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Fx Male Candy's Dandy Fandom Craving [Sub F for Dom M || Canon Male x OC Female || Long-Term || Currently Seeking RDR2 || Doubling Friendly]

Jan 12, 2022
Well hello, this is a slightly strange space for me to be in I must admit. I don't often have fandom cravings, but there are a few things that I'm always looking for. So I'll keep some of those thoughts here, although as of right now it's going to be a pretty one-track thread by my standards.

I am specifically looking for an RDR2 roleplay, and even more specifically one pitting my OC up with Charles Smith. She's been a character I've had in mind since my first playthrough, to the point where I even have her own specific F-List that I'll have linked below! It's more selective than my general kinks, but for fandom I like to tailor kinks to characters. In general my fandom RPs also may lean a bit more into plot than smut. But I'm also happy with whatever my partner and I come up with!

Before getting into the real fun, I would just like to go over a bit about expectations and writing style. For starters, like many people I use RPing as a form of escapism and stress relief. I prefer not to take anything too seriously, and while I will try to reply at least once a day there may be a day or so at a time in which I don't necessarily have the mental fortitude to reply. If I'm going to be gone more than a day at a time I'll try to keep you posted. Along with escapism, I don't look for too much when it comes to reply length. I don't play well with one-liners, but I am absolutely fine with anything from one paragraph to 3-5 paragraphs. I can write more if the plot demands, but those responses will take longer to get out. For fandom specifically I am more willing to double if desired, as well as including side characters and NPCs as necessary. However if we do double, I have a certain pet peeve. I've had so many RPs ruined by partners who don't put equal care into both characters. Post lengths don't have to match exactly but it is abundantly clear and, quite frankly insulting, when someone really favors their chosen pairing over another. I'll keep it as even as possible for you, so I ask that you do the same. Lastly, any characters involved in anything sexual will be 18+, no ifs ands or buts!

As I said, I'm really just looking for one thing in particular right now. If my fandom cravings increase, I'll update with more! Beware all ye who read on past this, plots are under spoilers but I will address canon events for anything!

Red Dead Redemption 2

As mentioned, I'm looking for an OCxCharles Smith RP with a long term focus on plot. For this I have a character that I can talk at great lengths about but I will leave you with some surface-level information for now!

Her name is Lorelai Walker, and her origin is mostly the same throughout any setting we may want to indulge. She's a young woman with a quick mind, showing a knack for healing in a more visceral sense. In a modern setting she'd be considered a trauma surgeon, and she has no problem digging bullets out of injured gang members. Although she's not a criminal by nature, she understands that there are often morally gray areas and people who do good but are viewed as bad by society. She is a hard worker, prone to putting too much on her plate, and loyal to those that support her in turn. She is relatively quiet, not one to pick random fights but also won't sit idly by if something goes against her beliefs. The Walker parents were good examples, such a loving couple that after the father died the mother was stricken with a profound and lasting heartbreak. Her older brother Cassius, on the other hand, was always more traditional. After having her mother sent away for "her own good" he made every attempt to control Lorelai's life to make her a model of what a young woman ought to be. I could go on at length about her, but for the time being I'll also link the pittance of kinks I currently have for her. (These can be subject to change depending on what direction things go. This is just a sort of starting off point and I'm happy to hear suggestions!) By my usual standards she's a bit more vanilla, but that doesn't mean the sex can't be exciting!

Ideas verge from taking place alongside canon events to taking complete one-eighties in favor of interesting AUs. Take a look at these and let me know if any in particular catch your attention!

Based on the title, you can guess that this idea would be influenced most by in-game events. In this instance, Lorelai would be brought into the fold after taking care of a particularly gruesome wound for one of the gang. By virtue of helping a wanted criminal, and by disobeying her domineering, manipulative brother, she'll find herself in trouble with the law in her own hometown of Strawberry. Unable to stay and with nowhere else to go, she'll be taken back to camp and put to work. After all, they're in a dangerous business and another set of capable hands couldn't hurt. I'm up in the air as far as who she meets first, obviously having Charles be there from the start would be beneficial for kicking things off but it's not required, we can start with her being brought back to the camp after patching any member of the gang up.

This would be a similar starting off point to the plot in the game's timeline, but would happen at some point before the disastrous mission in Blackwater. Lorelai would have joined after a similar run-in with the gang and, subsequently, the law in her hometown. She gets aligned with the gang when they are still relatively prosperous, and spends that winter in Colter trying to chase after the injured while everyone practically freezes. Then of course as we reach that point we start getting into the canon events again, however could see some of the early missions changing around some.

Of course the most spoiler-heavy plot here. This would take place after the epilogue when the remaining members of the Van der Linde gang have gone their separate ways. True to his word, Charles makes his way up to Canada for a fresh start. After narrowly escaping the last American lawmen and crossing the border, he passes out either from an injury or from exhaustion. When he wakes, he finds he's been brought to a doctor's office and is being tended to by a young woman. Auralein's official doctor is too old and frail to practice, so Lorelai has taken up the mantle. Although she knows nothing about the stranger's past, she sees to it that he's healed up and has a chance to start a new life in a sleepy Canadian town. Of course trouble is never far off, between bounty hunters and personal problems in Lorelai's life, peace is difficult to come by.

Just as a fun twist, take the gang and put them in modern times. They're still criminals, of course, but swap out the horses for Harleys and the Van der Linde gang would make one helluva motorcycle club. In this context, Lorelai would be a struggling medical student, working long hours and spending the rest of her time studying in order to become a trauma surgeon. Her work is put to good use when she's introduced to a few members of the Van der Linde gang, who she knows only by reputation. Still, she becomes entangled in their pursuits after providing under the table medical care. It's difficult for wanted men to make it to the hospital, and she'll soon become an asset to them as their leader's desire for power and money only grows.

Either in keeping with the general vibe for Undead Nightmare and having a zombie apocalypse in a period piece, or modernizing and then ending the world for maximum abandoned urban aesthetic, this would see an end of the world plot for our characters. My preference would be for the apocalypse to either have been in full swing for some time when they meet, meaning they're already proven survivors, or starting from the early moments and playing out the disaster with a chance meeting amidst the initial chaos. Both cases would see them choosing to stick together, either because it's safer in numbers or there are simply so few people left.

I don't ask for much with transformations, knotting, etc. just pulling the idea of Alphas, Betas, and Omegas into a modern setting. This could of course also include concepts of heat/rut. Naturally I would see Charles as a caring potential Alpha in a world in which Alphas viciously pursue anyone that could be underneath them. I like the thought that perhaps women are even somewhat rare, making Lorelai a bit of a commodity. He would help her fly under the radar perhaps just based on protective instincts, but no matter what the two of them would be crawn together romantically and sexually.

Alright, I'll be leaving it there for the time being! Please let me know if any of these thoughts interest you, I'm really looking forward to playing some of this out!
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