Sour Diesel
Constantly Refreshing Page
- Joined
- Jan 27, 2022

Dominion Knights Realm
East of the Alanorath Mountains is a vast desert landscape known as the sands of Dominion. A city fortress set on an oasis is the last vestige of hope for many. To you its always been called home. Dominion is under the authority of Holy King Tavin Lillium. His grandson, Prince Tybex is the true authority, as his descendant is a decrepit old man barely uttering a word yet refuses to die. Tybex has sworn to the people that he will eliminate the enemies of Dominion and is his solemn vow to protect the city's interests. To reach his ends, he's employed you to work for the Royal Guard. This does not make you a royal guardsman, but you answer when they call if you hope to get paid.
Colorful crystal lanterns light up the desolate lonely street. You cling to your coat as a breeze kicks up sand into your face. Eventually you find a speakeasy to keep the dust away. A few glances catch you entering but the patrons return to their drinks and company. A magic recorder whines out a jazzical tune and a bartender asks if you'd like a smoke. The cigarette costs an absurd amount of copper but it came with a 'complimentary' finger of whiskey. The mustachioed bartender winks at you and asks for your name...
Roleplay Expectations
Sorry to break the intro but I want to make a few things clear before we get any further. Make sure you read carefully before PMing a sheet
- I have a list of guidelines for character creation and I will only answer PMs with character sheets that fit the requirements I have laid out.
- I will reply to posts fairly quickly and expect my partner to have enough availability to give this campaign high priority.
- Combat posts need not be excessive in length. I prefer short posts since combat turns are about 6 seconds of in-game time, and doing it quicker to get through combat is preferred
- I will be rolling dice and acting as referee in combat, letting the player know when they hit or miss their target. Player posts should leave these types of actions open ended for the reply post.
- Out of Combat, I expect posts to not only include things like what the character is doing and saying, but also their thoughts, hopes, desires, dreams, fears, etc. This is your story and I want to read your character's journey. Doing this will also give me better insight into where the story should go next.
- Along with your character sheet include ~150 words of rp sample. I will not respond to character posts lacking an rp sample. Samples should have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Rp posts will be more casual but for a sample I think accuracy counts.
- When you send your sheet it would also be helpful to include your ONs and OFFs for kinks.
5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons Character Creation Guidelines
Include a face claim, can be real life or artwork, please no anime
- Male or Female
- Age range: 18-22. Elves and Halflings mature at the same rate as humans but have different longevity.
- Level 2, multi-classing allowed
- Race Choice: Human, Elf, Halfling, Half-elf
- Must be Lawful Good or Neutral Good
- Class Choice: Bard, Fighter, Cleric, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Wizard.
- Ability Score Array: 15, 15, 14, 13, 12, 10
- Max HD for hit points every level
- Bonus 200 gold on top of average starting wealth. Must be spent. Character may only have ~10 gold at start of game. Any excess gold will be wasted.
City Layout
Capital Central- The Old Castle at the center of the city is where the Holy King and his family reside. Its also home to Central Command Station, the police agency task force.
Saints Cathedral- An open church for the practice of all Dominion faiths. All good and neutral gods may be worshiped here
City Transit System- a magic train pulls cars through an under-above ground railway system around the city. Station A takes you to the north end. Station B goes west, Station C is south, and Station D for the east
The Bazaar- the open air markets in the north end. A place for travelers to acquire goods, for adventurers weapons and armor, and for the curious, perhaps more.
Monster Quarter- The West Side of the city is a despondent ghetto where city patrols have often neglected. Thieves, strange meta-humans, and creatures born of evil like to lurk in this part of town.
Reaper's Grotto: a long dark alley in Monster Quarter with many hidden alcoves and sanctuaries to ward off the stench of death.
The Pits- The fastest trip to fates of pleasure and pain. Its location is unknown.
South Town- Home to the Saints Cathedral, this part of the city is home to a lot of clerics and healing maidens, also known as nuns.
East Block- Wide stretch of city street, populated by lots of diners, restaurants, speakeasy, etc. Better known as the red light district of Dominion. Low income housing included
Saints Cathedral- An open church for the practice of all Dominion faiths. All good and neutral gods may be worshiped here
City Transit System- a magic train pulls cars through an under-above ground railway system around the city. Station A takes you to the north end. Station B goes west, Station C is south, and Station D for the east
The Bazaar- the open air markets in the north end. A place for travelers to acquire goods, for adventurers weapons and armor, and for the curious, perhaps more.
Monster Quarter- The West Side of the city is a despondent ghetto where city patrols have often neglected. Thieves, strange meta-humans, and creatures born of evil like to lurk in this part of town.
