Mx Female Sub for Intimidating and/or Monster Women


Sep 1, 2021
Scary women, Warriors, orcs, witches, eldritch ladies…gangster girls, ones that taunt him and freak him out a little—even if they’re just human, if they would like to exert some power over this sweetheart, he’d love it too.

Most of the interesting bits about me and my character can be found in my other thread (Mx Male - Help or Hurt This Sweet Boy) but this one is specifically for female characters! Jason is a sweet guy and generally takes the sub role in the bedroom. If he’s dom, he’s the bottom. For him, ‘dom’ and ‘top’ are mutually exclusive- he’s never both at the same time.

Jason’s f list profile: F-list - Warning
Third person and paragraphs or more, please.

He’s a handsome young man on the bishie/pretty boy side and I love pairing him up with monsters and frightening critters, like something with a skull for a face.

I like modern rp, but for monsters, it’s easiest to think of fantasy plots, so that’s what I’ve listed!

Maybe he meets your creature in a dungeon during a mission of his? He’s an adventurer (and a deer-boy, sometimes! Especially if your character finds that very appealing) maybe he needs her help, or she needs his!

He could be an inexperienced novice, a healer for your warrior woman, or perhaps (and this one can fit well with modern settings) he just….stumbles upon or accidentally summons her? Guy stumbles upon a monster in heat, she thinks he’d make a great mate 👀

I’m into all sorts of beasts and uncanny things! Like the Xenomorphs from Alien.

Jason would love to be a good, doting mate/partner to any strong, intimidating women, whether or not they’re monstrous.
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