long term stories. Before I get down to it, I'd like to give you some information so you know right away if we're compatible.

1. Writing medium. I always preferred IM services. Currently using Discord. I find it to be very useful and the annoying character limit can easily be overcome; It offers great functionality and a way to keep everything organized.

2. I'm not here to make passes at anyone, I'm only here to write a compelling story. Given time, we can become pals, that's about it.

3. Post length. I don't do one-liners. Hell, I don't do four-liners either. It's anywhere between a couple paragraphs and a fairly big piece, but usually 3-4 paragraphs is my average. I'm good at adjusting to your post length. Don't need 1000 word replies for the sake of it, either - I'd much rather have zero fat and a short reply than a dragged-out, over-padded essay. English is my third language so I will definitely use this card to get past some syntax errors that I tend to make from time to time.

4. Timezones. They're a factor with me - I'm generally on the other side of the world from most people on BMR.

5. Plot vs Smut. Smut is great, but it's definitely not essential. 80vs20 at most. I'm much more interested in stories and human relationships and emotions, and have no qualms about writing a completely smutless plot. In fact, for the particular plot below it'd be a preference!

6. It should go without saying that I don't disappear without a word and I'd like to receive the same treatment. I love feedback and criticism, and I believe in fixing standing issues instead of breaking up a good writing partnership. Talk to me. My activity can be spotty, but I'll get back to you in the shortest time possible.

With that out of the way, I'd like to talk a bit about what I want to write:
This is one of my more independently developed plots, though of course nothing is set in stone and I'd be delighted to hear any ideas that we could weave into it.

The story takes place around 20-30 years in the future. Unchecked consumption rates and our inability to manage the climate crisis had long begun to severely impact the world we've built. Rising sea levels have turned thousands of cities a modern-day Venice, causing hundreds of millions all over the world to migrate inland, straining existing systems, bringing the world even closer to the brink. The global stores of industrial fertilizer are past their peak, and genetically modified crops fail to new, unknown blights and lack of industrialized nutrition. Famine had become a still distant, but leading concern for the First World. Megacorporations are beginning to play a focal role, operating at such levels of governmental assistance that quite often entire regions are under the companies' complete sway.
Hardly an overnight apocalypse. It is a difficult time, putting divisions across all angles between people. Polarized sentiments of Ecology and Survival at any cost, animosity towards migrating "coasties", and an even heavier division within the Economic Class are only a few of the reasons that cause trouble wherever one goes.

One of the main characters that the story follows is a former mercenary, harboring deep ecological beliefs attained through his experience doing unsavory work for a particular biotech company. Having "gone rogue", in a sense, against such big tech companies, he had for many years been part of those who hopelessly push against the tide of coming times.
During the second war in Morocco, this mercenary lost his friend to stray shrapnel. Forced to make a promise to his dying comrade, he swore to take care of the latter's young daughter. Years pass with anonymous donations of unsavory exploits paving the way forward for the girl, but after nearly a decade, the mercenary, ridden by guilt and jaded by his experiences decides to make good on his promise and arrives to a small town to check on his unknowing ward.

He finds her a prominent figure in a local Green movement, doing their best to stop the copper mining and logging operations that are threatening the surrounding wild country. Her late father's fighting spirit shows - unafraid to take action, advocating for less than legal means of solving the problem at hand while her companions maintain a legal protest. This protest doesn't make the group particularly popular with the majority of the town population, who have been depending on agriculture as their income and would welcome job opportunities now that the blight has moved into their fields.
Although the mercenary wants nothing more than to keep her out of trouble, his beliefs clash with latent fatherly instinct and come out on top - he decides to take her on as a protégé and train her in what he knows best. And with good timing, as well - when the gnarly hidden hand of a biotech company quietly reaches into the territory, the duo will prove a formidable adversary. The Hidden War begins.

The writing style for this would be slow-paced and heavily laden with pensive introspection and lots of short-burst dialogue presented in smaller rapid-fire paragraphs. It will also heavily lean on an Outdoors thematic. The characters are likely to spend large chunks of time alone in the sticks, so there will be plenty of description of scenic vistas, weather, natural phenomena and overall beauty and brutality of wild country. There will also be violence that I intend to write as true to life as it gets - graphic, ugly and undignified. That includes hunting and harvesting animals, as well as violence unto people.

Overarching themes:
Nature, Ecology, Global Instability, Technology, Socioeconomic Division, Corporate Power, Ethics and Grey Morality, Humanity, Violence.
Personal/Psychological themes:
Ideological Beliefs, Guilt, Fear, Uncertainty, Loss, Trauma, Self-Reliance, Vengeance, Coping and Healing, Family, Duty, Loss of Humanity.

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I'm aware that this sort of writing is not commonly sought after on this platform, but nonetheless, I hope this has piqued your interest.
All manner of discussion and general pleasantries is most welcome in the PMs. The secret password is Tea Time.

Much love.
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