Reaper's Grotto: a long dark alley in Monster Quarter with many hidden alcoves and sanctuaries to ward off the stench of death.
The Pits- The fastest trip to fates of pleasure and pain. Its location is unknown.
South Town- Home to the Saints Cathedral, this part of the city is home to a lot of clerics and healing maidens, also known as nuns.
East Block- Wide stretch of city street, populated by lots of diners, restaurants, speakeasy, etc. Better known as the red light district of Dominion. Low income housing included
Many citizens live in fear of their government. Some fear the paladins more than a vampire, as a paladin need no permission to enter. The truth is some incidents are hard to explain and often an executioner is an easier scapegoat than a pile of ash. Folks are paranoid and cling to the nicer aspects of the church while ignoring the dirty work of monster slaying. A culture of paranoia has led to folks openly carrying their weaponry everywhere they go and exposed armor pieces. Some welcome the opportunity to test their strength in acts of male dominance or female mate selection. Dueling is illegal this does not stop many as the act is growing in popularity among the youth. Ideals of justice and personal code of honor are romanticized along with showing face in public. Clothing can often be enticing and bordering on lewd though never in open public gatherings. Many seek refuge in private bath houses and forums to engage each other away from the prying eyes of the inquisition.
The commoners often seek Mitra's healing embrace. Her depictions are always of a gorgeous large-breasted woman as she's the goddess of Healing, Fertility, and Light. Amun-Ra's domains of Justice, Protection, and Magic often draw a morally neutral audience who are more self-determined and depict him as dignified and stoic. The churches work as a council under guidance of the Prince. Official Holidays include Light Day, Saintsgiving, and The Festival of Stars. All followers wear a silver star as common jewelry or stars adorned on decorations to signify to the gods. Mitra's colors are Blue and Silver and Amun-Ra's are Black and Gold.
Monster Quarter is a lost cause, the council has decided in their malaise. Prince Tybex doesn't like their complacency but the police flat-out refuse to patrol the area. This is why parts of the city are closed off from the common public. Until the streets can be reclaimed, streets of buildings been sanctioned in lien. Tybex is convinced the council doesn't tell the public there's monsters in the city for good reason. They don't know how to stop it. All they can do is contain the spread of corruption. Public outcry would be horrendous.
Important NPCs
Holy King Tavin Lillium, a relic in a seat of faux power on the throne.
Prince Tybex Lillium, the man at the top of command. His grandfather is the Holy King, a mound on a throne. (edited)
Frothmire Goldflake- A Dwarven captain of the Royal guard. He handles a lot of work for adventurous types
Sid Many-Eyes: a lizardman who deals in secrets and fences goods
Damian Regalios- head of the holy church of Amun-ra and Mitra
Father Atrius Bores- A cult member operating within the church
Prince Tybex Lillium, the man at the top of command. His grandfather is the Holy King, a mound on a throne. (edited)
Frothmire Goldflake- A Dwarven captain of the Royal guard. He handles a lot of work for adventurous types
Sid Many-Eyes: a lizardman who deals in secrets and fences goods
Damian Regalios- head of the holy church of Amun-ra and Mitra
Father Atrius Bores- A cult member operating within the church
Party Characters
Dax Sawtooth (level 3) A back-talking and flighty Halfling rogue missing his pinkie finger.
Alzon Griztskesh (level 3) Dragonborn weaponsmith and fighter with a hidden soft side.
Finni Lenara (level 4)- A female Elf ranger with a pet monkey and scarab tattoos.
Talion Harmonic (level 3) Human cleric of the Life domain with a love for cooking and mild OCD.
Alzon Griztskesh (level 3) Dragonborn weaponsmith and fighter with a hidden soft side.
Finni Lenara (level 4)- A female Elf ranger with a pet monkey and scarab tattoos.
Talion Harmonic (level 3) Human cleric of the Life domain with a love for cooking and mild OCD.
Outside the City < 50 miles
Riverport- A riverside trade town owned and operated by a group of closely knit former bandits.
Graygardens- A field of sickly looking plants called orcweed grown by a crusty old man.
Jamrock- A goblin tinker town. Fast machines get travelers across country for a price. A place of discoveries surrounded by crag rock.
Hidden Temples- tombs sealed with the mummified remains of lords and their loved ones, plus all their gold and treasures
Graygardens- A field of sickly looking plants called orcweed grown by a crusty old man.
Jamrock- A goblin tinker town. Fast machines get travelers across country for a price. A place of discoveries surrounded by crag rock.
Hidden Temples- tombs sealed with the mummified remains of lords and their loved ones, plus all their gold and treasures